Monthly Archive: February 2012

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This…

The Roundway formation, 23rd July 2011

The Roundway Melatonin Molecule 2011

1. The Roundway Melatonin Molecule
of 2011

Every now and again, there comes a circle that is really unique, original and inventive; the Roundway formation of 2011 was one such formation. Seemingly a long, cascading, daisy-chain of flowers, stems and petals, there was something rather unassuming about the design, yet it was soon obvious that something more serious lay beneath its pretty, summery exterior.

As I write it is February of 2012 and most of the crop circle community is already expressing its excitement about the 2012 season. But I am such a slow coach, I’m still trying to fully absorb the crop circles of 2011! To me there were so many fantastic circles last season that it’s taking time to get to grips with them all, to sketch the ones I’m ‘drawn’ to and to try to tease out some meaning from their magnificent forms. Perhaps it is a sign of growing older, but perhaps it is equally symbolic of my aversion to the stamp collecting and superficiality of some of the popular interest in the crop circles. I am of course, as excited as everyone else when a new circle appears, sometimes as giddy as a school girl (I know that may be hard for some of you to imagine!), but I prefer to savour my favourites, revisit them, not abandon them as soon as some new beau arrives in town. Perhaps, I sometimes wonder, this is some reflection of our modern consumerist society, in which every ‘new thing’ is fickly abandoned in favour of every ‘new thing’. We gallop hungrily through information and news at an alarming rate in our online travails, but I also wonder, how much of that sinks in, or how much is truly understood or appreciated? To simply consume information, is not the same as understanding it, or being able to see its implications.

To appreciate the circles is to want to spend time with them, much like a good friend. I like to look at them, listen to them, and even engage in a little play with them. I like to feel that I got to know them a little and that in doing so I might be able to understand them better. The internet may have brought us ever more speedy news and images of new circles, but what has been sacrificed is a deeper engagement with the formations and most importantly: considered comment. So much of the interpretive ‘work’ applied to the circles is instantaneous, literal and shallow. I am constantly flabbergasted that they are cursorily consumed and accepted en masse with not another thought. Once a circle has been seen and some ‘soundbite’ or hurried inference is made, the case is effectively closed. I find this incredibly sad. Perhaps we have become so accustomed to being spoon-fed information, that we rarely question it, or even give it a second thought?

The Melatonin molecule shown as a 2D diagram

2. The Melatonin molecule shown as a 2D diagram

The Roundway formation of 2011 was something new. We had not seen a design anything like it before. Within hours it had been rightly pointed out that the pattern was some kind of play on a molecular diagram of Melatonin. This was very curious, many had mistakenly assumed that it was perhaps some kind of psychedelic, and at first I thought it might be Seratonin (our happy hormone), Melatonin seemed an off-beat substance to be presenting us with.

While I contemplated this, I decided to draw the formation. It was fantastic to draw! It was one of those formations that just danced itself onto the page. It was also almost entirely self-generating, each part of the formation anticipated the next, so that practically no guess work or field measurements were needed.

The first circle, division by 6 then 12, allows the petals to be defined and drawn in.

3. The first circle, division by 6 then 12, allows the petals to be defined and drawn in.

I began with the six-fold round-petalled flower, dividing a circle into six, by creating an internal six-fold flower. This is achieved by establishing a straight line through the centre of the circle. Then keeping the compasses at the same diameter as the circle, you place one end of the compasses on the perimeter of the circle where the straight line intersects and draw a curve (which travels through the centre of the circle) until it intersects another point of the perimeter, then you place the compass point on the place where that curve intersects the perimeter and draw another curve – so on and so on – until an six-fold thin-petalled flower emerges. The diameter of each of the six circular petals in the finished formation was extrapolated by drawing a circle that fitted exactly into the space between each of the thin petals. The further division of the circle into twelve allowed for the compass to be placed at the precise centre between the two petals to draw the circle in. This small circle diameter was then used to create all the ‘round petal’ circles in the formation.

Here six and five make nine! Love, life and birth  – or re-generation.

4. Here six and five make nine! Love, life and birth – or re-generation.

Before I had gotten around to drawing the formation out in its entirety I had already drawn the central component on of the formation – a six-fold flower conjoined to a five-fold flower. I was fascinated by this conjunction. It is quite unusual to see such a side-by-side marriage of two different shapes. Usually, the combination of numbers is more centralised, or overlaid in crop circle design. Six is the number of best economy, harmony and love, while five is the number of life and the self-generation of all living things. To see love and life hand-in-hand, so to speak, was beautiful – what a marriage indeed. Five and six equal eleven, the number that signals ‘access to other dimensions’, but in this formation the particular conjoining of these two flowers produced only nine petals. Nine is the number of birth or threshold – Love, Life and regeneration was indicated – here numbers are much more than mere quantities, they are sheer poetry.

The six petalled flower conjoined with another circle

5. The six petalled flower conjoined with another circle (left) divided by six, that places the arms and circles at one end of the formation, and on the other side (right) conjoined with a circle divided by five.

The rest of the formation was made from the conjoining of many more six-fold circles. Even the placement of the arms were guided by circles of the same size, which were similarly divided into six. In picture 5 you can see the six-petalled flower nestled between two circles, one divided by six and another divided by five. On the page, I used a straight edge drawn between the two petals that would be attached to the five-fold flower to draw a pentagon, using that line as one side of the five-sided shape – then enclosing it in a circle. This gave the precise size (diameter) of the five-fold flower, which was smaller than the six-fold flower and the rest of the circles used to underpin the formation. Rather than thinking about the formation as a series of circles, which the design seems to suggest, think about the formation as being underpinned by a series of several hexagons and one pentagon at it centre.

The entire underlying geometry drawn our on the page

6. The entire underlying geometry drawn our on the page. The diameters and positioning of every element was self-generating.

A collage of shapes

7. A collage of shapes showing how this collection of hexagons and one pentagon underpinned the whole design

After I had finished the drawing I decided to make a collage to show the way the hexagons and the one pentagon fitted together. The traditional molecular diagram (picture 2) shows exactly these shapes at work. Now that the underlying skeleton was complete all that was left was to pick out the design in black ink.

Picking out the design in black ink from the geometric skeleton

8. Picking out the design in black ink from the geometric skeleton

Adding in the grapeshot circles by eye

9. Adding in the grapeshot circles by eye and then adding in colour finishes the sketch.

Quite unconsciously, I realised sometime later, I had chosen to colour the drawing with light and dark blue, the colour of the daytime and night skies. Clearly I had been meditating deeply on the significance of melatonin while I had been drawing!

So what are we to make of a reference to melatonin? Several things spring to mind. Firstly, melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that plays a central role in the regulation of our biorhythm of waking and sleeping. Melatonin is produced in the brain when the light coming into our eyes begins to dim and prepares the body for sleep. I think there are layers of meaning here; the first is the idea that the crop circles are made during the hours of dark, and are revealed by the coming day, so they too are part of our sleeping and waking cycle. Another idea was expressed by a friend of mine who proposed that it may be a reflection of how asleep we are spiritually, and how we need to “wake-up!” Another colleague suggested that it could be telling us to “watch our dreams”, or that it may symbolise the unconscious.

Finally, some weeks after making this drawing I began to see something else. The two-fold nature of this formation had been playing much on my mind; the idea of night and day, wakefulness and sleep, consciousness and unconsciousness, standing and flattened crop and finally the thought of it’s inherent geometry and number and also its symbolism and beauty. I realised something that I think is really important to my understanding of the crop circles themselves, and that is that their designs appeal simultaneously to our left- brain with their geometry and clever design, and to our right-brain with their symbolism and beauty. The circles are not just designed to appeal to our intellect, but also (if you will permit me) to our souls. I had an inkling of this idea earlier in the season, I think I even wrote about it in an earlier blog, but this formation brought this home to me in a very experiential, visceral way. For those that consider the crop circles to be messages of some kind, the fact that they are messages that are ‘directed’ at both hemispheres of our brains is fascinating to say the least.

I wonder, however, if the crop circles are a reflection of, and simultaneously a catalyst for, a re-balancing of our very left-brained western culture. For the last hundred years or more we have seen the rising dominance of the mental/rational consciousness state. We have seen the role of dreams, art and even the paranormal suppressed by a way of thinking that cannot quantify them. We have systematically rendered our world, if not our universe and our very existence, down to a set of numbers and empty space – we are in danger of falling in to a nihilistic stupor. That we have something manifesting in our world that marries the ‘rational’ and the ‘imaginal’ is, I have to say, quite amazing and the implications are nothing short of auspicious.


More… The number Nineteen and the nature of Synchronicity

Nineteen standing stems. Picture by JPDV.

Nineteen standing stems. Picture by JPDV.

A close colleague of mine has for many years had an uncanny relationship and fascination with the number nineteen. In fact this number has made itself known to my friend on many occasions through the crop circles, dreams and many synchronicities. So he was delighted to find that the Roundway melatonin circle had a relationship to the number nineteen too. By counting all the petal circles and the two smaller circles attached, one at each end of the formation, and adding in the two centre circles of the five and six-fold flowers, we get to nineteen. As he walked through the circle he was also delighted to find that in the centre of one of the circles stood a central tuft of exactly nineteen standing stems. I have often wondered if the experience of synchronicity is linked in some way to experiences of the mystical, or the paranormal, in that they are all of the same ‘quality’. It is a subject that I intend to give much more thought to. But what of nineteen? Nineteen is a number that is hard to interpret, as it is well beyond the familiar decad. It is of course a prime number and it is linked to lunar cycles – the metonic cycle to be precise. A numerical link with the moon and the unconscious carries a link with larger symbolism of the formation as Melatonin. I guess we might look at nineteen then as ten and nine. If ten is the number of new beginnings, but a beginning that is embarked upon with all the experience that the decad brings (all the numbers one to nine), and nine is the number of birth and threshold, then perhaps we might say that nineteen is the number of rebirth – it is a fascinating thing to meditate upon. The idea of a re-birth or perhaps more eloquently ‘paradigm shift’ is one that many intuitively associate with the crop circles.

Perhaps we might be allowed to make one further, final speculation? Perhaps this paradigm shift is to do with the re-acceptance of the soul; the role of the imagination, dreams, mythology and folklore as vital parts not just of the human psyche, but as the old hermetic sages would have had us believe, as an active and fundamental part of the make-up of reality.

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This…

The Roundway formation, 23rd July 2011

The Roundway Melatonin Molecule 2011

1. The Roundway Melatonin Molecule
of 2011

Every now and again, there comes a circle that is really unique, original and inventive; the Roundway formation of 2011 was one such formation. Seemingly a long, cascading, daisy-chain of flowers, stems and petals, there was something rather unassuming about the design, yet it was soon obvious that something more serious lay beneath its pretty, summery exterior.

As I write it is February of 2012 and most of the crop circle community is already expressing its excitement about the 2012 season. But I am such a slow coach, I’m still trying to fully absorb the crop circles of 2011! To me there were so many fantastic circles last season that it’s taking time to get to grips with them all, to sketch the ones I’m ‘drawn’ to and to try to tease out some meaning from their magnificent forms. Perhaps it is a sign of growing older, but perhaps it is equally symbolic of my aversion to the stamp collecting and superficiality of some of the popular interest in the crop circles. I am of course, as excited as everyone else when a new circle appears, sometimes as giddy as a school girl (I know that may be hard for some of you to imagine!), but I prefer to savour my favourites, revisit them, not abandon them as soon as some new beau arrives in town. Perhaps, I sometimes wonder, this is some reflection of our modern consumerist society, in which every ‘new thing’ is fickly abandoned in favour of every ‘new thing’. We gallop hungrily through information and news at an alarming rate in our online travails, but I also wonder, how much of that sinks in, or how much is truly understood or appreciated? To simply consume information, is not the same as understanding it, or being able to see its implications.

To appreciate the circles is to want to spend time with them, much like a good friend. I like to look at them, listen to them, and even engage in a little play with them. I like to feel that I got to know them a little and that in doing so I might be able to understand them better. The internet may have brought us ever more speedy news and images of new circles, but what has been sacrificed is a deeper engagement with the formations and most importantly: considered comment. So much of the interpretive ‘work’ applied to the circles is instantaneous, literal and shallow. I am constantly flabbergasted that they are cursorily consumed and accepted en masse with not another thought. Once a circle has been seen and some ‘soundbite’ or hurried inference is made, the case is effectively closed. I find this incredibly sad. Perhaps we have become so accustomed to being spoon-fed information, that we rarely question it, or even give it a second thought?

The Melatonin molecule shown as a 2D diagram

2. The Melatonin molecule shown as a 2D diagram

The Roundway formation of 2011 was something new. We had not seen a design anything like it before. Within hours it had been rightly pointed out that the pattern was some kind of play on a molecular diagram of Melatonin. This was very curious, many had mistakenly assumed that it was perhaps some kind of psychedelic, and at first I thought it might be Seratonin (our happy hormone), Melatonin seemed an off-beat substance to be presenting us with.

While I contemplated this, I decided to draw the formation. It was fantastic to draw! It was one of those formations that just danced itself onto the page. It was also almost entirely self-generating, each part of the formation anticipated the next, so that practically no guess work or field measurements were needed.

The first circle, division by 6 then 12, allows the petals to be defined and drawn in.

3. The first circle, division by 6 then 12, allows the petals to be defined and drawn in.

I began with the six-fold round-petalled flower, dividing a circle into six, by creating an internal six-fold flower. This is achieved by establishing a straight line through the centre of the circle. Then keeping the compasses at the same diameter as the circle, you place one end of the compasses on the perimeter of the circle where the straight line intersects and draw a curve (which travels through the centre of the circle) until it intersects another point of the perimeter, then you place the compass point on the place where that curve intersects the perimeter and draw another curve – so on and so on – until an six-fold thin-petalled flower emerges. The diameter of each of the six circular petals in the finished formation was extrapolated by drawing a circle that fitted exactly into the space between each of the thin petals. The further division of the circle into twelve allowed for the compass to be placed at the precise centre between the two petals to draw the circle in. This small circle diameter was then used to create all the ‘round petal’ circles in the formation.

Here six and five make nine! Love, life and birth  – or re-generation.

4. Here six and five make nine! Love, life and birth – or re-generation.

Before I had gotten around to drawing the formation out in its entirety I had already drawn the central component on of the formation – a six-fold flower conjoined to a five-fold flower. I was fascinated by this conjunction. It is quite unusual to see such a side-by-side marriage of two different shapes. Usually, the combination of numbers is more centralised, or overlaid in crop circle design. Six is the number of best economy, harmony and love, while five is the number of life and the self-generation of all living things. To see love and life hand-in-hand, so to speak, was beautiful – what a marriage indeed. Five and six equal eleven, the number that signals ‘access to other dimensions’, but in this formation the particular conjoining of these two flowers produced only nine petals. Nine is the number of birth or threshold – Love, Life and regeneration was indicated – here numbers are much more than mere quantities, they are sheer poetry.

The six petalled flower conjoined with another circle

5. The six petalled flower conjoined with another circle (left) divided by six, that places the arms and circles at one end of the formation, and on the other side (right) conjoined with a circle divided by five.

The rest of the formation was made from the conjoining of many more six-fold circles. Even the placement of the arms were guided by circles of the same size, which were similarly divided into six. In picture 5 you can see the six-petalled flower nestled between two circles, one divided by six and another divided by five. On the page, I used a straight edge drawn between the two petals that would be attached to the five-fold flower to draw a pentagon, using that line as one side of the five-sided shape – then enclosing it in a circle. This gave the precise size (diameter) of the five-fold flower, which was smaller than the six-fold flower and the rest of the circles used to underpin the formation. Rather than thinking about the formation as a series of circles, which the design seems to suggest, think about the formation as being underpinned by a series of several hexagons and one pentagon at it centre.

The entire underlying geometry drawn our on the page

6. The entire underlying geometry drawn our on the page. The diameters and positioning of every element was self-generating.

A collage of shapes

7. A collage of shapes showing how this collection of hexagons and one pentagon underpinned the whole design

After I had finished the drawing I decided to make a collage to show the way the hexagons and the one pentagon fitted together. The traditional molecular diagram (picture 2) shows exactly these shapes at work. Now that the underlying skeleton was complete all that was left was to pick out the design in black ink.

Picking out the design in black ink from the geometric skeleton

8. Picking out the design in black ink from the geometric skeleton

Adding in the grapeshot circles by eye

9. Adding in the grapeshot circles by eye and then adding in colour finishes the sketch.

Quite unconsciously, I realised sometime later, I had chosen to colour the drawing with light and dark blue, the colour of the daytime and night skies. Clearly I had been meditating deeply on the significance of melatonin while I had been drawing!

So what are we to make of a reference to melatonin? Several things spring to mind. Firstly, melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that plays a central role in the regulation of our biorhythm of waking and sleeping. Melatonin is produced in the brain when the light coming into our eyes begins to dim and prepares the body for sleep. I think there are layers of meaning here; the first is the idea that the crop circles are made during the hours of dark, and are revealed by the coming day, so they too are part of our sleeping and waking cycle. Another idea was expressed by a friend of mine who proposed that it may be a reflection of how asleep we are spiritually, and how we need to “wake-up!” Another colleague suggested that it could be telling us to “watch our dreams”, or that it may symbolise the unconscious.

Finally, some weeks after making this drawing I began to see something else. The two-fold nature of this formation had been playing much on my mind; the idea of night and day, wakefulness and sleep, consciousness and unconsciousness, standing and flattened crop and finally the thought of it’s inherent geometry and number and also its symbolism and beauty. I realised something that I think is really important to my understanding of the crop circles themselves, and that is that their designs appeal simultaneously to our left- brain with their geometry and clever design, and to our right-brain with their symbolism and beauty. The circles are not just designed to appeal to our intellect, but also (if you will permit me) to our souls. I had an inkling of this idea earlier in the season, I think I even wrote about it in an earlier blog, but this formation brought this home to me in a very experiential, visceral way. For those that consider the crop circles to be messages of some kind, the fact that they are messages that are ‘directed’ at both hemispheres of our brains is fascinating to say the least.

I wonder, however, if the crop circles are a reflection of, and simultaneously a catalyst for, a re-balancing of our very left-brained western culture. For the last hundred years or more we have seen the rising dominance of the mental/rational consciousness state. We have seen the role of dreams, art and even the paranormal suppressed by a way of thinking that cannot quantify them. We have systematically rendered our world, if not our universe and our very existence, down to a set of numbers and empty space – we are in danger of falling in to a nihilistic stupor. That we have something manifesting in our world that marries the ‘rational’ and the ‘imaginal’ is, I have to say, quite amazing and the implications are nothing short of auspicious.


More… The number Nineteen and the nature of Synchronicity

Nineteen standing stems. Picture by JPDV.

Nineteen standing stems. Picture by JPDV.

A close colleague of mine has for many years had an uncanny relationship and fascination with the number nineteen. In fact this number has made itself known to my friend on many occasions through the crop circles, dreams and many synchronicities. So he was delighted to find that the Roundway melatonin circle had a relationship to the number nineteen too. By counting all the petal circles and the two smaller circles attached, one at each end of the formation, and adding in the two centre circles of the five and six-fold flowers, we get to nineteen. As he walked through the circle he was also delighted to find that in the centre of one of the circles stood a central tuft of exactly nineteen standing stems. I have often wondered if the experience of synchronicity is linked in some way to experiences of the mystical, or the paranormal, in that they are all of the same ‘quality’. It is a subject that I intend to give much more thought to. But what of nineteen? Nineteen is a number that is hard to interpret, as it is well beyond the familiar decad. It is of course a prime number and it is linked to lunar cycles – the metonic cycle to be precise. A numerical link with the moon and the unconscious carries a link with larger symbolism of the formation as Melatonin. I guess we might look at nineteen then as ten and nine. If ten is the number of new beginnings, but a beginning that is embarked upon with all the experience that the decad brings (all the numbers one to nine), and nine is the number of birth and threshold, then perhaps we might say that nineteen is the number of rebirth – it is a fascinating thing to meditate upon. The idea of a re-birth or perhaps more eloquently ‘paradigm shift’ is one that many intuitively associate with the crop circles.

Perhaps we might be allowed to make one further, final speculation? Perhaps this paradigm shift is to do with the re-acceptance of the soul; the role of the imagination, dreams, mythology and folklore as vital parts not just of the human psyche, but as the old hermetic sages would have had us believe, as an active and fundamental part of the make-up of reality.

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Grapefruit Seed Extract – Not What You Think It Is! – Job Description: Mommy

What is it?

Grapefruit Seed Extract or GSE is a synthetic combination of grapefruit pulp and chemicals.  Yes, you read that correctly…chemicals.  It is not all natural, much to my dismay.

How is it made?

GSE is made by taking the pulp, not necessarily seeds, from grapefruit juice production and in a multi step industrial chemical process change the natural phenolic compounds into synthetic quaternary ammonium compounds.  Added chemicals and heat are used in this process, chemicals you would never knowingly sign up to put into your body, especially if you are of the type to be searching out a natural, alternative remedy.

Some of the chemicals used in this process are:

ammonium chloride (Material Safety Data Sheet here)

benzethonium chloride (Material Safety Data Sheet here)

triclosan (Material Safety Data Sheet here)

methyl paraben (Environmental Working Group’s information here)


According to a report from the Institute of Pharmacy, Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany:

“The antimicrobial efficacy as well as the content of preservative agents of six commercial grapefruit seed extracts were examined. Five of the six extracts showed a high growth-inhibiting activity against the test germs. In all of the antimicrobial active grapefruit seed extracts, the preservative benzethonium chloride was detected by thin layer chromatography. Additionally, three extracts contained the preserving substances triclosan and methyl paraben. In only one of the grapefruit seed extracts tested no preservative agent was found. However, with this extract as well as with several self-made extracts from seed and juiceless pulp of grapefruits (Citrus paradisi), no antimicrobial activity could be detected. Thus, it is concluded that the potent as well as nearly universal antimicrobial activity being attributed to grapefruit seed extract is merely due to the synthetic preservative agents contained within. Natural products with antimicrobial activity do not appear to be present.”

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) did a study following up that of the one mentioned above out of Germany and found:

“Confirming an earlier study by researchers in Germany we found that some commercial grapefruit seed extracts contain benzethonium chloride, a synthetic antimicrobial agent commonly used in cosmetics and only approved for topical use, at relatively high levels of 8%.”


Many of you may have expected a post about how wonderful GSE is, and the myriad of ailments it has been known to treat.  Knowing what I do now, after researching, I cannot in good conscience recommend anyone use GSE.  Unfortunately the word “natural” is not regulated by any agency, and thus can be used on any product.   Lead is all natural, so is tar, but you wouldn’t spray them in your mouth to treat a sore throat.  It’s unfortunate in many ways that what we as consumers are led to believe is truly a natural product is made by synthetic means, in a laboratory, using synthetic harmful chemicals, and this process is not being regulated.  I do not personally hope for regulation, I hope for education.  The FDA will not ever have my stamp of approval nor my trust.  Only me

original source


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Belief Systems

22nd January 2012

By Kanta Jacob Katz Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Our belief systems are thoughts that have become our habits that determine what we think, what we feel and how we react to life. They influence every fiber of our being.

In our everyday life when we talk about “beliefs” we usually refer to the values we adopt consciously in our life, to our social, political and religious ‘beliefs’ according to which we act and behave. However, here we are talking about something of a wider perspective: about convictions that we have embraced regarding the world and ourselves in general of which we are not always aware. In this sense, belief systems operate on an unconscious level so that we are not even aware of them and the power they hold.

What does all that mean to us? It means we have established thoughts and feelings about who we are, all kept intact by the ‘flowing constant energy’ called ‘belief’. This belief or a whole set of different beliefs constructed into a system dictate our deeds, our behaviors and choices. In other words, our beliefs are the invisible instigators of what we have created in our life. These beliefs define how we feel about ourselves. They are the core beliefs that mold our reality. These ideas are strengthening and reinforcing the foundation of who we are.

Where does it all come from? Belief systems are inherited and taught directly or indirectly from childhood. In those precious times, we were taught what to believe and who and what we are supposed to be. We were drilled either by talks or by experiences that impressed on the youthful soul to think a certain way, to act a certain way. After a while, we began to accept this new reality as truth giving up our free will choice to even question it. We might even doubt about what is truth for us and what is not. These beliefs have had and continue to have a tremendous effect on us.

Let’s look at these two words together and their meaning, to get a picture of how they interact in our life.

The definition of ‘belief’ is:

(1) A thought or feeling that something exists or is true, without proof.

(2) A vague or specific idea on which some confidence is placed.

(3) A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true.

The definition of ‘system’ is:

(1) A combination of interrelated interacting elements designed to work as a coherent unit.

(2) A group of interrelated elements comprising a unified whole.

(3) A complex method of rules governing behavior.

Who we have become can be based on old information coming from our religious background, social status, and family tradition, making us believe a lot of things about ourselves. Is it likely that you identify yourself with what you believe?

Could it be that your identity was built on a false foundation? What beliefs have you empowered that have shaped and molded your life? Are you living up to the expectation and patterns that others have placed on you? Are you free?

What we think can be tools for creation, give us the ability to live in inner peace or they can keep us locked in a prison. Have your beliefs locked you up in an energy jail? A place you can’t see to escape from? These energy jails act like force fields that surround the body, mind and spirit. Once in place, these force fields lock us into painful patterns not allowing us to create a new way of life. However, we need to understand that we are responsible for creating everything. When we create an energy jail, we often do it because we think it protects us from getting hurt. These jails may stay dormant for a long time if that is what we have programmed them to do, only to become active when we call them forth for our ‘protection’, creating difficulties.

Discovering if we have created one of these energy jails is not always simple. Many times it’s possible to set internal alarms so we cannot even get close to understand and see what we have created because of the pain. If we do attempt to see it may feel as if we had a physical fight after an encounter with the jailer self. In our resistance, we may become ill, have muscle soreness in the body, become depressed or any number of diseases may manifest. Many of us have become experts in giving ourselves self-punishment. Many may be addicted to that painful emotional and physical cycle. We then run to the doctor or to the healer because of the problem.

Do you live in an energy jail? To see what you have created try this: Take some time to relax. Find a place and time you wont be disturbed. Begin to breathe deeply, use equal breath. After a few minutes, when you feel your mind and body becoming relaxed, ask yourself: “What do I really believe about myself?” “What do I deserve?” You can search deeper by asking what changes could I make in my life and why?” Always remember change is a choice! You are your best healer.

About the Author

Kanta Jacob Katz Ph.D. has been assisting people for more than twenty-five years. He is a spiritual counselor and an advanced Tai Yi Practitioner. He is a Naturopathic doctor with a Masters degree in Natural Health. He is practicing and continues to study Tai Yi an ancient Chinese system of hands on energy work. He is also certified in personal training. Kanta is working with individuals and groups guiding ones in the area of “spiritual nutrition” and healing in an enjoyable and playful manner. He has practised in Los Angeles, California and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He presently lives and practices in Athens, Greece.

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Constitution Halts Sheriff

On the 20 February 2012 the deputy Sheriff arrived at another Irish familys home to repossess it and give the keys to the bank in Co Laois. Thus putting another Irish family onto the streets.
People from ,
and everyone else that was there.
Ben Gilroy from “Freedom From All” questions the sheriff outside the gates to the house and does an interview at the end of the video.
We would like to applaud both the Sheriff and the An Garda Síochána for there civil manner and understanding of the Constitutional challenges being put forward.

This video is released under the
I hereby release this video under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Please do not edited the content but feel free to Redistribute.
Download, Show at public meetings etc. (You get the idea)

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Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA « 2012 Indy Info – LRC

The Canadian National Newspaper: Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA


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Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick

by Peter Jiang and Jenny Li

Artist representation of Semjase

Artist representation of Semjase who Exo-scientists indicate is a Pleiadian woman. Reference:

Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and other scholars in this area. Current findings are consistent with reports of Professor Sam Chang, who discreetly released information on his own apparent findings, in association with the Human Genome Project. Scientists are beginning to complain more and more about political attempts to compromise the integrity of their important work for humanity. The discreet releasing of findings, is one apparent way in which scientists try to cope with scientific peer pressures to conform to prevailing political pressures.

Details of findings have been published in part, by Dr. Michael Salla, who is a learned scholar on extraterrestrial research. Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings, in part, on carefully collecting data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and “whistleblowers”, as well as other documentation. These verified reliable sources have come into contact with representatives of non-Earth Human civilizations living in human populations at-large, and also in official capacities.

J. Watson and F. Crick (right)

Francis Crick and partner, James Watson, startled the academic world in 1953 when they deciphered the structure of the DNA molecule.

“Exo-science” is the study of extraterrestrial phenomenon. “Exo-science” is further associated with “exopolitics” which embraces the need for humanity to have open contacts with Extraterrestrials on a representative democratic basis, that respects Earth’s sovereignty.

In today’s “global economy” an “official science” which denies the analytical study of spiritual phenomena, as a legitimate context for understanding human reality, has been created over time. The “science” which is legitimated by institutions that are closely linked to this “global economy”, tends to seek to analyse only certain aspects of ‘materiality’. Priorised subjects by this “official science” are limited to areas which complement the agenda of constituencies of individuals who seek to manipulate the “recognized” body of human knowledge for power and control. That scientific priorisation context, has notably sought to exclude extraterrestrial relationships to humanity, in order to keep humanity ignorant of its apparent potential “locked” heritage within its own DNA.

Dr. Francis Crick

Dr. Francis Crick concluded Extraterrestrial orgins in the Human Genome, in relation to his well renown DNA research.

Indeed, efforts to seek a scientific context for the appreciation of spiritual phenomena, has also been frowned upon by the elites of institutionalized religions, which like “official science”, seek to control humanity within systems of accepted doctrine and dogma.

Collaborative exo-scientific research efforts inspired by Dr. Michael Salla, suggest that within the estimated over 20 types of extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extraterrestrial races. These apparent psycho-kinetic abilities are associated with the focusing of the creative collective consciousness of be-ing in the universe.

These psycho-kinetic abilities, for example, could be viewed to manifest from time to time, when human beings in the process of trying to save another life, for example, have been recorded as executing, “great physical and other acts” which seem to go beyond the realm of understanding by “official science”. The recorded healing abilities which individuals, for example, in aboriginal communities across the world have demonstrated in relation to their spirituality, which had also been recorded of Jesus, could be viewed to be associated with accessing this DNA “memory”. “Official science” which seeks to complement the interests of various companies who seek to commercially profit from drugs and other therapies, has apparently sought to deny the awesome potentials of humanity for an elevated quality-of-living, by accessing an apparent E.T. DNA memory.

Does Earth represent a genetic frontier, to some Extraterrestrials?

There have been eyewitness accounts globally, including the broadcasted video footage of professional broadcasters, by millions of people of apparent extraterrestrial spacecraft. Exo-scientists indicate that this is because “these Extraterrestrials have sought to observe, or intervene on Earth, as a result of human beings having the genetic footprints of their ancient forbearers.” It is important to note that exo-scientists do not claim that all extraterrestrials observed by humanity, do so because of a genetic association with humanity, although “genetics” is a reported prime motivation.

Earth, therefore, appears to represent a “strategic genetic frontier”, between scientifically ascertained extraterrestrials who “seeded”, Earth, and other extraterrestrials with varying genetic agendas.

Further visible indications of apparent Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA

The existence of diverse ethno-racial communities of humanity on Earth, perhaps, provides a further visible appearance of extraterrestrial (E.T.) ‘genetic communities’. African tribes, including the Dogon, notably, cite evidence of having origins from races of “supernatural creatures that came down from the sky.”

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SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL do not want you to see this – so here it is!

Thank You to Ian for letting us post his.


By Ian McFerran


I am now legally cleared to publish this.


For reasons best know to themselves, Shropshire Council didn’t want this information released to the public.  They claim, as you will see, that this was due to my part on one occasion where I acted as a “McKenzie Friend” to Robert Green at the High Court while he was representing Anne & Hollie Greig in their own case – which I obviously can’t go into here.


However, checks have now established that, as my Freedom of Information (a public request for information) request was nothing to do with that Closed Family Court Hearing and I was not asking questions about Hollie’s medical records, there are no legal grounds for me not to publish their response – which should have been public knowledge the moment I received it.


So, below are my questions, unedited and in full, that I submitted to Shropshire Council on 6th July 2011 (received by them on 7th July 2011) followed by their unedited and in full response.


My Freedom of Information request email to Shropshire Council…



Dear Mr Morris,

Further to your admittance below (albeit through some considerable pressure by myself and the Information Commissioner’s Office – and then only disclosed when it became obvious that an honest Police Constable in West-Mercia Police had confirmed that your Council had approach them prior to the illegal raid) that your Council was indeed party to the illegal raid on the home of Hollie & Anne Greig on 3rd June 2010, I now require the following information to be provided to me, under my right and your obligation via the Freedom of Information Act.  This is, therefore, a ‘new‘ Freedom of Information request to the Council.  It is presented to you with due regard to the matter you wish the Information Commissioner’s Office to agree with, in that the Council Officers who attended the illegal raid will not be named due to their ‘junior rank‘.  As this FoI request does not address these two individuals at all, it would appear logical that such a reason cannot be used again to warrant the invocation of the Data Protection Act to protect any more identities as the people I shall be referring to in this FoI request are ‘senior‘ to those who attended during the illegal (according to Shropshire Council) raid and so, by default, CAN be named in response to this FoI.


In addition, for and on the record, Robert Green has neither instructed, hinted, nor requested that I carry out this additional Freedom of Information request to Shropshire Council and so his current draconian bail conditions remain un-breached!  Indeed, by copying Robert Green into this email, this will be his first introduction to the matter.



  1. After the Council received the initial email from Mr Greg-Lance Watkins, which clearly indicated that there was no concern or alarm for the physical safety of Anne or Hollie Greig and gave no indication that their whereabouts was a matter for concern either… who, in Shropshire Council, initiated the investigating into this matter?  If the Council is again going to try to hide the identity of its PUBLICLY PAID SERVANT by claiming the Data Protection Act prevents such information being provided to the public (even though it is clearly in the public’s interest to know how its money is being spent) then please inform me of the “department” and “rank” of the Officers concerned who initiated the investigation and justify the ‘lawful’ reason for their identity being withheld
  2. Once the investigation had been initiated, who, in the Council, first approached West-Mercia Police Force – and WHY?  I ask this as the Police are another public resource/service, which has been drawn into this matter and the public clearly have a right to know why the Police were involved in this raid and why they were not out catching criminals or responding to 999 calls – for over 3 hours – on the day in question or during the Level Two meeting leading up to it
  3. Was the person(s) identified, in answer to question two, the same person who requested a Level Two meeting with the Police?
  4. Who, from the Council, attended the Level Two meeting with West-Mercia Police Force?  Again, if the Council wishes to hide the identity of their publicly paid servants (for, I submit, unjustifiable reasons) then please indicate the rank and position within the Council that theseFOUR individuals hold/held
  5. As well as the four Council Officers and the Police, was anyone else present at the Level Two meeting?
  6. Did anyone from the Council, during the Level Two meeting, suggest or indicate – in any way – to the Police that Hollie Greig was under the ‘care‘ of the Council?  Please note, I am not inquiring about the medical/health records of Hollie Greig, simply whether the Council gave the Police the impression that this was the case
  7. Did anyone from the Council, during the Level Two meeting, suggest or indicate – in any way – to the Police that Anne & Hollie Greig were ‘missing‘ or ‘in danger‘?
  8. If Anne & Hollie Greig were identified by the Council to the Police as being missing, in danger, or under the care of the Council, on what grounds did the Council consider this to be the case?
  9. What action, if any, did the Council request that the Police take at the conclusion of the Level Two meeting with West-Mercia Police?
  10. What date did the Level Two meeting take place?

Regarding questions 1, 5 and 6: I ask that very clear explanations are provided in respect of these and all questions, but these in particular, as the email from Mr Greg-Lance Watkins, which started this entire matter, appears to have been something which could have been addressed along the lines of “Thank you for your concern, Sir.  If you have any substantial evidence to support your request for the Council’s intervention, please forward this to the Council as a matter of urgency“.  I say that because it is perfectly clear, in reading the email which Mr Watkins took great glee in displaying on his website almost immediately, that there was nothing in that email to suggest Anne or Hollie were in any physical harm, at physical risk or anything else akin to that.  In fact, Mr Watkins clearly states the opposite.  All Mr Watkins was doing was moaning about the fact Hollie’s case was receiving so much attention and making so much progress towards convicting the paedophiles who repeatedly raped poor Hollie for years and years and years from the age of 6 onwards.  So, you can, I’m sure, understand why I am so confused as to why the Council would appear to approach the local Police – as confirmed happened by the Police – and ask that they become involved in Hollie’s life on nothing more than an email.


Mr Morris, I think it only fair that I point out to you now, so you and your Council do not make the same mistake again by lying to the public in response to a Freedom of Information request, that it is well known what happened and uncovering the facts – with or without the input of the Council – is no longer difficult.  So please, Mr Morris, in respect of Hollie Greig, who has been through more than enough trauma already, have a heart and please answer these questions quickly, honestly andopenly.  By now it should be perfectly clear that each and every person accused in this case will eventually have to face Justice in an open Court of law and accept the inevitable lengthy sentence that will be handed down to them.  It would be very stupid of you, at this stage, to withhold any more information as this would simply drag you personally into the same situation needlessly.  Shropshire Council have been caught lying in a Freedom of Information response – please don’t let it happen again.  In reading between the lines, it must be perfectly clear to you that I am not simply asking these questions out of curiosity.  So please, Mr Morris, for Hollie’s sake and for the sake of your own personal dignity, answer the questions I have put to you above, as fast as humanly possible so that your Council can regain some level of dignity at this late stage.


Naturally, I will allow the Council the customary 40 consecutive days for Shropshire Council to reply, although a fast response with full, detailed and honest answers would be appreciated and would certainly improve Shropshire Council’s already shattered reputation for honesty and integrity.


As always, the lay-legal adviser to Anne & Hollie Greig, Robert Green, has been copied into this email, along with members of their legal team, members of the ‘Justice for Hollie Greig Campaign’, the mainstream media, and other interested parties.


Yours sincerely,


Ian McFerran



Shropshire Council’s reply (4th August 2011)…




Dear Mr McFerran


Further to your information request received on 7 July, we reply as follows.


We have obtained permission from Mrs Greig to respond to your queries which would otherwise, in our view, largely be exempt from disclosure to you as they involve personal information. You were in Court on 14th June as Mr Green’s Mackenzie friend and as such would have had access to the Court documentation. We are, therefore prepared to provide you with the following response but you must not share this with anyone who is not a party to the Court of Protection proceedings.


Taking your points in order:


1. As is explained in the statement of Mr Johnston of 12th May 2010, the actions of Shropshire Council were initially precipitated not by Mr Greg Lance Watkins but by West Mercia Police. They contacted Shropshire Council on 19th January 2010 to raise certain adult protection concerns. The Court of Protection proceedings were commenced following specific concerns raised by the Downs Syndrome Association and their emails are also before the Court. They were authorised, as you already know, by Mr Chandler. The investigation into Anne and Hollie’s whereabouts was agreed upon at an adult protection meeting on 3rd June. West Mercia Police have provided an account of the process which is before the Court and which explains that it was a joint decision to visit the home of Anne and Hollie to conduct a “safe and well check” and that “if not found commence a missing persons enquiry”. That was the extent of the Council’s involvement in the process. The decision to subsequently enter 3 Birch Grove, Ruyton-XI-Towns was taken by West Mercia Police.

2. The Adult Protection meeting on 3rd June was called by Mr Chandler. It is not immediately apparent who physically contacted the police to request their attendance at the meeting but it was probably a junior administrative worker.

3. Please see the answer to question 2.

4. Mr Chandler, at the time Assistant Director (Adult Social Care), Mr Clarke, at the time Head of Adult Safeguarding, two more junior members of staff from the Adults with Learning Disabilities Team as well as a minute taker.

5. Yes.

6. No.

7. Please see the report prepared by the police and mentioned in the answer to question 1 above.

8. Please see the report prepared by the police and mentioned in the answer to question 1 above.

9. The action to carry out a “safe and well check” was agreed jointly.

10. 3rd June 2010.


Yours sincerely


Roy Morris


Information Governance Officer

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Hidden Depths

The Temple Balsall formation, Warwickshire – July 21st (approx.) 2011

The Temple Balsall formation – July 2011

The Temple Balsall formation – July 2011

I have thought very long and hard about this blog and have wrestled with it over a prolonged period of time. There is a tale to be told about the reporting of this formation, but it is mired in the murky underworld of crop circle politics. I decided in the end to concentrate on the virtues of the formation rather than tell a story which if anything only distracted from the formation. Certainly, in the end, the tale added nothing to our understanding of it. I apologise to those of you that read this blog that enjoy a bit of intrigue and gossip, but I just couldn’t bring myself to write about it. All I can say in my defence is that I have saved you all from the temptation to use “Feet that are swift to run into mischief” (as King Solomon is said to have loudly decried), and have instead hopefully offered you something meaningful and much more interesting…

The Temple Balsall formation was one of a small number of crop circles to occur outside the usual Wiltshire/Hampshire heartlands where the phenomenon in the UK most often occurs. In fact, 2011 had seen two rather beautiful and impressive formations near Louth in Lincolnshire in the early part of the season, and the very first circle of 2011 had occurred near Chepstow in Gwent. Having said this, it is still relatively rare to find large and complex formations outside the usual stomping grounds, but I think it goes to show that not all the best formations happen within Wiltshire’s borders.

As its name suggests Temple Balsall has historical connections to the Knights Templar, the land there was gifted to the knights as a reward for their bravery in the crusades. They established a community there until their dissolution by Papal bull in the early 1300s. However, Temple Balsall still has a thriving Christian community to this day.

There is no reason to directly connect the Knights Templar to the crop circles. While it might be true that there might have been an awareness of the ‘Liberal Arts’ within such organisations – many see the Templars as the forerunners of the modern Freemasons – there is nothing much else that connects them. There is of course much land in the UK that once belonged to the Templars and that still bears their name. From time to time crop circles have occurred on that land – a circle appeared at Temple Farm on the Marlborough Downs for instance in 2011 – but I doubt that in itself constitutes a genuine connection.

Outline & underlying geometry

Outline & underlying geometry. Division by thirty-two, Eight rings and four ribbons.

As far as I am aware, there have been no other circles at Temple Balsall or in that area before, so this was a first; I can’t help wondering what the locals made of it!

The formation itself was a classic mandala design, not unlike a gigantic rose window, but instead of the classical twelve-fold geometry so often found in church windows, this design was full of square numbers; four, eight, sixteen and thirty-two.

The encompassing circle is divided into thirty-two sections to create the design, then four criss-crossing ribbons (two sets of two) with reverse-point (V-shape) ends are placed at 90 degree angles to one another this creates sixteen points around the perimeter of the circle. It is this unusual V-shape that makes the pattern unique and interesting and also forms the octagram at the centre of the formation. Eight intersecting circles are then added which create the eight narrow oval shapes in the mid-part of the circle. The rest of the pattern is then picked out from the intersections of these combining parts.

The pattern is then picked-out from the skeleton geometry

The pattern is then picked-out from the skeleton geometry

It is the numbers that are most important thing about this formation. Eight, sixteen and thirty-two are all intensifications of the number four. I think this ‘intensification’ of number with in the circles is of great importance. Intensification of thought, or consciousness, brings about transformation. Anyone who has obsessively an intensely engaged with any subject often breaks through the mundane and the superficial; they delve into the deeper layers of meaning and connection not accessible in normal states of consciousness. To me, it gives them another dimension, where this intensification of number in the crop circles occurs, and a power that is very hard to quantify – a very deep power.

This idea is expressed directly by the numbers at play in this formation – particularly four and eight. Four (as I am sure you all know by now) is the number of ‘material reality’ – the physical world.

Finalised drawing with colour

Finalised drawing with colour to imitate both a church window and the spiritual quality of the formation

In the Geometer’s creation story it is the first ‘thing’ to be born from the Vesica, it is also the first ‘square’ number. Eight, is an intensification of four in that it is the first ‘cubic’ number (two times two times two), it is therefore four, with an extra dimension. This is an intensification of the number four, a deepening of dimension. Eight has been called the number of ‘periodic renewal’ or the number of ‘resonance’ It is the number that sounds the octave, after the seven notes of the musical scale, it returns to the beginning, but simultaneously takes us somewhere new. Again the idea of an intensification (resonance) and ‘periodic renewal’ (a repetition adding depth, dimension, or scale) is also played out. The fact that this process carries on into sixteen, then thirty-two only repeats the whole pattern, to greater intensifications and we begin to see glimpses of a fourth dimension emerging from within the numbers. The tesseract (fourth dimensional cube) has sixteen corners…

Resonance, echoes, intensification, the deepening and addition of dimensions are all part of the geometry of this formation. It is truly remarkable. It speaks to me of the transformation of the world springing up from within itself – it is perhaps a dangerous, subversive formation, yet one that seems completely in tune with the transformations occurring in our world right now.

The beautiful central lay of the formation, showing an octogram shape.

The beautiful central lay of the formation, showing an octogram shape.

It is a reflection of this shift in consciousness that is underway.

These ideas of intensification, the emergence of the fourth dimension and the interconnectedness of things are also part of Gebser’s idea of a new emerging state of consciousness which he called the Integral. We currently stand on the cusp between our Mental/Rational age of science and objectivity and a newly emerging Integral state. It seems that sometimes the crop circles provide an uncanny and a-rational commentary upon that process. Gebser also talked of the ‘concretisation of the spiritual’ in relation to the Integral state. What are crop circles, if not spiritual ideas made manifest and concrete on the face of the earth?

Drawing this crop circle was to dive headlong into the depths of this process of intensification and transformation. It required an intense concentration of mind, and was yet simultaneously a wonderfully spiritual experience. If the formation made the spiritual concrete in the field – the act of drawing it made the spiritual concrete on the page.


Post Script
As I was searching the web I found these two images, one of a rose window divided into sixteen and another divided by thirty-two. The sixteen window is only shown as a diagram here, but the glass shows Christ at the centre with his twelve apostles and four saints and the thirty-two window is Christ at the centre with twelve apostles and twenty angels. Note the life-giving number five at the centre of each of these windows; Christ said “I am the way, the truth and the life”.

Rose Window with 16 divisionsRose Window with 32 divisions

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