Experts, activists battle over fluoride in Soddy-Daisy water supply

Board members of Soddy-Daisy’s water system are set to vote today on whether to continue their policy of adding fluoride to the city’s water supply.

Several residents have questioned fluoride’s effectiveness and claim it is a health risk. Some of them showed up at last month’s meeting of the board of the North West Utility District, which supplies water to about 7,500 customers in Soddy-Daisy, Falling Water, Mowbray Mountain and Sale Creek, asking that the board stop adding fluoride to the water, despite assurances from several local dentists that fluoride is both safe and effective at preventing cavities.

Some residents claim fluoridation has been linked to health problems and has not been shown to be very effective in stopping cavities.

In a press release, a group called the Soddy Daisy Citizens Against Water Fluoridation said that “while fluoride in drinking water does NOT decrease rates of tooth decay, numerous studies show that these chemicals have a wide array of devastating health effects, as well as environmental and economic concerns.”

Several local dentists who were also at the meeting disagreed.

“Fluoride has been shown over the years to reduce tooth decay rates, and the best across-the-board way for people to get that is through the water system,” said Dr. Brian Schenck, president of the Chattanooga Area Dental Society, in an interview Monday. Schenck told the water system commissioners at their meeting last month he believes they should continue to inject fluoride into the water supply.

Fluoride was not recognized as a tool to fight cavities until the 1940s, when researchers tried to figure out what caused a brown stain on the teeth of people who lived in certain U.S. neighborhoods. They discovered the cause of the stain was a high level of the naturally occurring chemical fluoride in local water supplies. But they also discovered that high levels of the chemical significantly reduced dental cavities.

Health officials launched a nationwide effort to get local water systems to add fluoride to their drinking water and, by 1992, about 56 percent of the nation’s water supply was fluoridated, including 70 percent of all towns of more than 100,000 population. In Tennessee, about 54 percent of the state’s 460 water systems add fluoride to their water, including all of the water systems in the state’s four largest counties, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has called the fluoridation of the water supply one of the 10 greatest public health successes of the 20th Century.

CDC researchers noted that reducing cavities also meant fewer people needed expensive dentures and dental care.

“Tooth loss is no longer considered inevitable, and increasingly adults in the United States are retaining most of their teeth for a lifetime,” the CDC noted. “For example, the percentage of persons aged 45-54 years who had lost all their permanent teeth decreased from 20 percent in 1960-1962 to 9.1 percent in 1988-1994.”

From the beginning, fluoridation has had its critics, either those who claim it is a health hazard, or others who saw a government plan to add chemicals to the water supply as a possible conspiracy.

For example, the Soddy-Daisy debate mirrors a similar one last year in Lyerly, Ga.

An online petition being circulated by the anti-fluoride residents in Soddy-Daisy claims the additive “causes cancer, impairs bone strength, impairs IQ, impairs kidneys, impairs thyroid, recedes gums, depresses heart, depresses cell growth and increases infertility.”

“My main concern is the health issue,” said Chiesa Smith, one of the residents opposing the addition of fluoride. “There is recent science showing the danger of fluoride in the body.

“Fertilizer corporations make a profit selling hazardous waste as a ‘safe and beneficial’ additive for teeth,” she said. “We do not enjoy being used as a hazardous waste dump.”

The vast majority of scientists reject those claims.

“Since 1950, opponents of water fluoridation have claimed it increased the risk for cancer, Down syndrome, heart disease, osteoporosis and bone fracture, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, low intelligence, Alzheimer’s disease, allergic reactions, and other health conditions,” CDC researchers said in a report on fluoridation. “The safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation have been re-evaluated frequently, and no credible evidence supports an association between fluoridation and any of these conditions.”

The National Cancer Institute agreed.

“After examining more than 2.2 million cancer death records and 125,000 cancer case records in counties using fluoridated water, the researchers found no indication of increased cancer risk associated with fluoridated drinking water,” researchers concluded.

From the 1950s, some critics have argued that consumers should not be forced to drink fluoridated water, but instead should be able to choose whether to protect their teeth against cavities by choosing toothpaste with fluoride.

“This is the only chemical we put in the water to treat it for medical purposes,” said water system general manager David Collett. “Is it the water company’s responsibility to be medicating with the water?”

Dentists argue that is shortsighted because many people don’t brush their teeth regularly, while fluoridation guarantees everyone will be protected against cavities even if they do nothing.

“The problem is, some children in the community would most likely miss out if the parents were making the decision to get the fluoride elsewhere,” Schenck said. “A tooth cavity cannot be ignored. It would be advantageous to prevent this rather than have to treat it. You’d have much less lost time at work or time at school, and less expense.”

The citizens’ group disagreed, arguing most of the fluoride in the water supply is wasted. Only about one percent of the water supply ends up as drinking water, the group said, while the other 99 percent is used for watering lawns, washing cars or flushing toilets and therefore has no medical impact.

In addition, adding fluoride is costly for the water system.

North West spends about $20,000 annually for fluoride, Collett said. The water system is planning a $9 million expansion and its components will be more expensive if fluoride is added to the water, Collett said.

“It is damaging to the pipes and fittings because it is an acid,” he said.

The seven commissioners are to vote on the issue at their meeting tonight.

See original report

This Man Is Building Homes For The Homeless Using Discarded Plastic

Oscar Mendez wanted to provide decent housing for the homeless while reducing waste plastic. So he founded the Columbian Enterprise concept plastics. They process and mould used plastics and rubbers into bricks similar to lego pieces, then assemble them into high quality and low cost houses for people in need.
It only takes 5 days and four people to assemble a 430 sq. f.t home, enough to house a family.
Simply remarkable, this concept could change everything in the developing world!
Founded by Oscar Andres Mendez Gerardino, Conceptos Plasticos is a Colombian enterprise that aims to replace informal settlements with decent housing whilst reducing waste plastic. Using an industrial process called extrusion, Conceptos Plasticos uses multilayered plastics, mixtures of different plastics and rubber to make quality construction materials. These construction materials are used to build low-cost, safe, durable housing that can be broken down and rebuilt elsewhere if necessary.

Awakening: 7 Steps to Ease the Labor Pain of Spiritual Rebirth

24th July 2016 By Juliet Tang Guest Writer for Wake Up World Awakening is a unique journey that can only be experienced. The closest description I can come up with is that it feels like finally seeing the true colors of the world for the first time after having taken off a pair of tinted …Continue Reading – Awakening: 7 Steps to Ease the Labor Pain of Spiritual Rebirth

We went off-road in Jaguar Land Rover’s autonomous car

At the firm's Gaydon base, cars are learning to understand whether they're driving on tarmac, gravel, sand or another type of surface

Continue reading…

Crystals to Heal Plants [VIDEO]

Published on Jul 24, 2016 crystal points can be used to help heal plants that grow upwards. put the thought form into the crystal point and place it into the soil next to the plant so the tip moves upwards.

Actor Rob Schneider on the uncensored truth about mandatory vaccines

(NaturalNews) “The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” -Rob Schneider(Article by Jefferey Jaxen, republished from http://www.thedailysheeple…

Never-Trump delegates launch last-ditch bid to disrupt convention

Never-Trump delegates launch last-ditch bid to disrupt convention Anti-Trump Republicans launched a last-ditch bid on Monday to deny the New York businessman the party’s nomination by trying to force a state-by-state vote at the Cleveland convention on the rules that bind delegates to back Donald Trump.  The effort stands little chance of succeeding, but could pose a major disruption to the proceedings just as party officials were trying to smooth over divisions. The Trump camp is said to be “livid” at the revived push.  “This is a big headache,” one official told Fox News.  The group of Republicans has been working to upend convention proceedings by taking their objection of the presumptive GOP nominee to the convention floor. Trump’s camp has tried to dismiss the dissidents but as of early Monday afternoon, the Delegates Unbound group showed no signs –…

Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal

Your News Wire The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary […]

Tesla’s self-acting engine?

Ernst is a member of Energetic Forum who has shared quite a bit of his work with his version of a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter.

Although A & P does not necessarily endorse his viewpoint on the matter, he has openly shared it and we’re passing this on to you.
In this discussion thread at Energetic Forum, you can find Ernst’s claims regarding his speculation that the TMT is not just an analogy of Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine but works on the same principles:
Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine works by simply creating a “perpetual” cold sink where heat can constantly move towards it, while producing mechanical work. Tesla has been quoted as saying it is his most important engineering accomplishment. This is over-simplified but is the basic idea in a nutshell.

Here is a link to a Google Drive document, which is a 66 page analysis by Ernst explaining the technical details:

We hope that if you gain something useful from Ernst’s work and want to do something with it that you will at least give him credit and you can contact him directly at Energetic Forum if you have any questions. His username on the forum is: Ernst

Eric Dollard has built and demonstrated a working Tesla Magnifying Transmitter as far back as the 1970’s and years ago, Peter Lindemann and Tom Brown saw one version. While they were packing up, Peter picked up a 300 watt light bulb and it lit to full brightness without any heat, electrical sensations in his body or any other phenomena that could be detected. In simple terms, the TMT works by exploiting the fluctuations of the dielectric field.
For further research into this subject, Peter Lindemann has a lot of references on Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine. This is not to take away from Ernst’s tireless work and dedication to the project, but rather to present a broader picture of the subject.
Here is an article on Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine from Borderland –
Peter has two presentations that go into a lot of detail on utilizing ambient heat as an energy source, which are called Perpetual Motion Reality & Open System Thermodynamics.
Here are other ambient heat references on Peter’s website:
Walter Lovell created the twist off beer bottle cap – he also created a thermal junction that creates electricity from heat and it does NOT require a cold side so it does not operate on a temperature differential but just plain temperature:
Tesla’s Radiant Energy presentation and PowerPoint by Peter Lindemann is a must have for anyone studying the subject of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter, which is available here:
Source: Emediapress

Is Auckland Council too white?

Is Auckland Council too white? A major New Zealand newspaper recently ran an article about New Zealand’s most ethnically diverse city entitled ‘Is Auckland Council too white?  The piece was written by New Zealand Herald’s diversity, ethnic affairs and immigration senior reporter Lincoln Tan who originates from Singapore. The article cites an Auckland University study that has found 88 per cent of elected representatives on the council were European, while only 59 per cent in the city identify as such. Report author Karen Webster stated that while there are issues with low minority voter turnout and candidates putting themselves forward, a solution would be getting rid of the ‘one voter, one vote’ system and having more proportional representation that reflected the makeup of the electorate. “Maori had consistently stood…

Jonesborough residents have say on fluoride

Three months after the idea of removing fluoride from the water supply hit the table in Jonesborough, the public got to add their voices to the mix at the scheduled public hearing on the matter.

The hearing before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen yielded almost 20 speakers out of the group that filled half the Visitors Center Monday night, and some speakers came from as far away as West Tennessee to make their voices heard for the evening. Eight speakers, including several dentists and public health employees, spoke in favor of retaining water fluoridation while 10 speakers stood in favor of discontinuing the additional fluoride from the town’s water supply.

The eight proponents for added fluoride to the water supply cited health benefits, including a decrease in cavities in children, as a reason to keep adding the fluoride to the water supply. Washington County Health Department Director and Jonesborough water customer Tim Carson urged the board members to keep the fluoridated water in the town’s system, listing cost effectiveness in addition to the preventative benefits the additive has for children, especially those who may not be able to have regular dentist visits.

“The mission of the Department of Health … is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of the people living in this great state,” he said. “You can certainly help us accomplish this mission by doing one of the most cost-effective things you could ever do to help us protect our most vulnerable citizens — our children.”

Fluoride proponents also pointed to data that shows the benefits of added fluoride. Charles Parker, a dentist for the Washington County Health Department, said that while fluoride doesn’t remove the chance of children getting cavities completely, the added fluoride helps keep cavities at bay for children whose parents may not be able to afford to take them to the dentist. The facts add up, Parker continued, to show that added fluoride has more benefits, and that nixing fluoride from the water supply would cause a drastic rise in tooth decay.

“What fluoride has done for (children) is amazing,” Parker said. “I see kids that haven’t brushed their teeth in four or five years, but thanks to fluoride in the water, it’s prevented them a lot of pain.”

Those opposed to fluoride argued that fluoridating community water takes away their choice in drinking water without the additive. Jonesborough resident and water customer Lucas Gutierrez said that in addition to possible health risks, his concern is that added fluoridation takes away a choice that he said should be left up to the individual.

Several speakers against fluoride echoed Gutierrez’s sentiment, some going further to illustrate their concern of the possible health risks of the added fluoride in the water supply. Jonesborough resident Jay Jarman didn’t dispute the benefits fluoride has for teeth, but added that fluoride in the water supply means the public is ingesting the additive and said he failed to see the benefit in that.

“By putting it into your body, it’s not doing your body any good, it’s not doing your teeth any good,” he said.

With public input in the books, the board will continue its discussion on fluoridation at future BMA meetings before reaching a decision.


See also, Jonesborough BMA holds listening session on fluoride in town’s water (WJHL, July 18, 2016).

Sacred America, Sacred World – Stephen Dinan on The justBernard Show

In America’s current political climate, the decay of politics is patently evident. Our country was built on sacred principles that have been eroded and forgotten over time. We are at a crossroads and heading quickly into unknown territory. Pundits call this a political sea change but a closer look reveals that our country is experiencing a spiritual crisis. As countries go, the United States of America is relatively young but founded in ageless wisdom. The tenets upon which America was founded were based in the individual’s freedom, religious and otherwise, clearly defined rights and the ideals of true liberty. Before there was any Declaration of Independence, however, there was a book that incited the disparate colonies to come together and fight as one — Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. His plain-spoken pamphlet fired up what became the American Revolution and led to our independence.
America was founded in the sacred belief that we, the people, are united in something bigger than ourselves, a higher purpose of “Liberty and justice for all.” Like Thomas Paine before him, Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network and a leader in the transpartisan movement in America, has written a book calling for an American evolution: Sacred America, Sacred World: Fulfilling Our Mission of Service to All, (Hampton Roads, July 5, 2016). Dinan’s book is a call to action, to rise above party politics and be an American first through transpartisanship—a pragmatic approach to social reform. This soaring manifesto takes a deep look at the history of our country, from the revolutionary roots to the current landscape, exploring evolutions in political leadership, environmental action, and economic reformation.
In Sacred America, Sacred World, Dinan points out that each hardened position along America’s political spectrum represents a narrow selection from a larger set of sacred American principles. In other words, the agenda of each political party is true but partial. Putting it all together requires a vision of national unity, which he offers along with numerous practical ideas and innovative strategies on how to get back on track to the revered principles our nation was founded upon, and how to reunite America to fulfill our ideals once again.
As one of the few American CEOs who went into the Occupy camps and listened to what people’s dreams and visions were, Dinan believes we can all pick up where the American Revolution left off and become “evolutionaries.” In his own words, “While many celebrate our past accomplishments as the mark of America’s ‘exceptionalism,’ our true greatness is a deeper kind of service to the world that lies in our future. Our higher mission is about America demonstrating real leadership in helping to create a world that works for all.”
Learn more at:
Book trailer:

New Report Links African American and NZ Maori Achievements

New Report Links African American and NZ Maori Achievements A report released in New Zealand recently shows that Maori and African American children perform just as poorly as each other in school, with prejudice of the teachers to blame.  The Unconscious Bias and Education report cites systemic level bias as a major contributor to the increasingly poor learning outcomes of Maori students. This is despite New Zealand’s education system for many years having special Maori achievement strategies written in to it’s charter to try and boost the learning outcomes of ‘disadvantaged’ students. Researcher Anton Blank told reporters: “[There are] definitely socio-economic factors – and I mean that’s patently obvious that children who live in poorer areas do less well in the education system. But even controlling for that there is still a very, very significant…

Black Lives Matter Riots in London’s Hyde Park

Black Lives Matter Riots in London's Hyde Park Two people were stabbed including a police officer after riots by black youths broke out across 3 sections of London last Tuesday night in Hyde Park when a water fight turned violent. “Black Lives Matter” was heard chanted throughout the night and Police are searching for ring leaders. Two people were stabbed including a police officer after riots broke out across 3 sections of London. Major black violence erupted last Tuesday night in Hyde Park when a music festival turned into a riot. What started off as a water fight between two rival schools swelled to over 4000 people leading to Police setting up near Buckingham Palace to keep an eye on the event. By 9pm the Police attempted to move the crowd along but the mob refused and turned hostile. A small unit of vans were forced to flee a hail…

Brazil arrests 10 suspected ISIS members ‘planning Olympic terrorist attacks’

Brazil arrests 10 suspected ISIS members ‘planning Olympic terrorist attacks’ Interim Brazilian President Michel Temer has called an emergency cabinet meeting after authorities arrested 10 alleged Islamic State members who were planning to carry out acts of terror during the Olympic Games in Rio, which begin next month. “This shows that Brazil is on its toes and monitoring any suspects that could become a threat,” Brazil’s presidential Chief of Staff Eliseu Padilha told reporters, adding that the country’s top security officials had been sent to France to learn more about terror prevention in the aftermath of the attack on Nice. The police operation, codenamed ‘Hashtag,’ took place across nine states, with suspects arrested in Sao Paulo and Parana. Justice Minister Alexandre Moraes told a news conference on Thursday that all the detainees were Brazilian nationals. Judicial…

Australia plans ‘indefinite detention’ of terror convicts

‘Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Australia will indefinitely detain high-risk terror convicts as the government is pushing ahead with tightening security laws.
Turnbull announced the new laws on Monday, which he said “are designed to deter terrorism, prevent it, ensure that the nation and our people are kept safe.”
“This legislation will enable additional periods of imprisonment for terrorist offenders who have served their sentences but are still judged to present an unacceptable risk to the community,” he said.’
Read more: Australia plans ‘indefinite detention’ of terror convicts

NEW BOOK – August 1, 2016 – The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology

The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology
Thomas Sheridan

The Druid Code sets out to examine the wider concept of magic and mythology being utilised as an early form of social psychoanalysis by the druids, and how magic theory developed from this. How this evolution of ritual magic, eventually made its way into Folklore, Witchcraft and Freemasonry.

From the proto-shamanic world of the megalith builders, to lost civilisations of the Atlantic fringe, along with the continual changes and challenges to the human experience in the face of traumatic cultural upheaval, the druids, along with their legacy, have played a far more influential role than has been previously acknowledged.

The Druid Code utilises mythology connected to sacred sites. Developing a bidirectional conduit back through time, to reveal what took place in 2500BC. A shift in human consciousness that was to make humans what we are today. From Atlantis to Alchemy, you will never see history in the same way ever again.

Comprehensively Illustrated – 282 Pages

DruidCast – A Druid Podcast Episode 112

Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 112
Elves and Fireflies – Solana –
Interview with William Ayot ( by Philip Carr-Gomm (
I Wish I Were a Tree – Bran Cerddorion –
Hippie Pocket – Ginger Doss –
DruidCast theme – Hills they are Hollow – Damh the Bard –
For further information on the Druid tradition –

The End Game for Democracy: Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers says the parody and satire of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert pay Washington the disrespect it deserves, but in the end it’s the city’s predatory mercenaries who have the last laugh

Shooting rampage in Munich: Multiple deaths & attacks reported, gunmen at large

Shooting rampage in Munich: Multiple deaths & attacks reported, gunmen at large Multiple deaths are reported in a shooting at the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, Germany. Police confirmed that shots have been fired in the mall but gave no information on casualties. Six people died in the shooting and many more were injured in the incident, German broadcaster BR reported, citing its own correspondent at the scene. There are conflicting reports on casualties. According to the local media outlet Muencher Abendzeitung, up to 15 people have been killed in the center, while German NTV channel puts the death toll at 10. Police say it appears they are dealing with a “shooting rampage.” There are reports of further shooting at Karlsplatz square in central Munich, but this has not been confirmed by police. Taxi drivers have been advised to avoid the Karlsplatz area. Another shooting…

94 million people in the Americas are at risk of contracting Zika

The number includes 1.6 million childbearing women, with Brazil likely facing the most cases

By: Matt Burgess

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Police have their leave cancelled as investigations into the Hyde Park riots continue

Police have their leave cancelled as investigations into the Hyde Park riots continue Scotland Yard have issued an appeal to track down four men they consider to have been ringleaders in last night’s London riots as officers face having their holiday leave cancelled amid fears violent summer clashes will continue. Thousands more officers will be out on the beat tonight and across the weekend as the Met seeks to avoid repeats of Tuesday’s chaos when violent scenes broke out in three parts of London. An officer and two members of the public were knifed and four other PCs injured after a water fight and party in Hyde Park spiralled out of control in the city’s worst bout of violence since the 2011 riots. Two 16-year-old boys were stabbed at a separate water fight in Burgess Park, Southwark, while police attempting to shut down an illegal block party in Stamford Hill, Hackney, had…

As Above So Below – Aphrodette North on The justBernard Show

As above, so below! The Heavens reflect what is occurring here and history does indeed repeat itself with the movement of the planets to point the way!
The planets, and their reference point to Earth also demonstrate patterns of events, population explosions, incidence of war and many other phenomena. This incredible discipline of astrology is as much art as science; as much intuitive as intellectual.
Aphrodette North is a remarkably gifted and insightful Clairvoyant Astrologer who has been ministering to the needs of others all over the world for over 30 years using her natural psychic ability as well as Astrology and Tarot. She is ordained through the Alliance of Divine Love and credentialed through the International Metaphysical Ministry. She offers classes, seminars and private spiritual counseling in addition to psychic tarot readings (cartomancy) and in depth analysis using astrology. Aphrodette is a member of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, the American Federation of Astrologers, International Society for Astrological Research and National Council for Geocosmic Research.

Drinking water contaminated in over 70,000 habitations

New Delhi (PTI) – More than 70,000 habitations in the country do not have safe drinking water as it is contaminated with fluoride, arsenic and heavy metals among others.

In a written reply to the Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Drinking Water and Sanitation Ramesh Chandappa Jigajinagi said as on July 18, there are 70,807 habitations in the country where water is contaminated.

As per the data shared by the minister, Rajasthan has maximum 20,895 such habitations followed by Assam, Jharkhand and Bihar.

Water at more than 36,500 habitations is contaminated with iron. At almost 14,000 habitations, fluoride is present in water.

“All the states have been advised to accord priority to providing safe drinking water in water quality affected habitations with special focus on coverage of arsenic and fluoride affected habitations,” Jigajinagi said in the reply.

As per the ministrys plan, 90 per cent of rural population would be provided safe drinking water by 2022 through surface water based piped water supply schemes, subject to availability of funds.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

SSRI Antidepressants Put Patients at Clear Risk of Suicide

24th July 2016 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest writer for Wake Up World It is now estimated that 1 in 8 Americans are on serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants [1] and a shocking 1 in 4 among women in their 40s and 50s.[2] Yet the U.S. suicide rate of 38,000 a year has never been higher.[3] Clearly …Continue Reading – SSRI Antidepressants Put Patients at Clear Risk of Suicide

Can’t access Pokémon Go? These sites let you check if the servers are down

Pokémon Go launches in Japan, servers immediately crash

By: Victoria Woollaston

Continue reading…

Left-Wing Supporters Boo as Bernie Sanders Says ‘We Must Elect Hillary Clinton’

Left-Wing Supporters Boo as Bernie Sanders Says 'We Must Elect Hillary Clinton' Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders booed today as the former Democratic presidential contender told them, “We must elect Hillary Clinton.” He was appearing for the first time this week in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention is set to kick off later today. Addressing a group of his delegates at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Sanders spoke broadly about his accomplishments during the primary battle. However, when he said that Hillary Clinton — his primary season rival who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee — must be elected, the crowd began booing. Attempting to take back control of the room, Sanders said, “Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in,” and argued that Donald Trump is too “dangerous.” From there, the crowd began chanting, “We want…

Trading is definitely coming to Pokémon Go, Niantic confirms

Niantic says Pokémon trading is in the works and reveals the leaders of Valor, Mystic and Instinct

By: Matt Burgess

Continue reading…

2 Killed, Up To 17 Injured In Fort Myers, Florida Nightclub Shooting

The Anti-Media (ZHE) One month after the tragic Orlando nightclub deaths, which have since been swept away by a series of increasingly more escalating, disturbing and deadly mass shooting assaults in Europe, moments ago newswires reported that at least two people were killed and “at least 14-16” wounded during in a shooting at a Florida nightclub, […]

At least 1 killed, several injured in restaurant explosion in Germany

At least 1 killed, several injured in restaurant explosion in Germany At least one person has been killed and nine others injured after an explosion struck a restaurant in the south German city of Ansbach, Bavaria. The incident took place in the central part of the city, close to an area in which a music festival took place at the weekend, Suddeutsche Zeitung reported. Police have cordoned off the area around the restaurant and are conducting a crime scene investigation. A spokesman for the Bavarian interior minister said that the explosion in the Eugene Weinstube restaurant was a “deliberate” act rather than an accident. “At present we assume it is not an accident,” the spokesman said. #Germany – 2 deads, 9 injured after explosion in #Ansbach restaurant — Sunset (@_darkhours) July 24, 2016 Initial reports indicated…

Bernard Alvarez interviewed on The Moore Show (UK)

I was recently interviewed by Kevin Moore on his radio/TV show from the UK. We discussed my experiences with the "emissaries of Light" ONE, the transdimensional beings who have been assisting me in my work and personal development. We also discussed ways to live and thrive on the "Awakening" path and so much more. I truly enjoyed being on his show and highly recommendsubscribing to his channel.
The Moore Show provides the platform from which some of the world’s greatest philosophers, paranormal researchers, life coaches, spiritual teachers and authors can communicate their work, research, observations and reflections, and infuse into our common knowledge their understanding of life and the universe. Visit his website here:

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign after convention

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign after convention DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz issued a statement Sunday saying she plans to resign after the Democratic National Convention concludes, according to reports. #DebExit — daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 24, 2016 Wasserman-Schultz came under heavy fire after an enormous series of damaging leaks helped to reveal what many in the Democratic base suspected: She had rigged the primary for a Hillary Clinton win.

New Powerful Campaign Video Featuring Dentist

In a new short video produced by the Fluoride Action Network, Griffin Cole, DDS–dentist and member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology–explains why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should ban all fluoride supplements from the market.

In January 2016, the FDA ordered a manufacturer of fluoride “supplements” to immediately cease producing these drugs because the FDA has never approved them as either safe or effective. FAN’S investigation revealed that the largest pharmacies continue to sell unapproved fluoride drugs, which not only violates the federal prohibition on introducing unapproved drugs into interstate commerce, but violates the laws of at least 17 states which prohibit the sale of any drug not approved by the FDA.

Not only are the nation’s largest pharmacies systemically violating these laws, our investigation found that their pharmacists are providing false information to inquiring customers and concerned parents about the FDA approval status of these drugs.  Listen to our audiotaped conversations with the pharmacists to hear the extent of misinformation being provided.

We have created an online social media campaign targeting one of these negligent pharmacies, and we need your help to get their attention.  Please take a minute to participate in our easy-to-use social media campaign that will allow you to quickly tweet a message to Walgreens, and post a separate message to their Facebook page.  These days, companies are much more responsive to criticism on social media, so the more comments they get, the greater the chance they will pull fluoride from their pharmacies.  Please take action now:


Please also join over 10,000 people who have signed the online petition urging the FDA to end the manufacture and sale of these drugs:

Help FAN continue to make educational and influencial videos, as well as work to hold government and corporate actors accountable for their roles in overexposing citizens to fluoride.  Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.

Two Big Victories This Week

There were two big fluoride-free campaign victories this week, ending fluoridation for approximately 80,000 people in Australia and the U.S.

Gladstone, Australia – Councilors on the Gladstone Regional Council passed a motion to cease adding fluoride chemicals to the drinking water of more than 73,000 residents.  Councilor Kahn Goodluck introduced the motion after hearing from “a large number of people” in the region that wanted the practice to end, including local campaigners from Gladstone Area Fluoride Free and FAN Australia.  The additive will be phased out over the next 40 days.

Twenty-six Councils (including at least 50 towns) in the state of Queensland, Australia have now REJECTED fluoridation since the state reversed its mandate law in 2012.  These victories are the perfect example of what happens when fluoridation isn’t mandated and citizens are given a choice.

Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee – On Tuesday, the Northwest Utility District Commission in Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee voted 6-1 to end fluoridation, which they physically turned off Wednesday morning.  The decision impacts 7,500 residents in Soddy-Daisy, Sale Creek, Falling Water, and Mowbray Mountain.  Councilors felt that fluoride was readily available from toothpaste and mouthwash, and were concerned about the significant corrosion to the water infrastructure caused by the fluoridation chemical and brought to their attention by whistleblowing water employees.

This victory continues the strong trend in Tennessee of communities ending the practice; 13 cities with over 120,000 residents have voted to stop artificial fluoridation since 2010, bringing the percentage of public water supplies in the state with added fluoride down to about 50%. The decision is also likely to influence the upcoming vote in Jonesborough, TN, paving the way for their rejection of the practice.

Paul Connett’s New Zealand Presentation

Last week FAN Senior Consultant Paul Connett, PhD was in New Zealand for a speaking and campaign tour of the country where residents are facing the threat of a fluoridation mandate.  During his visit he made a serious of presentations.  Thanks to Vinny Eastwood, who uploaded the video to YouTube, you can enjoy Connett’s presentation–Water Fluoridation: Poor Practice & Poor Science–from the comfort of your own home.  I encourage you to share this presentation with local decision-makers, neighbors, and community leaders.


He Said, She Said: Science in Crisis

The next International Fluoride Free Teleconference will be held on Saturday, August 13th at 5PM (Eastern time-U.S.).  The call will feature social science professor Brian Martin, PhD, who will discuss the battle over “scientific evidence and the struggle for scientific credibility, the exercise of professional power to suppress opponents, and the role corporate interest play in the fluoridation debate.”  Campaigners will learn how to prevail in today’s climate of perpetual scientific controversy.


Latest Fluoride News

Port Angeles City Council Delays Vote on Fluoride and Government (Washington)

Houston City Council to Leave Fluoride In Water Supply (Texas)

Legal Fees in Fluoride Case Top $90,000 Through May 31 (Alabama)

Not Debating Fluoride—Just Want Awareness (Alabama)

Is Water Fluoridation Helpful or Harmful (North Carolina)

Silver Diamine Fluoride, Not a Complete Solution to Caries Risk (Arkansas)

Judge Reluctant to Dip Toes into Water on Merits of Fluoride (New Zealand)

Celebrity Chef’s Wife Suggests Fluoride-Free Toothpaste (Australia)

Drinking Water Must Be Tested for Fluoride (Tanzania)

-Drinking Water Contaminated in Over 70,000 Villages (India)

The Truth About Fluoride – Victor Zeines, DDS (New York)

Topical Fluoride For Adults: Is an Unneeded “Profit Center” Unethical? (U.S.)

For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.


Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online

Jonesborough BMA holds listening session on fluoride in town’s water

State health officials are urging Tennessee’s oldest town to keep fluoride in the water supply.

Monday night folks said they were divided on what they want Jonesborough’s leaders to do.

Back in May we told you members of the Jonesborough Board of Mayor and Alderman toured the town’s water treatment plant.

After seeing what actually goes into the water, some board members questioned if its right to get rid of fluoride.

In June, a survey was sent out to water customers in Jonesborough.

BMA members revealed the results of that survey at the meeting Monday night.

Out of 782 surveys, 376 people wanted to get rid of fluoride, while 355 said keep it. 51 were undecided.

“I see kids that haven’t brushed their teeth in 4 or 5 years, you wouldn’t believe what their teeth look like when you take that stuff off your teeth, thanks to fluoride in water its prevented them a lot of pain,” Dr. Charles Parker said.

“I want to go on record as being absolutely against this, I think we should have a choice, I think you should have a choice,” Don Larson.

Town leader’s did not make any decisions Monday night.

Jonesborough Mayor Kelly Wolfe says it’s unclear when they will.

Copyright 2016 WJHL. All rights reserved.

See original report

• See July 19, 2016, article: Jonesborough residents have say on fluoride

Hundreds of leads on possible terrorists among refugees – German police

Hundreds of leads on possible terrorists among refugees – German police Germany’s Federal Criminal Police says hundreds of refugees in the country might be linked to terrorism. Officials, however, do not want a “general suspicion” tag to be applied, despite recent attacks by migrants. The number of migrants under suspicion of links to terrorism as well as the amount of investigations against potential terrorists in their ranks is on the rise, the German Federal Criminal Police (BKA) told the Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung newspaper. According to the outlet, the criminal police have 410 leads on possible terrorists among asylum seekers in Germany, with investigations launched in 60 cases. “Given the ongoing immigration to Germany, we must assume that there could be active and former members, supporters and sympathizers of terrorist organizations or Islamist-motivated…

Elon Musk unveils Tesla’s ‘Master Plan, Part Deux’

Tesla will focus on sustainable energy, through electric public transport, batteries, and energy storage

By: Matt Burgess

Continue reading…

The Lightworkers Predicament

Every lightworker has questioned their path at one time or another. Many times we have felt as if the struggles we face from family, peers and public perception are too much to handle, making us question whether it is worth it to continue down the path of awakening. We forget why we have incarnated at this time and wish we could take the "blue pill" again and quit.
This video will remind you why you do what you do and why we must persevere.

Is spider venom the ultimate natural pesticide?

(NaturalNews) Pesticides have always played a crucial role in agriculture. However, many of today’s products not only kill the insects that threaten plants, but are also lethal to many beneficial insects like honeybees.According to a recent report, 44.1 percent of all bee colonies…

Harvard Medical School scientists need a female volunteer willing to give birth to a genetically modified Neanderthal

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s leading geneticists wants to bring back an extinct human species by cloning it from reconstructed DNA, then implanting the resulting embryo into the womb of a human woman.”Now I need an adventurous female human,” said George Church of Harvard Medical…

The Path of Awakening (Some Do’s and Don’ts)

Here’s an excerpt from an intimate chat on the path of awakening. It’s OK to still be "human" after your "awakening". Don’t try to be perfect. The most important thing is to be a good person, focus on harm reduction in your body and environment and have an honest dialogue with your higher self and intuition.

Extraterrestrial Politics Part 6 – Hillary’s Involvement

A poll reveals that almost half of all Americans think the government is hiding evidence of UFOs from the public. The other half thinks that the evidence of UFOs existed, but it was “misplaced” by Hillary Clinton. One of the many Clinton jokes that circulated on the Internet

I’m getting my facts straight. (Laughter.) First of all, let me say that Hillary and I are delighted to have all of you here. The story Hillary told about her fascination with space is not apocryphal, it is real. I heard it a long time before I ever thought she would be telling it before a microphone. And so this is a thrilling day for us. President Bill Clinton 1998

We’ll have a woman President by 2010. Hillary Clinton statement during the 1992 campaign.

A young girl interested in public service can be told with a straight face that she too could grow up to be president. Hillary Rodham Clinton


Hillary discusses a UFO story about her “steamy relationship” with a space alien that appeared in the Weekly World News.

A review of the nearly 1,000 pages of UFO files from OSTP have revealed that yet another powerful member of the Clinton White House was involved in the UFO briefings, and also in the actual attempt to bring the issue to President Clinton. That person, whose name appears more than once in the OSTP documents, was the President’s wife Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s UFO involvement may have come simply from the fact that she played a strong role in many of the Clinton White House decisions. Hillary, in fact liked to quote people who referred to her and Bill in the White House as getting two for the price of one, a blue-light special. Hillary did not hide the fact that she liked the co-presidency idea.

The President asked Hillary’s opinion on almost every issue. She was so much a part of the President’s decisions that Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward commented, “I’d go as far as to say she’s part of Bill Clinton’s brain.” It was reported that Hillary usually had more to say in staff meetings than the President, and she wasn’t afraid to say what she had on her mind.

Chief pollster and strategist Dick Morris, the President’s key pollster and strategist, stated in an interview with Peter Jennings that Hillary “had tremendous power, and was a crucial element in the White House in ‘93 and ‘94.” In fact when asked, Morris agreed with the rumor that Hillary “was the power behind the throne.”

Morris concluded, in fact, that Hillary was being viewed so strongly in the public, she was making the President look “weak, wishy-washy, and ineffective.” When the democrats lost seats in the 1994 mid-term elections, Morris advised the President “that Hillary withdraw from overt participation in White House staff meetings and politics, so that the impression of a secret hidden power not sap her husband’s image and undermine perceptions of his strength.”

Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen: 12 more crimes against humanity and the environment concocted by the world’s most evil corporation

(NaturalNews) Most of the backlash today against Monsanto comes from the public’s growing awareness about the dangers of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), Roundup (glyphosate), and the systemic poisoning of our food supply with these unlabeled chemical additives. But did you…

The “Space Between Stories”

25th July 2016 By Lissa Rankin, MD Guest writer for Wake Up World Are you feeling lost? Uncertain? Adrift?  This week, I experienced a trauma that collapsed my story of self, yet a new story has not yet emerged. Charles Eisenstein calls this “the space between stories.” Many of us are in this space between …Continue Reading – The “Space Between Stories”

Edward Snowden’s iPhone case detects government spying

The "introspection engine" can tell if radio signals are passing in or out of the device and block government snoops

By: Matt Burgess

Continue reading…

Staying Positive In A Tragic World

With all the nonsense of the Republican National Convention and other tragedies around the world it can be hard for many on the spiritual path to stay positive. How do we individually and collectively keep our light shining in a world of turmoil and chaos when it can be hard to resonate and find strength?

Twitter to broadcast MLB and NHL games in bid to attract new users

Anyone will be able to watch Major League Baseball and NHL games, whether they're logged into Twitter or not

By: Ben Woods

Continue reading…

The Black Sheep – Is It Okay to Leave Your Biological Family?

23rd July 2016 By Lia Love Guest writer for Wake Up World “You did not invent these family habits. Your family is like mine; for thousands and thousands of years our families have embraced a dysfunctional lifestyle, passing these habits as gospel on to subsequent generations. This was not done out of malice, spite, or …Continue Reading – The Black Sheep – Is It Okay to Leave Your Biological Family?

Lucky Raindrop

With all the doom, gloom and seriousness of the world chipping away at us on a daily basis, it is easy to let it all get the better of us and surrender to the manufactured fear, confusion and distraction that the proverbial “powers that be” have orchestrated in order to steer and control the mass of humanity. However, every once in a while, we occasionally come across things that lift our spirits, reaffirm the true nature and potential of our existance, and reminding us that – whilst we are all mere drops of water ebbing and flowing in the ocean of existance – the tide of life’s journey ultimately takes us to places and experiences we never really expect. The key is what we learn and do on this journey. With that, I give you a story by my friend and fellow blogger Ronnie McIntosh (aka captron52) called “Lucky Raindrop” ( Below is a short introduction by Ron, with the story following.


 Dear friends
I wish to share this short story I wrote with all of you. But first I want to thank my dear friend and Ally Christopher Dos Santos whose hard work on all the editing, all the photos, and the manuscript, took this small work and made it read so much better than I ever could have done myself. Thanks Christopher. You’re an Angel!

Dear reader, I wish to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Lucky Raindrop. May you enjoy Lucky’s trip from creation to enlightenment. Reading between the lines, you may note your own life might not be different from the life of this little raindrop. Please, feel free to contact me with any thoughts or comments you may wish to share. Sincerely, I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I did writing it. With all endeavors you may undertake, may I wish the very best for you and yours. Walking in this world, perhaps you might discover a way to be good to yourself, as well, even better to others. Sincerely Ronnie McIntosh Aka captron52.



On a cool cloudy afternoon, Lucky Raindrop, was born. Nothing mystical, nor magical, about his origins might have been noted. Akin to all Raindrops in the world, Lucky was born indiscernible from the others. Simply, because they did not understand how a Raindrop becomes manifest in this world, some would suggest his birth represented a miracle. However, if you might ask Lucky about his origins, I’m sure he would relate how he came to life no different than any other raindrop ever to have existed. No bigger, better, smarter, nor more or less special. By Lucky’s reckoning, he was but a simple Raindrop amongst a cloud littered with a bevy of countless beautiful souls. Yet, as our story unfolds, we soon discover how truly unique is our dear Lucky.

Immediately after Lucky became conscious, he began asking a good many questions. Unlike most others of the Raindrop family, of which Lucky encountered, he was endlessly inquisitive. Not only was Lucky a thinker, most would consider him a philosopher. From within his being, did arise the most profound queries. “Where did I come from? Where am I going? Who made me? What will happen when I no longer exist as a Raindrop?” From the very beginning, Lucky never stopped asking these deep questions.

Gracefully contrasted against an azure sky, Lucky’s first home was an ominous dark cloud. Puzzled by the status of his abode, Lucky pondered what magic could enable his home to remain suspended in flight. Commenting to no one in particular, Lucky voiced his many uncertainties. “How does my home move around up here? What allows this cloud to enjoy freedom from the stationary ground below? Where did this home come from? Who created this cloud I call home? Where is my home going? What possibly could be the purpose of my home? Why is my home so different from the other cloud homes I espy nearby?”

Perceptive as Lucky was, he noticed some of the clouds were whiter than his home cloud. Some were bigger, whilst others considerably smaller.

Each cloud seemed to chart its own special path, none two exactly the same, or so it appeared. Yet, as the wind gently pushed each cloud on its merry way, Lucky noted shifting currents did ensure each cloud in his neighbourhood followed a somewhat similar trajectory. Noticing how the wind appeared to command the path of his home, Lucky immediately pondered an entirely new bevy of inquiries. “Why does the wind blow?” he thought. “Who made the wind anyway?” “Why, at times, does the wind blow ever so softly, then, without rhyme nor reason, gain considerable strength?” Indeed, there were occasions when Lucky had noticed the wind become violent. Raging wildly, blowing clouds hither and tither, seemingly without care for the delicate nature of his, or other, precious abodes. Certainly, in light of such deep thoughts, others in the Raindrop family who knew Lucky well, considered him a very insightful thinker. 

Lucky, I guess like all children his age, anticipated conversations with elder Raindrops living on the cloud would somehow shed light upon the endless questions puzzling his little Raindrop mind. Venturing out into his world with great determination, Lucky began inquiring as to which members of the Raindrop community might be best to approach for elucidation. Young Lucky had heard tell other Raindrop siblings refer to two very intelligent leaders among the Raindrop family. Their names, Crystal and Tiny Raindrop, both of whom were held in the highest regard, seemed the most likely candidates to field his many questions. Fortunately, word amongst the Raindrop community suggested Crystal and Tiny were not only very wise, they also were rather kind, extremely fair. Above all, these two renown Raindrops were loved, cherished, adored by all.





Tasking himself with clearing the foggy uncertainty from his mind, Lucky called upon Crystal and Tiny in hopes they would lovingly share their, most cherished, wisdom. Deep down inside, Lucky knew both Raindrops would not hesitate to assist in providing answers which, if luck would be in his favour, might help him unravel the tangled ball of philosophical uncertainties. Word about the cloud assured Lucky, the two revered Raindrops loved helping the others navigate through the uncertainty of what it meant to be a Raindrop.

Unable to quiet abundant excitement at the prospect of dispelling his ignorance, Lucky, upon meeting the two Raindrop sages, immediately began pummeling them with questions. Missing from his introduction was the basest of courtesy; a warm greeting, a pleasant introduction, or a gentle preface to his countless queries. Poor Lucky, with unchecked enthusiasm, seemed to have utterly forgotten his Raindrop manners. Smiling, without pause or concern for his lack of decorum, the two elder Raindrops both smiled, then gave Lucky a big warm hug. “Calm down little Raindrop” Crystal ventured with a warm, motherly tone. “Together, we will do our level best to address all your many questions.” Feeling a tad bit embarrassed by his awkward greeting, realising he had acted completely without bearing, little Lucky apologised, then slowly regained composure just enough to ask his first, most pressing, query.

Unsteadily, Lucky inquired, “Dear Crystal, honoured Tiny, where did I come from?”

Together, smiling with joy, Crystal and Tiny looked at each other. Somewhat taken aback by the depth of young Lucky’s inquisitive nature, the two sages first complimented Lucky upon his beguiling nature. “Such a great question from a Raindrop of your age Lucky. May we first commend you for your insightfulness. Without further ado, let us enlighten you with a tale passed down to us over many ages. This knowledge, I might add, comes from great Raindrops who lived long past. Their story recounts an epic journey, whereby, they first fell upon sky high tree boughs. From the top of a giant tree, they bounded to the ground uniting, as a great family, to form tiny rivulets.

Gaining pace, this great Raindrop family later danced upon a fast flowing river, which, in time, deposited them into a massive lake formed by billions of other Raindrop families. Currents, strong as the greatest winds, tugged and tossed this special family across the lake until they found themselves in a salty expanse called an ocean. Dear Lucky, the number of Raindrop families it takes to create this unbelievably great body of water is too vast for any one Raindrop to even consider. After living in this unimaginable expanse for a few days, a great wind picked them up, then spun them around until they lost all sense of who they were. Soon thereafter, this special Raindrop family found themselves back home living in their cozy raindrop cloud. Having taken this epic journey, they contrived to share with our great, great, great ancestors a wealth of knowledge we now have the honour of imparting to you.”

This is the story they recounted, “Long, long ago, there was a ‘Supreme Raincloud’ which proved the source of all raindrops. The leader of this Supreme cloud was known as Sir Willie Raindrop. No Raindrop alive had ever seen Willie, nor had the pleasure to talk with him directly. However, the story was regaled how Willie was the creator of all Raindrops. Without Willie’s presence, the world would never have seen even one single Raindrop.”

Lucky pondered this fable very carefully. Invigorating as the story proved, Lucky still felt his question had not been completely answered. Looking for further clarity, he asked Crystal and Tiny,


“How do you know if this story about Willie Raindrop is true? Could it be possible; Willie was just some kind of myth?”


They, in turn, looked quizzically at each other, then, in unison replied. “We accept the story on faith alone Lucky. After all, those who had related the story to us were honest, caring Raindrops. Surely Raindrops of such renown would not lead us astray. Remember Lucky, the story of creation has been handed down from the earliest incarnations of Raindrops. Countless generations of us Raindrops, right to this very moment we share their tale with you, all have agreed this, Lucky, is the truth of our origins.” Lucky bid Crystal and Tiny Raindrop a warm farewell, then returned to his spot in the cloud.

Having opportunity to further ponder the day’s lesson, Lucky teased at the concept of faith. The more he pressed the idea, the more he stumbled. By his reckoning, faith should not play into the investigation. Perhaps, an analytical mind proves poor fodder for squishy, wishy washy, concepts like faith. Lucky’s mind, awash with many more questions, stirred restlessly. Realising, his visit with Crystal and Tiny Raindrop had merely opened the door to countless other queries. Steadfastly, dear Lucky decided to redouble his determination. Possibly, a richer cup of intellectual coffee might surface if he were to grind up a few more philosophical beans. Somewhat disappointed by the lack of definitive resolution, Lucky yearned to discover a philosophy which might prove more tangible, less based in a need for the emotional support of blind faith. Puzzled, was Lucky, to imagine why, back in the days of the Supreme Raincloud, no one was able to directly converse with Willie Raindrop. Where did this Supreme Creator reside? Why did no one challenge Willie’s tale?




Waking up to a new morning, brilliant sunshine teased the Raindrop world with a cozy, yellow hued, warmth. Dancing across his bedroom wall, bright rays of golden dawn conveyed feelings of hopeful progress. Maybe, in some large golden cloud far away, he might find Willie! Lucky, just had to find out more about the mysterious, supernatural, Willie Raindrop! Lucky decided upon a plan of further investigation. Excited by the prospect of a new day, he quickly wolfed down a morning bowl of cereal. Not sure where to go, Lucky decided to head down to Ridgeway park in hopes of meeting a fellow Raindrop who might, either answer his questions, or direct him to someone who could. The park itself was richly adorned with smatterings of sunlight. Lucky always enjoyed his surrounding so much more when blessed by the grace of father Sun.

First to come to sight was an aged Raindrop known by the name Rocky. Rocky was at least one hundred years old. His face was withered, his frame saggy, frail, but somehow strong, in a sinewy way. Approaching Rocky, lucky noted the old man seemed idle, approachable. Hello there Rocky, I have not enjoyed your company in quite some time, how are you doing this fine morning dear sir? Looking up, leaning slightly forward on the park bench, Rocky smiled, in doing so a sparkle of his youth bled through his crinkled visage. “How nice to have some company this lovely morning dear Lucky. Will you sit down, spare me some time?” Grinning broadly, Lucky reached out, shook Rocky’s hand, then added. “How fortunate for your invite Rocky, I was hoping to tease your mind with a few questions.” Framing his lack of understanding, Lucky inquired of Rocky if he had heard the story about the famous Willie Raindrop. “Yes, I have heard tell of Willie.” replied Rocky. Without pause, Rocky relayed his own dismay how the ‘Willie’ lore might be interpreted as a faith based solution to the age old question of creation. Rocky, excited by hearing sentiments of doubt, suggested, he too wasn’t altogether sure if the illustrious story of Raindrop creation was truth or a fabrication cleverly designed to quell the wandering mind of youthful exuberance.  

Having further pondered the subject of their conversation Lucky intoned. “It is worth noting Rocky, many other Raindrops believe the story is merely a tale recounted by the first Raindrop elders as a way to encourage us all to live honorably. After all;” denoted Lucky “We must have come from somewhere, right?” Rocky didn’t seem to much care how the Raindrop family might have originated. The only thing of consequence to Rocky was, the fact, they surely did exist. Moreover, speaking to the point of honour, Rocky iterated the usual refrain,


“All I know for sure Lucky; we each should try to become the best Raindrop we could possibly be!”


Lucky really felt a strong connection to Rocky. What attracted Lucky most, was Rocky’s absolute conviction in truly desiring to be a very kind, caring, Raindrop. Before they parted way, Lucky told Rocky “Surely, it has been nice to enjoy your company this fine morning Rocky. In time, there are many more questions of which I would like to pose to you regarding life as a Raindrop.” Rocky smiled, gave Lucky a big hug, then suggested he might want to direct some of his queries to a good friend, Miss Misty Raindrop. “Misty is a really wise sage Lucky. I do believe, if you direct some of your queries her way, she just might shed some light into your world.”

Leaving the company of Rocky, Lucky thought to himself. Maybe, I should be more like Rocky. Instead of always looking for answers to what seems like impossible questions, perhaps I might be better off to just accept my existence as a Raindrop. After all; esoteric questions are not as important as focusing on becoming a respectable, revered, Raindrop.



Deep inside, Lucky knew he was fooling himself. His heart confirmed one absolute truth, daily, the philosophy of life was tugging upon his sleeve with more conviction, not less. Lucky was sure there would be many sleepless nights ahead. Nagging questions always seemed to pile up, answer one, then countless more fall into the hopper. From his early experience as an inquisitive Raindrop; every time Lucky tried to answer a question, at least ten more squeezed into his head. The evening after his morning discussion, Lucky found sleep near impossible. Floating upon his corner of the cloud, our dear Lucky tossed, turned, nary an hour of peace was had. Lucky awoke very early the next morning. Although the sun had yet to peek through his bedroom window, Lucky bounced out of bed, determined to recommence his learning.

Misty Raindrop is where I will go first, thought Lucky. Smart as Rocky says she is, surely Misty will be able to shed some light upon some of these crazy dilemmas.




Lucky’s search of Misty Raindrop seemed to take forever. Finally, he found dear Misty sitting quietly alone at the cloud edge. Her beautiful face was adorned with as big a smile as Lucky had ever seen. Excited by her peaceful demeanor, Lucky eagerly jogged her way, arriving at her foot, he paused, then unsteadily introduce himself. Bearing witness to Lucky’s presence, Misty reached out with both arms encouraging a warm embrace. “Dearest Lucky” uttered Misty, “You have been upon my mind for most of the morning.” Surprised by the warm greeting, Lucky inquired. “Why is it you should have been thinking of little old me, Misty?” “Before bedtime last night, I enjoyed a brief visit with both Rocky, as well, Crystal. Each of them were very impressed by your inquisitive nature. Additionally, they both felt a tad of remorse for not being able to offer sufficient answers to your deep, heartfelt, questions.”

“Lucky, you sure are making waves up here in our little cloud. We can’t quite remember, when last someone was so urgent in their need for wisdom. I cannot promise you answers which will allow you peace. However; young man, it will certainly be my esteemed honour to converse with you. In spending time together, perhaps we can tease a few knots out of this big ball of uncertainty you seem determined to unravel. The only caution I wish to share Lucky, is to beg you remember, my philosophy represents my truth, you must determine your own answers, discover your own truth. When we have finished, please, embrace what feels right for you, disregard the rest.”


Having briefly pondering the caution, Lucky commenced with the first of his, ever so long, laundry list of uncertainty. “Misty, lately I have been spending sleepless nights wondering who had created us Raindrops? Also, to what end were we created? There must be a good reason, Right? Willie Raindrop was kind enough to tell me about the Supreme Raindrop story. However; although I am convinced there surely is a higher power at play in our creation, I am not altogether convinced the Supreme Raindrop ever really existed.” Lucky, smart enough to envision something bigger than his mortal self, somehow he knew there was so much more to existence than this one simplified story. Misty, seeing the anxiety in his little Raindrop eyes, gave Lucky a big, loving, hug. Misty proceeded to insightfully offer the same advice most intelligent Raindrops seem to rely upon.

“Perhaps Lucky, you have already come to realise, each Raindrop, has its own belief about the how of creation, as well, the why of existence. Trite as it may seem, I believe it’s much more important to focus on how to become a loving, caring, Raindrop than it is to exert untold energy trying to determine such deep philosophical questions about existence. Why we are here, may not be as important as the impact we can make in our world when we choose love. Remember dear boy, this is merely my truth.” Smiling broadly, Misty Raindrop carefully added. “My truth does change year by year Lucky, what I say for this moment is absolutely up for further consideration.”

Lucky considered Misty’s point of view, then asked, “You think kindness, love and good living is our reason for being here? Forget the details you say, just be the very best Raindrop I can be?”

“Yes I do Lucky. But remember; you alone are responsible for your thoughts, actions and choices. Blame no other for any fault you may have discovered in yourself.


Most of all, try your hardest to be very kind when you perceive faults in others. For, each of us, are merely reflections of each other. I believe, if we look deeply enough, dear Lucky, we surely will discover faults we see in others often are a mirror reflecting our own, unresolved, shortcomings!”


Lucky, thought carefully of Misty’s beautiful sense of reason. Smiling brightly, he nodded agreement, then gave Misty a big, warm, loving, hug. Turning to leave, Misty paused. “Before I take leave of your lovely company Lucky, might I suggest you direct some of these questions to dearest Izzie Raindrop. If I bump into her today, I will inform her of our chat. Izzie is one of my favourite Raindrops Lucky, she is such a gentle, wise, loving, soul. The more I think of it, the more convinced I am Izzy would love sharing thoughts with you concerning life as a Raindrop.”

Lucky hardly slept a wink. Thoughts, possibilities, imagination, as well, a bevy of endless questions stirred fervently. Nights, similar to this evening of barking uncertainty, left poor Lucky feeling like an old light bulb fed by a surging power supply. Dimming, brightening, dimming again. Each time Lucky thought the power might be dim enough to sleep, a bright surge hit his little mind. Each surge of power, snapping him upright in his soft, pillow strewn, bed. Once a flicker, it now appeared, these endless questions had indeed turned into a raging flame. Haunting him, depriving Lucky of undisturbed rest. Just before he drifted off to the land of nod, Lucky smiled inside at the prospect of meeting dear Izzie Raindrop.

Booming across the darkened, cloud filled sky, an incredibly loud clap of thunder rumbled in the distance. Rolling in his bed, Lucky thought, good grief, I just fell asleep! Before long, he had drifted off again, this time, a proper, fitful rest, was to follow. The new morning came quickly; Lucky was ever eager to recommence his investigation. Immediately after gobbling up a hasty breakfast of hot porridge and toast, Lucky set out to fulfil the quest of finding the sage named Izzie Raindrop.

Travelling across the breadth of his home cloud, Lucky began noticing some of the Raindrop community appeared to be missing. By example; Billy Raindrop, the local hero who once saved an entire neighborhood family from a huge gust of wind. Billy always hangs out on the corner of Willow and Cool, I usually see him arguing with Brenda Raindrop about the weather forecast. Neither Billy, nor Brenda, were present this gusty, cold, morning. Additionally, Barbara Raindrop, who faithfully would be found in Ray’s park with her twelve children, was eerily absent. Point of note, the park was ominously vacant this unsteady morn. Curiosity, prickling the hackles of his neck, Lucky wondered where they, as well countless others, had disappeared. Uneasily, brushing aside his concern, Lucky returned his focus to the task at hand, where was the lovely Izzie Raindrop?




Lucky, still idly pondering the strange disappearances, came upon the home of Izzie Raindrop. Approaching the front door, Lucky looked up in the sky to see what had taken away the light from this ever so chilly morning. Above his head, there was formed a, massively imposing, terribly dark, cloud. He had been taught in school, clouds of this variety were called Cumulous Nimbus. Much bigger, infinitely darker than the cloud he called home, this beast was a sight to be reckoned with. So ominous its presence, Lucky was sure it represented a force which undoubtedly could change his world. The door to Izzie’s little abode opened with a slight creek which could have been cured with a daub of oil. Upon capturing a first glance of Izzie, dear Lucky knew something was amiss. Without a doubt, there appeared more than a trace of sadness in Izzie’s eyes. From the description of her known demeanor, Lucky was certain this sombre visage before him represented a complete, utter, departure from her acknowledged character. Lucky had fully expected little Izzie Raindrop to be a smiling, content, happy, buoyant, bubbly, Raindrop. Adding to her distressed look, Lucky noticed Izzie gently daubing a few tears from the corner of her misty eyes.



Gathering composure, Izzie proffered the best smile she could muster, then gave Lucky a big welcoming hug.

She said, “Hi, I bet you are the one called Lucky Raindrop.” Rapt in Izzie’s glowing beauty, Lucky, stuttered, smiled, then added, “Yes, I am Lucky. I am honoured to meet you Izzie. Oh, how many stories I have heard tell of how smart you are. I was wondering, do you think you could share a few moments to teach me?”

“Of course I can my dear Lucky Raindrop!”

“I have also heard much about you as well. My dear friend Misty told me you may be coming to visit. I am so happy to meet you. Surely, I would greatly enjoy talking with you, Lucky. I understand you have many deep questions about the reason for being, the look of eternity? What happens next, is usually the question I hear most often Lucky.”

“My dear, I will tell you the same as I tell anyone else, I am more than happy to share my thoughts. However, even though my beliefs may not align with yours, I am convinced we can learn much from each other. Now, Lucky Raindrop, what is it you are questioning this moment?”

“Walking over to your home this morning, it seems like something is amiss on our little cloud. Some of the Raindrops are missing altogether, as well, those I have spied appear terribly distracted. Perhaps, at the very least, everyone appears somewhat out of sorts. Arriving at your home, I noted, you too have been having a difficult day. What is it Izzie which has you crying? What troubles your soul on this beautiful day?”

Izzie Raindrop gave Lucky a great big smile, then reached out to give him a warm hug. Striking him deeply, Izzie’s loving hug seemed to flow right through every atom of Lucky’s body. Such a great feeling of unconditional love offered to him by this sweet soul. The entire experience of a simple hug really caught Lucky off guard. If pressed to define his emotions, Lucky would suggest, the hug made his heart melt. Lucky felt as if he and Izzie were one single being! Her warm greeting felt so perfect, a tear trapesed across his face as he realised they two would always share a part of their lives together. Where did these feeling come from? How is it he felt so connected to this person whom he had just met?

Izzie Raindrop inquired of Lucky, “Why is it you assume my tears were derived of sadness? Do you not realize tears, often times, bespeaks of happiness? In my life Lucky, many, if not most, tears are a result of unabated joy! I suppose Lucky, it is understandable you assumed I was sad. Often, I have learned we Raindrops tend to go about our lives assuming things are always as they first appear. Perhaps Lucky; this shallow view of life, partnered with the quick jump to assumptive reasoning, is the main reason we discover so much confrontation in our world. We are all guilty of this at times. Sadly, the lack of deep, objective, reasoning causes much disharmony, untold strife. Lucky, I have seen friendships destroyed, families torn asunder, innocents persecuted, as well, all kinds of wars and civil unrest brought about just because too many Raindrops were quick to misunderstand the words, or actions, of another. Indeed, disharmony makes me sad, but I tell you honestly Lucky, the tears you saw were tears of joy.”

“When I saw you approaching this morning Lucky, I was simply overjoyed in knowing I was going to make a new friend this very day. Even though I know you seek of me philosophical answers, I have a feeling our relationship will prove much more fulfilling than teasing together a few esoteric questions. The mere thought of a new friend, easily inspires me to cry. By the way dear Lucky; no one can honestly answer your questions about life. Many, may help you in finding your own understanding. However; you alone, will eventually answer your own questions.


 ” In the end Lucky, philosophy is a pearl each of us must slowly nurture. Like a clam forges beauty from a grain of sand, your pearl can be crafted from the irritation of one single, deeply esoteric, question. What is love?”


Lucky immediately connected with Izzie’s, well meant, words. Lucky was also struck deeply by Izzie’s obvious intelligence. How impressive was this lady, so much truth gleaned from one simple grain of knowledge? Lucky reached out to give Izzie a big hug. “Thank you so very much my friend. Now, to my absolute surprise, I discover your explanation of why you were crying, as well, your truth of finding philosophy from within, has completely answered all the questions I had for you today. Wow, I am dumbstruck Izzie, you sure are a very smart Raindrop. Thank you again, dear Izzie, for teaching me so much in so little time. You are truly offer an infinite array of wisdom, a bath of love. Being in your company, I feel, truly blessed.”

Izzie Raindrop smiled, “You’re too kind Lucky. Thank you, dear boy, for offering me your friendship. I have learned much from you. Just remember; all of us are teachers, as well, students. When finally, we realize each of us are equal, I truly believe we will live as one. Goodbye for now Lucky, I’m sure we will see each other before long.”

Walking down the country lane leading away from the thatched cottage, Lucky felt a sense of oneness. Moreover, this feeling did not limit itself to the lovely Izzie Raindrop, Lucky felt a kinship with every raindrop, ever to have existed. Lucky remarked to himself how great he felt from this one simple meeting with dear Izzie. Indeed; in a loving way, his heart had been warmed.






Feeling awesome; Lucky continued with his walk. After a short while, he came upon a couple of Raindrops having a good time playing a game of ball with each other. Making eye contact, Lucky walked a little closer. Waving to the pair, he uttered a heartfelt welcome, then broadly smiled. The elder of the couple, a portly fellow named Drippy Raindrop, eagerly waved. In doing so, convincingly urged Lucky to join them. Drippy smiled, “Hi there, aren’t you the one they call Lucky Raindrop?”

“Why yes I am”, replied Lucky. “How did you know my name?”

Drippy, beaming broadly, “You are becoming quite well known around our little cloud Lucky. Word has it, with all the questions you ask about the meaning of life, perhaps, we should call you seeker, instead of Lucky. Please allow me to introduce myself, as well, my dear sister. I am Drippy Raindrop. This beautiful lady next to me is known as Droppy Raindrop. Both of us have been hoping to meet you Lucky. Like yourself, we are always trying to learn new things about life. We really want to become the best Raindrops possible.”

Lucky, excited to meet a couple of new Raindrops who think about philosophy, was more than happy to spend a few minutes with his newly minted friends. Without pause, Lucky paced toward the cheerful couple. First order of business; big, warm, loving hugs for all. Immediately, Lucky, once again, felt a closeness, or better yet, a oneness, similar to the feelings he derived from his earlier meeting with Izzie. Lucky inquired of the comely lady and her burly brother, “Could you give me some advice as to how I too may be able to learn more about life.

“Well, maybe so,” replied Drippy, scratching idly at his flared nose. “We both would be happy to discuss anything dancing across your, most inquisitive, mind.” Droppy gently added, “Indeed, we are happy to share our limited knowledge with you Lucky, as long as, you understand everything we speak of is from our own personal experiences. Just because something is true for us, doesn’t necessarily mean it will also be your truth.” Drippy nodded eagerly in agreement, then added, “You see how smart is my little sister Droppy. She sure speaks the truth about how one person’s truth may not be right for everyone. We both have learned the hard way Lucky; things are not always as they seem.” Droppy quickly chimed in, “Yes, one thing we emphatically believe; all of us Raindrops should realise, everyone has a different collection of experience, a unique lens with which they see their world.”


“Just because another’s truth doesn’t seem real to us, in no way does it mean, their truth is right or wrong.”


“Again, my very wise sister has shown how, during our lives, we have had to change our beliefs to take into account our changing view of the world. Several times our truth changes, ever malleable, eternally shaded by new gains in knowledge. We only hold our beliefs tightly until a new truth comes to us in replacement of old considerations. One must be willing to change their beliefs as soon as new information comes to light.”

Lucky, listened intently as Droppy Raindrop began to speak anew. “My brother Drippy tells you how smart I am, however, let me tell you this, if it wasn’t for him, I don’t know what I would accept as truth. In reality, Drippy is the smart one. Wise, as well, so sweet, as he steadfastly helps anyone in their quest for knowledge. Lucky, as the years have rolled by, my brother and I have both learned many things from each other. Surely, I am equally convinced, we will continue to expand our knowledge base together. Each bouncing ideas off the other, in an attempt to make sense out of seemingly untouchable esoteric truth.”

Lucky took a few moments to reflect upon all that Drippy and Droppy had said. He was truly amazed by the wisdom these two beautiful souls possessed. Reaching out in conversation with his newfound friends assured Lucky he could always rely upon them for support as he too digs deep into unimaginable rabbit holes. Caught up in his happy reverie, Lucky commented, “You two have shared with me today knowledge which sure rings true in my heart. How can I ever thank you both for helping me better understand the many sublime mysteries of life?”

Drippy, looked to Droppy, in unison they replied, “Why Lucky, it is you whom we should offer thanks.” Drippy quickly added, “Your visit, brief as it is, has immensely brightened our day.” “Please Lucky, do come back another time, we would cherish a subsequent visit” chimed in Drippy, with a hugely, warming, smile. “Remember dear friend, our door is always open. I know Droppy would agree, we hope you never stop asking questions, never fail to keep an open mind!” Starting to depart, Lucky could not help but notice, both siblings seemed to be bathed in a glow of beautiful light. Turning aside to re-enter their home, they each felt blessed to have enjoyed the company of our dear Lucky.

Ambling down the path which exits the park, Lucky, once again, recommenced his morning walkabout. Smiling broadly, feeling light as a feather, a bouncy spring was found in his step. Lucky, strolling along Cirrus avenue, began thinking anew of why some of the community Raindrops he had come accustomed to seeing, now appeared absent from their home. Where had they disappeared to, he idly thought? Why, as well how, had they left our cozy little cloud? Lucky’s mental deviation was again interrupted as soon as he rounded the corner of Cirrus avenue & Cumulo street. In the distance, he spied a young lass, Amber Raindrop. Pretty as a dew drop, Amber appeared quietly, gracefully, sitting alone on a bench adjacent to an old Oak stately situated in the middle of Alto park.

Nearing the young girl, Lucky noted Amber was reading a book. By the grace of his keen eyesight, Lucky noted the book title, ‘Living Ones Truth’. Immediately intrigued by the subject matter, Lucky was compelled to stop for a chat. Generally speaking, most all the Raindrops on this cloud were uber friendly. Everyone in the cloud community seemed happy to discover the arrival of a new Raindrop, excited to acquire new friends. Approaching Amber, Lucky hoped she too was a friendly sort. None the less, seeing her rapt in the throws of a good book, he felt unease about interrupting her solitude. She sure seemed intent on every word she read, thought Lucky.




Approaching the stoic girl, Lucky paused, uncertain, “Er, um, hello Miss Amber.” Uttered Lucky. Amber, lifting her head to expose the loveliest silver blue eyes he had ever seen. Just as their eyes met, her face lit up with a gorgeous smile. Her mouth was moving, alas, Lucky, transfixed by her beauty, was at a complete loss for what she had uttered. Her comments, followed by an uneasy silent pause as Lucky gathered his scattered brains enough to collect his senses. Gracefully, thankfully, Amber saved the day by iterating her opening statement. “Why hello there my fellow Raindrop!”. Regaining composure, Lucky managed a somewhat ample retort, “Hello Miss Amber, my name is Lucky, how are you this fine, cloudy, day?” “Very well I am Lucky, it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Relieved was Lucky to discover Amber was indeed a friendly sort. Lucky, gaining steam, interjected with a query.

“I don’t mean to intrude, however, I can’t help but note, the book you are reading attracts my attention. Perhaps, like myself, you are intrigued to discover the deeper meaning of life?” “Why yes I am” replied Amber. “I see myself as an unsatisfied Raindrop Lucky. For the many questions I ask, there never seems an answer which satisfies the thirst I have to make sense of my world. Have faith, trust in the divine, these platitudes are fine and dandy for many souls, yet, for me Lucky, I want more tangible, scientifically based answers. The only recourse I see palpable, is to continually reach out to elders in hopes someone can uncover bits of truth. Hopefully the bits and bobs of knowledge gatherer about may contrive to afford me a wide array of philosophical perspectives. This book, you’ve noted in my hand, was written by a good friend of mine named Wally Raindrop.

Wally is a very wise sage, both of us have learned quite a bit from each other, or so he believes. From my perspective Lucky, I can’t imagine what Wally might have learned from me. Yet, as long as I have known this great Raindrop, he continually reminds me how he chooses to learn from every experience. It takes a special kind of person to believe he can learn from a baby, a tree, or an insect flying past.”


“Wally believes, all of us are teachers as well students, both learning and dispensing knowledge at the same time. If you haven’t learned what an ant might teach you, it is merely because, you have not inquired!”


Lucky smiled, “You know Amber, I’ve heard those exact sentiments recently expressed by a few, very intelligent, Raindrops. Amber, I have to agree with Wally. Depending upon the situation, we can both learn, as well, dispense knowledge. Your friend Wally seems a very wise Raindrop.” “Yes he certainly is” excitedly agreed Amber.

“What amazes me, even after writing this book, also, with all he has done to help others, Wally doesn’t like to be thought of as wiser, smarter, or any more special, than any other Raindrop he might encounter. Wally is always quick to remind me; one way or another, we are all special souls, each on a beautiful journey, each reflection equally valid, evenly cherished. Wally and myself have had many discussions about life. He continually tries to convince me how he has learned more from me, than I from him. In my mind, such a statement seems preposterous Lucky. Yet, Wally assures me, in the absence of things he has learned from me, this here book would not be quite the same. The only sense I can make from his assurances Lucky, is in my personal observation, which confirms, sharing thoughts, ideas, or personal experiences, with others seems to accelerate my own learning curve. Wally and I are such good friends. Oftentimes; it seems we are actually one with each other. Does such a concept make any sense to you Lucky Raindrop?”

“It sure does!” admitted Lucky. “I’ve heard it said by others, we are all one. This moment, in communing with you, as well other Raindrops, I am beginning to realize what this concept of unity consciousness actually means. I sure like owning the feeling spiritual concepts like ‘oneness’ offer. When I think of us all as one, base emotions like; fear, hate, greed, envy, pride, all fade into nothingness, at the very least Amber, they diminish in strength. How funny it is; the way we think of our world, or each other, can so vigorously impact our reality. Imagine Amber, how invigorated a community could be, if all the inhabitants truly believed themselves to be one. Amber, emotionally struck by the concept of living with ‘oneness’, gave Lucky a big hug, a joyful tear wet the corner of her eye, “I believe Wally would really like you Lucky. I was planning to visit his house for tea and a chat, would you like to accompany me?”

“Would I ever Amber, such a treat this will be! My only concern Amber, Wally is such an important, famous Raindrop, I hope our unannounced visit would not be an intrusion. With all the work he is doing in trying to help others gain more truth, I’m sure Wally is a very busy Raindrop.”

“Well, let me tell you Lucky, Wally is never too busy to sit with anyone, rich or poor, smart or challenged. Wally always reminds me how his wisdom is derived from others; I know for certain he would love the chance to speak with you.”

“Okay then, let’s go Amber”. Lucky was really excited about this chance to meet a well known author. Lucky, with broad smile, warm heart, reached out to take Amber’s hand. Smiling, they two began the short journey to Wally’s place.



Wally, sitting at his desk, spied the two jubilant Raindrops approaching. Carefully, uniting feather to ink well, took a brief moment to blow upon the last sentence written. Hastily, Wally then made his way to the front door in welcome of his visitors. Immediately; Lucky sensed a warm, loving, caring, gentle soul. Wally’s radiance beamed, loving vibrations emanating from his presence were palpable. Pushed to further describe the meeting, Lucky would suggest a loving spirit had engulfed all life in his immediate surroundings. The magnificent aura, exuding from Wally, assured Lucky, this gentle man undoubtedly represented himself as a very special Raindrop. His melodic welcome, a sweet calm voice, embraced Lucky with a sense of peace which warmed his entire body, soothed his soul. Lucky made mention of how pleasant were the emotions he felt in Wally’s presence. The handsomely wrinkled man broke out with a big, toothy, grin. Laughing heartily, Wally commented, “Why thank you my friend, your presence instills in me similarly warm feelings.

Bearing a broad smile, Lucky added, “Sir, Amber has been kind enough to invite me to your home with hopes I might gain knowledge. I so yearn to discover answers to deeply pondered questions.”

“Certainly”, surrendered Wally. “However, dear boy, before you decide me capable of dispensing truth, answers, or knowledge, let me remind you of something I heard in a song long, long ago. The ditty, I remark upon, was written by a talented musician who went by the name Delbert Raindrop. One special line from Delbert’s, well crafted tune, goes like this; ‘don’t let smooth talk fool you, silver tongues making gold purses.’ I’ve always loved the song Lucky; it reminds me to always remember the importance of weighing all knowledge which comes our way. Sadly; oft times, the line I mentioned can prove very true. There are many who will try to convince you theirs is the only truth one needs. However, I beg you remember Lucky, if smooth talk hits the right nerve, the recipient may eventually discover they have been victimised by, the less than genuine motives, of a talking shark. I’ve often seen this happen my boy; good, honest, Raindrops, much like yourself, who, in seeking truth fail to weigh what they hear against the knowledge they have already amassed. Perhaps, for you and Amber both, this little song of Delbert’s may act as a pleasant reminder to be alert to so called truth teachers. Do you understand what I mean?” inquired Wally.

“Yes, I think I do”, replied Lucky.

Are there many of these types out there Wally? Do you know some who live on our home cloud? If so, how do I protect myself from being fooled by their, self proclaimed, truth?”

“That is a very good question Lucky. My opinion; even though plenty of false prophets exist on all clouds, there are far more honest Raindrops who will have your best interest at heart. Those driven to feed upon you, are easy to spot Lucky. They will usually have an end game in mind. Mostly; they look for power, control, or money, their aim is to gain some type of advantage over you. The hardest sort to identify, are the confused Raindrops who have accrued false wisdom. Unable to see their philosophy is tainted, they embrace it deeply, then, they feel the need to share their newfound knowledge with all they meet. Their words are so convincing Lucky, especially as they will appear to want the best for you. Generally speaking, these lost souls will be sincere in their convictions, they will not be looking to take advantage nor gain control. None the less dear Lucky, their ignorance is a cancer, which unchecked, will surely spread far, wide, without challenge. Our hope, they might one day gain further knowledge, or experience, which allows them to dispatch the previously unquestioned points of ignorance.”

“My advice Lucky, for what it might be worth. Protect yourself, remain alert. Always weigh, then openly question, all knowledge which has been passed unto you. Stay clear of fake, plastic like, Raindrops whose aim is to take away your personal power. Try your best Lucky to shed light upon the misgivings offered by confused souls. Regarding, how to deal with plastic Raindrops who have not yet learned to treat everyone in a kind, honest, loving manner. With love in your heart Lucky, challenge their ignorance, light their path. Believe me, Lucky Raindrop, over the decades, there have been countless times people have misled, lied to, or taken advantage of me. However, disquieting it might be to deal with plastic, shark like, Raindrops, I steadfastly refuse to lose faith. One day, all of life in its countless iterations, will arrive at the single, most important, truth.


We appear separate, but in reality, we are one! Beautiful, indivisible, we are a singularity called consciousness. We even have the same name Lucky; we all call ourselves ‘I’!”


Unsteady souls, who saw fit to take advantage of my inexperience Lucky, they too, left behind many unintended gifts. After all, when we see, beyond deceit, shed light upon darkness, we have learned. The process of overcoming darkness serves a valuable purpose Lucky. All roses grow better in manure, don’t they? Most all inventions are derived from knowledge gained through failure. The astute learner, in light of knowledge gained from darkness, learns to redefine the concept of failure. Think of this Lucky, if each time we gain a grain of knowledge from the process of failing, does failure not then represent a, well disguised, form of success. One could even go so far as saying Lucky, each plastic shark who visited my world, did me a great service. Ultimately, their misdirection provided the fodder I required to see beyond darkness, thereby, enabling me to arrive closer to my perception of truth. Sure, with their lies and contrivances, these souls might have pushed me back a few steps. However, each time, I regained my footing, then discovered I was further up the mountain. Does this concept make any sense to you Lucky?”

Lucky thought for a moment, then replied, “Yes Wally, I do believe I know what you are saying. Certainly, I agree with you on this knowledge you share today. Please, tell me more! There is so much for me to learn.”

Amber smiled at Lucky, then commented, “Didn’t I tell you Wally was a great, wise, loving, Raindrop?”

Wally quickly chimed in, “There you go again Amber, giving me way too much credit for being a special Raindrop. You know very well, I’m not wiser, more talented, nor special. I’m just like you both, in me you find an ordinary little Raindrop, one who enjoys living, learning, loving.”

Lucky realized Amber had been right about Wally Raindrop. He was indeed a very humble, yet, ultra caring, Raindrop. Truly, Wally was one of a kind. Wonderfully fortunate we all are, thought Lucky. Our world is so much richer, when we choose to share wisdom. Spreading ripples of knowledge throughout the cloud is a good deal like sharing love. Once again, Lucky knew in the depth of his heart, he had made another friend for life. Lucky, wanting to bathe in Wally’s lively company forever, realised he had taken up a generous portion of Wally’s day. Before departing, Lucky had one final nagging question he wished to inquire of Wally. “There is one more nagging question Wally. I am reticent to take up more of your valuable time, but, would you mind if I begged you answer just one more query?”

“Why go ahead Lucky, ask me anything you want. I’ll share my thoughts with you gladly. Just remember, my words are my truth only, you must filter my assertions with your own base of wisdom. Take what feels right, leave what does not. I am sincere in all my beliefs Lucky. However, I’m also aware, when it comes to life’s experiences and beliefs, everyone is not in the same place as am I.”

Lucky briefly reflected upon how many times this week he heard other deep thinkers offer the same advice. “I know your caution must be true Wally. I’ve heard several others suggest I embrace similar reservations.” Wally smiled, “I always remind others to be aware of anyone who tells them they know the truth. Be especially concerned, if they maintain their truth offers the only correct path. Those who feel this way Lucky, are actually doing harm to themselves, as well as, those they encounter. Wise students know, truth changes as we progress through life experiences. The best advice I can give anyone; keep an open mind, be flexible. Most of all, never be afraid to allow new truth to replace worn out belief structures. With the humility understanding he knows nothing, the learned student seeks knowledge. Seldom is the world exactly as it appears Lucky. Now, dear boy, what was your question?”

Lucky, briefly paused, then inquired, “Why do some Raindrops in our home cloud disappear, never to return? What has happened to them? Where did they go Wally?”

“That’s a very difficult question to answer Lucky. Like yourself, I have noticed the same pattern. Ponder as I might Lucky, I have yet to decipher an equitable answer. Just two days past, we seem to have lost many of our Raindrop friends and family. So sorry to disappoint you Lucky, this deep question pesters me as actively as it does you. The one thing Lucky I have observed as truth, one day, each of us will leave this cloud. When the day arrives for you and I to depart, I can only imagine what will happen at that moment.” Even though Lucky would have loved for Wally to provide an answer to this deep question, he understood what Wally meant. If one has never experienced something, there is just no way to know for sure what might occur. Reason would suggest, no one could possibly know for sure what happens when we die.

“Fair enough Wally”, muttered Lucky. “I guess if anyone does tell me they know for certain what happens when we leave this cloud, then perhaps, their confidence should make me a little leery of how well they weigh their own truth.”

“How right you are Lucky”, how right you are. Often times, many well meaning souls, will try to save you from the grief of your uncertainty. Their zeal, or possibly a sinister agenda, might urge them to provide answers to deeply esoteric questions, even though, they know not of what they speak. One should never accept another person’s knowledge without first weighing their teachings against your own foundation of truth. In regards to your question Lucky, there is a lovely soul who goes by the name, Marie Raindrop. She is a dear friend, well known on our cloud for her work on this very subject. Over the years, conversations with Maria has offered valuable tidbits for me to consider Lucky. If you like, I will call her to inquire is she might welcome your visit.”

“That would be great Wally! Thank you so very much for all the knowledge you have imparted, as well, for this kind referral of Marie.”

Pointing to a specific spot on the map carefully laid upon the old Oak table, “Here is where she resides Lucky. If amenable to your schedule Lucky, I will let Marie know you will be stopping by her place later today. Thank you, Lucky, for your invigorating visit this day. Please, feel free to stop by anytime. I’m never so busy, I cannot make time for a good friend!”

Lucky gave Wally, as well Amber, a big hug. He thanked them both for sharing valuable knowledge, then, cheerfully made his way down Nimbus road. The path to Marie Raindrop’s abode cut a path through his favourite park. Excited to meet a new friend, Lucky set out with a bounce in each footstep. Humming a tune as he neared the residence of Miss Marie, Lucky reveled in the excitement of the day. Shortly after setting off, Lucky arrived at Marie’s house. Adjacent to the park, the well kept two-bedroom cottage sat entirely surrounded by wild flowers of endless shape and colour. Spying Marie sitting stoically under a big gnarly old Maple tree, lucky hesitated momentarily before advancing. Noting his presence, Marie smiled, then waved Lucky to enter the beautiful, aromatic, garden.






“You must be the raindrop they call Lucky”, commented Marie. “I am so happy to meet you.”

Immediately, Lucky noticed the twinkle in her eyes. Like Wally, her energy seemed to radiate outward with a, genuinely, loving, embrace. Lucky, deeply touched by Maria’s warmth and compassionate voice, attended her invitation to hug. Motioning for Lucky to enjoy the vacant chair proximal to her, Cedar stripped, chaise lounge, Maria stretched out. Having settled in, iced tea poured from an old glass decanter, the two began to discuss life as a Raindrop. Lucky asked the same question which had been nagging at him for such a long time

“Marie, can you tell me what happens to us when we depart from our home here in this cloud?”

“I can tell you what I’ve heard from others Lucky. However, please know this is all conjecture. The truth is, no one really knows for certain what happens when we die. How could we? The way I see it Lucky, there is just no way one can know for sure! None of us have ever had the privilege to meet another who has come back to this cloud after they have left. Pay no attention to those who may try to convince you they know for certain what will transpire. False bravado, ill advised assertions aside, they might claim to know the truth. However; logic suggests Lucky, they are basing their beliefs on the lore handed down to them by past generations. None of their assertions can be validated. Offering false hope, they will likely ask you to ‘believe, or have faith. Whenever someone asks me to have faith, alarm bells sound in my head.”

“So” Lucky inquired, “everything I have heard may, or may not, be the truth.”

“Yes, replied Marie, “As I’m sure you well know by now. Truth, as it relates to an absolute unknown like death, can only be achieved by those who call themselves ‘believers’. No one can say their truth is the only truth there might be. However; many do ‘believe’ their faith offers assurances they can rely upon unequivocally. For me Lucky, this type of knowledge is not truth at all, it is conjecture, hypothesis at best. My guess is, these ‘believers’ will likely cling to their ‘truth’ until the time comes for them to depart from this cloud. I’ve been on our cloud a long time Lucky. Hearing fools speak with certainty on this subject, causes me to grow weary. Closed minded Raindrops, running amok, declaring their latest form of faith based hypothesis to represent truth. Scientifically, spiritually, logically, it makes no sense to declare certainty where is cannot exist.

Regardless of their silly assertions, I have no trouble accepting religious fools, irrespective of their loosely held belief structure. Alas Lucky, my acceptance of them is not often reciprocated. So many ‘believers’, when faced with debate, cast judgement or levy aspersions against my inability to ‘believe’. Frustrated by not carrying their load of an argument, more than likely they will maintain, I am just a spiritually lost Raindrop. Yet another lost sheep, one who cannot find the peace of choosing blind faith over logic, untested religious dogma, in lieu of, common sense. I’m actually looking forward to the day I die Lucky. So much to learn! Questions which have been begging for answers based in factual observation, experiential truth.”

Lucky sensed a sadness in those last words Marie spoke. Picking up on her melancholy, he inquired. “If you want to leave badly enough is there anything you can do to hurry the process along?”

Marie smiled warmly, “Yes my dear Lucky, there are ways one can leave this cloud. However, I believe if we leave before our experiences here have taught us what we need to know, perhaps, an early exit will merely chain us tighter to belief structures which aren’t true. What do I know Lucky? Perhaps, one must tarry here until our work is complete? When our path leads to the great unknown, I think we just might discover, a ‘Higher Power’ from within has decided it was time to leave. The only thing I know for sure Lucky is I do exist in this moment. Everything else, all the knowledge I think I know, might very well be biased by illusion.  

Lucky quickly recalled the story he heard about the ‘all powerful Raindrop’ called Willie. He asked Marie, “What do you know about Willie Raindrop?”

Again, Marie smiled, then spoke in a tender, loving, voice. “Yes, I have heard much about Willie Raindrop. The Willie story represents a widespread belief held dear by many Raindrops who reside upon this puffy cloud of ours. Yet another, unsubstantiated story, handed down over countless generations. Designed is this tale to tug upon our heartstrings so we might see the value of charting a loving, charitable, path. Worthy as the message is Lucky, we must realise, there is no proof to substantiate the belief structure. Such stories of this ilk, the ones which require us to instill blind faith, they cannot be relied upon to expand our basis of knowledge.


“Blind faith does serve a master, Lucky. Unfortunately, the master is ignorance.”


This may seem harsh to you Lucky. However, controversial as it may seem, we must accept the Willie Raindrop story could be real or it could be a lie. If one believes in Willie, I think they will likely lead their life in a positive conscientious manner. This positive living experience is when ‘blind faith’ serves the individual and community. The problems start, when we force blind faith upon others who feel uncomfortable accepting truth in the absence of proof. All too often Lucky, when the ‘faithful’ encounter those who deny blind faith, they hurl insults at them, chastise their choices, even ostracise them from the community. This, slippery slope of judgment, represents well the double edged sword which we call ‘faith’.”

Lucky listened intently to every word Marie spoke. She sure was a very wise Raindrop. With his confidence in Marie growing, Lucky recapped her assertions. “So my question cannot be answered for sure. The answer can only be derived by leaving this cloud. If I wish to learn truth, I cannot hasten my departure by any means. You also maintain, my only recourse, Marie, is to continually seek more knowledge. Grab what I know to be uncontested truth. Release, or at least accept with a grain of salt, information which requires blind belief or religious faith.”

“Yes Lucky, that is exactly how I see it. I wish I could give you a better answer. However, all I know for sure, dear Lucky, is in this moment we do exist. Everything else, seems conjectural, uncertain, unknown.”

Lucky nodded, “I think you lesson is clear, Marie. Your sense of truth sure sounds right to me. I guess I’ll continue living here in this cloud until my time to move on arrives. Until the fateful day should arrive, I will reach out to others, like yourself, in hopes I might gain more knowledge, truth, understanding.”

“Your plan appears sound to me Lucky. However; also remember to always keep an open mind. Keep on asking questions. Never be afraid to change your sense of truth. Know the answers you arrive at may, or may not, be the right ones for your present moment of now.” Lucky gave Marie a big hug, told her he was ever so grateful for her loving nature, time, thoughts, especially for her deep wisdom. The day was coming to an end. Time for Lucky to head back to his home in the east end of cloud Nine. “I’ll always remember you Lucky Raindrop. Who knows; we may see each other again some day, somewhere. Here, or in another realm of consciousness.” This would prove to be the last words Marie spoke to Lucky. At least, here in this cloud.

Having arrived back home, Lucky was tired. His mind, reeling, as he carefully re-enacted the many conversations he was fortunate to have enjoyed this past day. Fatigue quickly took over his, ever spinning, thoughts. Sleep embraced, dear Lucky, even though he was eagerly wondering what wonderful new acquaintances or deep conversations, tomorrow would offer. Much like the prior evening, Lucky fitfully slept upon his cloud, even as it was besieged by great flashes of lightning, accompanied with resounding cracks of thunder. Unannounced to our fatigued Lucky, the storm raged on, causing many fellow Raindrops to be ejected from the cloud. Carnage abound, losses mounted. Still, Lucky soundly slept, oblivious of the great changes taking place on his dear cloud nine.






Lucky awoke early the next morning. Immediately, he noticed how quickly his home cloud was drifting across the cobalt grey sky. Having swiftly walked across Pillow park, Lucky remarked upon several Raindrops gathered in a tight mass. From the excessively animated gestures, even at a distance, Lucky could tell the group seemed to be rather discombobulated.

“Hi fellow Raindrops” commented Lucky, as he unsteadily approached the tumultuous group. “Why are you all so upset?”

Walter Raindrop replied, “Why you ask?” “Have you not heard, Lucky, how the terrible storm last night took from us a very large number of Raindrop friends and family?” “We know storm casualties are not uncommon. However, each time one of these super storms passes, we can’t help but fear what horrible fate might await those lost souls we so dearly love.”

“Certainly, I too have a difficult time bearing the loss of a dear friend or family member.” Cautiously, Lucky added. “Possibly, the feelings we are having a hard time dealing with, are more about us, than those who have passed into the realm of unknown possibility. Most the pain in our hearts, is a reflection of our own loss. The thought of never again hugging, kissing, talking, with a loved one is, at times, almost unbearable. Yet, when you think of it, why should we be sad or afraid of their future?” “We are taught to lead a good life so we make it to Heaven. Secretly, we worry about the possibility of Hell, or become fearful of unimaginable terror which might await our beloved. Naturally, we worry about those we love. Be it in this life, or the after-world, concern for a happy outcome is understandable.”

“With an aim to ease your grief a tad, I ask you consider two things. What if the experience of after-life represents a birth into an even better reality than this life we presently know?” “Additionally, what if death is an illusion?”


“Perhaps an argument can be made to assert the bizarre philosophy which suggests, we never die.” “Could it be; we are eternal beings?”


The other Raindrops looked at Lucky like he was completely insane. Walter Raindrop cautioned the group, “Pay no mind to this Lucky Raindrop. He is the one who, we know, is always asking questions. Yet, for all his inquisitiveness, Lucky is still just as dumb as a stick. Our little instigator here, refuses to accept as truth, the religious stories handed down through the ages. His ideas are worrisome to me; you, as well, should be concerned!” Lucky knew, it would serve no purpose trying to debate with these, closed minded, Raindrop characters. He realised they had a passion for denying any truth which might conflict with their, indoctrinated, sense of reality. Walking away, Lucky took a moment to wish the group peace, love, tranquility. Fearful of casting a stone from within a glass house, Lucky quickly reminded himself, these folk he was so quick to judge, were merely living by the framework of their personal truth. Remembering his lessons well, Lucky asked himself, who am I to believe they must be wrong?”

Lucky decided this was a day for him to reflect upon the importance of allowing others the right to express themselves. Perhaps, thought Lucky, it might be best to spend the day by myself. Solitude might enable me time to carefully consider how, if I am not careful, I might betray my own philosophy. Spending the day in thought proved a worthwhile choice. With the sun setting, Lucky felt invigorated, cleansed of judgemental thoughts which earlier preyed upon his mind. Lucky, was now prepared to reach out into the community to further discover paths beyond the unrest caused by judgment.  

Later that evening Lucky heard the news, Marie Raindrop was one of those who had been taken during the stormy night. Most would consider such a loss, terrible news. However, Lucky knew better. Deep in his heart, our fearless Raindrop knew, Marie was finally going to have answers to the questions which they had tumbled around earlier the previous morning. Smiling broadly, at the thought of release from uncertainty, our dear Lucky sent off a silent hello to Marie. Wherever she was, he hoped she was happy, loved and a little bit wiser. Without a doubt, Lucky anticipated, Marie, in this very moment, was exactly where she was meant to be.

He was a little surprised by his feelings. Perhaps a tiny twinge of guilt also swirled around in the stew of mixed feelings. After all, should we not be unhappy when we lose someone we care for? Possibly, the unhappiness we feel when someone departs, is, more about what we know we will personally lose, rather than, what we think those who have passed into the great unknown will suffer. Regardless of his somewhat mixed feelings, Lucky felt comfortable being happy for his dear friend.

Ambling through the various neighbourhoods of the cloud, time quickly passed. Lucky, irrespective of the tumultuous emotions caused by the big storm, maintained a frenetic pace of investigation, truth seeking. Time has a way of healing old wounds, both for him, as well as, those in his community. Even though many Raindrops thought Lucky was a little peculiar, they all loved him. Most would agree, Lucky always was eager to go, well out of his way, in aide of fellow Raindrops. All agreed, he was a great friend, loving soul, a wise Raindrop. Those who knew Lucky, understood well, regardless of his endless barrage of questions, he was a valuable asset to the community.




Years after the big storm, which swept away Marie, as well, countless other Raindrop community members, Lucky was reminiscing about the love he had for his old friend Marie. With a generous grin, Lucky realised, this cool, fresh, morning, he felt exactly the way Marie felt those many years past. Deep inside, Lucky yearned to wink out of existence. Not that Lucky wanted to die, he just desperately desired to know what the next phase of his reality will look like. Thinking of the subject a little more, he realised the mere act of wanting the time for his departure to quickly arrive, was, in some ways, an insult to the beautiful moments he might yet share as the balance of his life on the cloud unfolds. Patience, Lucky knew, was a virtue filled with countless rewards. Buckle down, buck up, thought Lucky. I have my life ahead of me, the best thing is to continue the journey of learning.

Nodding off to slumber land one cool evening, countless thoughts were rambling through his mind. Many thoughts entertained by young Lucky, swirled around in circles, arriving, passing, returning with a greater vengeance. Above all concerns, one was eternally close at hand, when will my time come to be swept off this cloud of ours? Ever since the loss of Marie, as well, so many of his close friends, dear Lucky was continually plagued by the fear, anticipation, uncertainty, of what his final moments might look like, what will come after the passing. Alas, it was not even two weeks after the last monstrous storm, when another was careening into their quiet little cloud. Waking up with a fright, a massive crack of thunder was soon followed by a blinding bright light. Sitting up in his bed, Lucky was afraid, not for himself, rather for all the lost Raindrops he knew would likely perish in the approaching foul weather.

Just then, without any notice at all, Lucky found himself caught up in a swift current of air. Unable to move, trapped by the violence of the gale, poor Lucky was left helpless to fight. Realising the extent of his circumstances were indeed grave, Lucky did the only thing he could manage, he relaxed, released his fear, then allowed for the moment to yield what it may.

What is happening? Where am I going? This, the last fleeting thought, proved a foreword to the snap of fresh air which announced his departure from the cloud. Homeless, afraid, exhilarated, Lucky accepted he had been hurled from the comfort of his bedroom, spun high in the air.

“This is it! The moment I have waited for is finally here! I am still alive, yahoo!” Screamed Lucky, to everyone and no one all at once. Below, he could see his cloud daintily suspended, frozen in timelessness. Then, in a flash, his home cloud appeared just to his right. Finally, wherever he looked, he could only see sky. Looking upward, Lucky could see his home cloud resting quietly above him. Slowly, as if in a dream, his home disappeared entirely from his vision. Tears streamed down our hero’s face. Looking down, Lucky could see land was fast approaching. The acceleration of this epic plunge into a new reality proved an awesome experience. Mind spinning, Lucky had no more control over his thoughts than he did of his body. My home, a distant memory, my future uncertain, yet I feel free, excited, awestruck. Whatever follows this plummeting descent to the earthly domain below, I am at the mercy of the Gods.

“Do what you will Gods, I am at your mercy, I am still Lucky Raindrop!”

Spinning wildly, at the behest of a wild wind, Lucky was discovering the odd sensation of gravity. Plummeting into the unknown, for once in his life, there was nothing he could do but exist. Surrender to the moment, give the Gods their due. Suddenly, realising he had stopped fighting the experience, Whatever aspects of fear remained parcel to this crazy race toward a new reality, was instantly replaced by a sense of awe. Peaceful feelings quickly settled into every bit of his being. Shortly, without fanfare or Godly judgment, Lucky found himself slamming into something he had never, in a million years, thought might exist. People call this new world a lake, as far as Lucky was concerned, it was the greatest collection of Raindrops he ever could imagine.


“Death, as we all believed, is an illusion! Consciousness lives on, I live on! So much for heaven!”

Plunging excitedly into the substrate of Raindrops, he eked out a place in his new world. Then, like a bouncing ball, Lucky found himself catapulted out of the lake and back up into the warm air. Seconds thereafter, he again re-entered this newfound home. Locals in the area called this new residence, Klein Lake. Floating upon countless other Raindrops, accepting this vastly different reality was his new home, Lucky began to relax.




No sooner had Lucky arrived in his awesome new residence, a welcoming committee, consisting of a group of five Raindrops, approached. The five, each in turn, looked Lucky over. The pudgy Raindrop, proved the first to speak.

“Welcome to our lake here in the mountains.” “You are now one of us.”

Per usual, Lucky was replete with questions. No sooner had Lucky asked his first question, they were quick to inform him, there was no need for questions of any sort. By their reckoning, there was only two things of which Lucky needed to be aware. “First” noted the group leader, “You must realize, you are merely a Raindrop, nothing more nor less. Your job, while you choose to stay here, is to remain committed to following our rules. The ways of us, lake Raindrops, may be quite different from where you originated in yonder cloud. Our older generations of Raindrops have handed down a base of knowledge by which we all faithfully adhere. Stay with us young master Raindrop, together, we will continue to make this beautiful lake our collective home. Secondly, always remember, never get close to the lake edge. The lake has some fast moving currents, any of which can easily capture you. We wouldn’t want to discover you were swept down the mountain side by the lake’s current, especially not on your first day with us. If you ever find yourself swept down the valley; we assure, you will be lost, forever gone! Your very existence will be ended. Please, heed our words carefully Lucky, be an obedient raindrop so that we all may live a great life.”

Such an ominous greeting thought Lucky. Having spewed their admonitions, all five sped off toward the middle of the lake. Lucky was perplexed. Try as he might, Lucky attempted to reach back into the archive of his memories to piece together what life was like prior to living in the lake. He knew there was a before, yet, for some strange reason, it seemed as if all previous memories had somehow become buried, inaccessible, as if trapped in a box in the back of his mind.

Something just didn’t feel right about where he was. He felt lost in this big mass of Raindrops, poor Lucky had lost his sense of community. What should I be doing? What is my purpose in life? Questions such as these seemed eerily familiar. Lucky had a sensation of déjà vu. I’ve thought these thoughts before, but where, when?

Days quickly flew past, alas, poor, confused Lucky, still felt exceptionally uneasy in his new environment. There appeared little sense of community here. Lucky noted, none of the other Raindrops ever spoke to each other, that is, unless a new Raindrop showed up in the lake. Additionally, each time a new resident arrived, the same five Raindrops would undertake the task of acting as the welcoming committee. These five, who professed to be so wise in everything, would give each new arrival the same sermon they had scripted for him. If Lucky didn’t know better, he would think all of these Raindrops were in some kind of trance. Day in, day out, the lake residents strictly focused on the task of just existing. Never were games played, books read, conversations had, nor questions ever asked. To Lucky, it appeared a wasteland of spirit, a dead zone for the living.

Observing the way in which the lake community responded to the five elders, one would think them the wisest, most powerful of the entire lake. Consensus suggested, these five had been anointed sages by the legacy of Raindrop forefathers. Esteemed, reverent as they may be; Lucky could not understand why they would not allow questions from the population. Fraught by concerns, dear Lucky sought out the sages. One question, above all others plagued Lucky, why is there no communication, no learning?

Having caught up to the leader, Lucky put forth his concerns. By reply, Lucky was sternly chastised,

“I have told you before, there are only two things you need to know. Enough of the questions already, silly Raindrop! You are just a child, what do you know of the world. We are far too busy ruling over the other Raindrops to be bothered by one miscreant such as you! Be gone you imp of a boy, be a good little Raindrop, or there will be a price to pay for your insolence!”

Lucky felt heartsick, never before had he heard such coarse, controlling words. Thinking deeper about the exchange with the elder, Lucky thought about their stated convictions. What if the current which is supposed to kill him, actually takes him to another domain of reality? What if falling over the edge was not a death but another rebirth?


Just because everyone believes in a given philosophy, does it mean they are guaranteed to be right? Could it not be possible their version of death is just another reflection of life?


He could not remember what his previous life was like. None the less, Lucky knew it was a place of peace, community, communication, love. Why was everyone here so narrow minded? Surely, there must be more to life than just being an idle, non thinking, little Raindrop in a big lake. Regardless of his feelings, he did note how all other Raindrops appeared content to live out their life in ignorance, cold, separate, alone. With the passing of each new day, our confused Lucky began to catch tiny glimpses of memories from his past life on the cloud. Another time, a different place, community, discourse, happiness, love, these were the snippets of his past.

Whilst asleep, Lucky found himself dreaming of the many Raindrops he had known from his previous life. Visions of his past seemed so real. Still, he wasn’t sure if it was all just a dream or if the past he recalled, in drips and drabs, was in fact a past he had lived. Desolate, Lucky tried in earnest to find solace with his life as a lake resident. Alas, tortured was his heart by thoughts impelling him to believe he was not where he was meant to be. Answering these insecurities proved impossible. Confused, ill at ease, lost in a dream, Lucky began to question his self worth, the reality of his world. Maybe the old Raindrops were right? Perhaps, he should just adhere to their admonishments. Would it be a bad choice to accept the path to becoming an obedient little Raindrop? Maybe, it would be a good choice to accept the rules without question?

Striking out on a new path, Lucky did his level best to fit in. Adapting to the rules was easy, after all, one needed do nothing but exist. Poor Lucky, the new path proved tiring. Within a few short days, Lucky realized he was becoming intolerably miserable. He longed for community, conversation, learning, happy smiles and intellectual stimulation. Slowly, Lucky was becoming morose, he contemplated “the edge” the quick death he was warned about upon his arrival. Was now the time to end his life? What would come next? What does this thing called death look like?  The old Raindrops had fervently cautioned him, death was final. Getting too close to the falls edge, they said, meant being forever swept away into a realm of nothingness.

The dark thought of being gone forever, endlessly preyed upon dear Lucky’s mind.





One cool night, Lucky awoke from a very exciting dream. Piecing together the dream puzzle, Lucky recollected a past friend. Someone from another place far away, a sage who had quietly crept into his subconscious dream world to ask two simple questions.

“Why are you feeling so sad darling Lucky?”

“Thoughts of death little man, do you not know death is an illusion, your life is eternal?

Try as he might Lucky could not put a name to the face in his dream. Who was this benefactor? Was this spirit real or part of his, over active, under stimulated, imagination?

Upon deeper reflection, Lucky knew, in his heart of hearts, the spirit was an actual being! Lucky was convinced, his friendly visitor was not just another dream character. Excitedly, Lucky knew, this being was real! The quip about eternal life struck a chord with Lucky. If not mistaken, he seemed to recall in his past a loving sage named Marie who mentioned to him there was no such thing as death. Pressed to recall his past, he remembered many very wise friends who convinced him, life is an eternal series of transition, one spirit body becomes another, ad infinitum.  The gentle, all knowing spirit who had visited Lucky this night, provided a beautiful reminder.


You are always exactly where you are meant to be. Lucky, this framework of existence, is your path, your destiny! Any great philosopher will tell you, all moments are perfect.


Another wise anecdote crept into his memory, one to make him broadly smile. He could hear the words, the ring and soft inflection of her voice. “Always, always, keep an open mind. Ask questions about everything. Above all else darling Lucky, remember, all life is ONE, we are a singularity!” Jolted from his reverie, Lucky smiled, cried tears of joy. The depression plaguing his disappeared, our dear Raindrop was free to love himself, as well, all others.

“WE ARE ONE!” Cried out Lucky for all to hear. Followed, a brief pause, “I LOVE YOU ALL!”

Every Raindrop within earshot of his vociferous revelations, looked at Lucky quizzically. Heads were shaking, fingers wagging, “That Raindrop is a problem, we don’t need his kind making waves around here!” Countless other ramblings reached his ear. Poor Lucky, the misgivings of others left him feeling terribly alone. Then he smiled anew, “That’s right you silly Raindrops, I love you all, especially if, you hate me!” “I am you, you are I, we are one being.” Renewed by his sense of unity, the dark depression slipped away, this time, forever.

Like one of those big white fluffy clouds hanging carelessly in the above sky, Lucky was free. Looking up at the clouds, he cried out to his brothers above. I too am you, I love you, we are truly one and the same. Pocketing his new found revelations, Lucky, quick as a bolt of lightning, opened up his subconscious to reveal the chest of secrets from his past life in the cloud. Remembering all his past friends, the happy, loving, ever so wise Raindrops which had helped him understand the meaning of his Raindrop life.

Alive, rejuvenated, invigorated, Lucky opened his heart to the new day with reckless abandon. His journey was eternal, his love unchained. Full of excitement to see where the next journey may lead, our darling Lucky rushed to the very edge of this big lake he had called home. Looking down, Lucky watched the raging current spill over a massive waterfall. Raindrops cascaded hither and about, some with such force, they changed into a vapour. Others formed a mist, some a foam, all were a singularity, all Raindrops expressing the eternal flow of life. Unable to fathom the end of this mighty drop, Lucky, in past days, might have embraced unapproachable fear. This day, there was no fear, nor concern of well being, just love, unity, oneness.  

Lucky recalled the memory of five old raindrops visiting him upon his arrival. Dire warnings to stay away from the falls. In his minds eye, Lucky could see wagging fingers of the elders, stern expressions bespeaking fear. The power of ignorance is a mighty master, thought Lucky. Pondering his next move, he hesitated for the briefest of moments, Lucky had to admit that he wasn’t entirely sure about jumping.

What is truth? What is life?

Back to the circle of doubt, or do I forge ahead? Uncertain, but alive with the spirit of love, quickened by the urging of eternal singularity, Lucky moved ever closer to the edge. Does it really matter who is right? Countless thoughts, endless questions, this is the path of the philosopher. Just then, a thought crystallised in his mind, advice he had heard long, long, ago. The words echoed in his mind, clear as from a Sunday bell tower.

“What is truth for one, doesn’t make it the only truth there is.”

Which old friend had taught him to scrutinise knowledge? Why, if memory served him well, all of them offered similar advice! Lucky, smiling a great grin, emphatically knew his next move. The choice, although still entertaining an uneasy feeling of uncertainty, was obvious. Lucky could remain in this beautiful mountain lake, adhere to rules which were contrary to his personal truth. Such a path, Lucky knew in his heart would lead to continued depression, malcontent, eternal unhappiness. On the other hand, he could listen to his heart, release all control, then allow himself to be hurled over the tumultuous, frothy, ever so scary, waterfall. Seizing the second choice, if wrong, would certainly result in his permanent death, or so the 5 elders professed. Staying, was equally unfathomable, absolutely out of the question.




Lucky knew what he must do. Now, all he needed was to summon courage, trust in his path, allow life to take him where it may. Teetering upon the edge of the unknown, Lucky recollected one last morsel of knowledge taught him by the lyrics of an old Beatles song.


“There is nothing you can know that isn’t known. There is nothing you can see that isn’t shown. There is nowhere you can be, that isn’t where you are meant to be. It’s easy, all you need is love.”


Embracing truth, with a peace he had never known, Lucky surrendered to his fate leaping forward to allow the wicked current to sweep him asunder. Deafening was the sound of crashing water. Roaring with life, screaming with love, the force was absolutely awesome! Bounced back and fro, up and down, completely without control. Yet, in the heart of it all, was our darling Raindrop, peaceful, content, loving, unified. Lucky was rapt with a sense of utter delight. Thrilling, beyond one’s imagination, was the ride! Blissful was the experience, truly magnificent!

Broken from his memory, was the idyllic mountain lake high above the cascading falls. His new home, awaited, a magnificent ocean without borders. What an exciting trip, Lucky thought. How beautiful is this ocean of limitless brethren? How could it be possible there are this many Raindrops? Too many souls to even imagine. Wonder, of all life’s wonders, this place is a paradise found. Lucky couldn’t help but think of those five old Raindrops ruling, in ignorance, the lake he once called home. So sad, because of what they had been taught, their tattered believe structure meant they likely would never experience the tasty exhilaration of actually living beyond fear. Their path, which served them so well, was to not ever experience the life changing journey, the ride of a lifetime. Just then, Lucky realised, it does not matter what path we find ourselves on.


There is not right or wrong, in a world where we are all ONE, all paths are divine, all are perfect.


Taking a quiet moment of reflection, Lucky wished for all of those he had left behind, one day they too would take from their path the same joy he had gained from his. In choosing to open their hearts and minds to new truth, they too would need to abandon stagnant theologies. If it be their destiny to reach the ocean, so be it, if not, then may the light they own gift them joy. Perhaps, if they are determined, brave, capable, one day, their time to release fear may arrive. Wishing he could do more to accelerate their personal journey of truth seemed frivolous, ego centric. Lucky knew, in his heart, it was not his place to illustrate the path of another. Like the leaf upon a river, one who arrives at absolute acceptance, is one who discovers peace in the endless moment of NOW.


All paths are sacred, all paths divine, none greater nor lesser. All journeys are equal, cherished, to be respected, loved, adored.


Much to the surprise and pleasure of Lucky, arriving in his new home proved a place of openness.

No fellow Raindrop rushed to his side with a tablet of rules, beliefs, antiquated theology. This was a very good omen. Lucky felt excited to explore his new home, thrilled to meet new Raindrops, overflowing with the desire to ask more questions. This new home, in some ways, proved similar to the mountain lake. However, in many ways, it was entirely different. The biggest difference, which Lucky took some time to adjust, was the ever steady tidal surge. Lake living, for the most part, proved eternally calm. Conversely, this ocean was in continual motion. Every few seconds, Lucky felt the gentle tug toward the shoreline, shortly after, his body was lulled back toward the deep, blue, endless, sea. These new digs, although not always a smooth ride for Lucky, proved an excitingly pleasant place to hang his hat.

Lucky noticed the other Raindrops seemed to keep to themselves. Nary a soul had greeted Lucky upon his arrival, nor had anyone taken a moment or two in welcome of his arrival. Days passed into evenings, tides surged, then ebbed. Weeks after acclimating to his new home. Lucky decided to summon the courage to venture further into the massive expanse. Amazed, was Lucky, by the infinite forms of life which comprised this endless milieu. What an awesome display of life, thought Lucky. Regardless of the differences, it did appear, each, individual raindrop, was very content being right where they were. He was beginning to think, maybe, they have not the capacity to talk with each other. Desolate, quiet, friendless as the ocean seemed in the moment, dear Lucky was soon to be surprised. Having endured endless quiet days, he was utterly shocked to hear a pip of a voice reach out from the ocean depth. So faint was the call, he wondered if it might be his imagination. Again, the beautiful voice harkened his attention, this time, a good deal clearer in tone.  

“Hello Lucky, I am Mary Raindrop. It is so good to finally get a chance to speak with you. Would you share with me a few moments of your time?”

“Why, of course I will,” Lucky answered. “How is it you know my name, I don’t believe we have ever met, have we?”

Mary smiled warmly, “Silly Lucky, all of us here know who you are. We’ve been expecting you for quite some time. You may not understand it now Lucky, however, the time will come when everything will be crystal clear. You will just have to trust me as I fill in the blanks of uncertainty which must be preying upon your lovely mind!”

“Okay, I can accept your words Mary, at least for the time being. May I ask you a question dear Mary?”

“Why certainly, please feel free to ask me anything you wish. Each of your questions, I’ll answer best I can.”

“Great Mary, but I suppose your answer will only be your truth, not necessarily the truth for anyone else, right?”

“Why, how right you are Lucky, how right you are!”

Lucky inquired further of Mary, “Can you tell me what this place is which I now call my new home?

This place is called an ocean Lucky; it represents the largest collection of Raindrops to have ever amassed in one single locale. The spicy taste in your mouth is salt. Each of us Raindrops have been infused with this, life giving, element.

Why do the other Raindrops seldom speak to each other?

To arrive at this destination, most Raindrops have taken an unimaginable journey. Like you, they have travelled far and wide. Usually, their life experience is so vast, they have few questions, if any. You see Lucky, this is a home where most are content to just exist in loving harmony. Peace, contentment, mostly the lack of fear, breeds in us a heightened level of serenity. Their quiet has nothing to do with trying to separate from you. The exact opposite is the case, we each remain quiet in the blissful pleasure of communing as one single, inseparable, being.  

Also, if I am not being too forward Mary, what happens to us after our time here is over?”

Mary laughed, “Now that’s the Lucky we all love so much. The one with a million questions about life as a raindrop. Let’s see if I can shed some light upon things for you my dear brother.”

Mary continued, “the ocean is a gathering place for all Raindrops who are seeking answers to life. There is very little talking among us, for all have reached a place in their mind where they are content with life. Instead of asking questions, most Raindrops just give up the quest for knowledge. Instead, they allow life to take them wherever it is they are meant to be. Lucky, each of us realise we are in fact ONE Raindrop. The ocean we create, as a massive collective of apparently separate raindrops, serves a much bigger purpose. You see dear brother, all the life forms which live here are divine aspects of oneness. These countless life forms, which are not Raindrops, would cease exist, were it not for an ocean to call home.”

“Are you with me so far Lucky?”

“Yes, I am, I understand what you say, it sure rings true to me. Please go on.”

“Whilst each of us join hands to create this incredible ocean, we are expressing our divinity in becoming the very best Raindrop we can. By enabling this expanse of what others call water, we establish a unity with all living beings, Raindrops, as well as all other sentient life. This is why our forefathers have taught us, all life is connected. There is no big, nor small, in life Lucky. Each form of life is very special, absolutely unique, incredibly beautiful. Most of us Raindrops, fortunate enough to have our journey come full circle, remain in the ocean, knowing, a time will come for each of us to extend our life toward yet another path of an uncertain reality.


Like a dream, we spin in and out of different states of ‘beingness’. Never dying, eternally connected, unified in a graceful dance of life.

Leaving the ocean, we make room for newly arrived Raindrops, such as yourself.  Like you Lucky, each Raindrop is destined to, one day, arrive at the ocean. Each path may differ, yet, all are equally amazing, perfectly executed. Equality, loving sacrifice, committed to accepting our path, we attend the Gods as they light our road ahead. Having enlightened you thus, would you still like for me to answer your last question about what happens to us when we leave here?”

“Please do, dear Mary. However, I’ve a feeling I know what you are about to say.”

Again, Mary chortled, then lovingly added, “You are probably right Lucky. You have spent a lifetime analysing what it means to be a Raindrop. You have kept an open mind; you have always strived to learn more. This beautiful spirit of yours Lucky, is one of the awesome reflections which makes all of us Raindrops so unique. We are eternally an expression of ONE, yet, we all arrive at truth in our own way, a pace which is perfect for our unique journey.”

“Lucky, my friend, I am a soothsayer, let me outline your future. Before long, you will be washed ashore. Unlike your previous, brief encounters with land, the tide will not bring you back to our ocean home. Instead, you will enter into the sand where you will be transformed into your newest incarnation as a Raindrop. Do not be afraid dearest brother. When the day arrives for your transformation, it will represent your most thrilling life journey to date!”

“Wow,” uttered Lucky, transfixed in amazement. “That sounds fantastic. I sure hope you are right about this premonition!”

“Only time will tell Lucky Raindrop. Speaking of time, I must now take my leave dear Lucky, lovely brother of mine. Remember, even though we may appear apart, I will remain with you forever, for we together are truly one being.

Above all, allow the river of life to take you wherever it may. Gracefully surrender to each moment with peace in your heart. Harmonize with your surroundings, make sure you are always ready to offer the gift of love. Wherever you find yourself, dear Lucky, be it pleasant or unsettling, it is your destiny. Partake in all experiences knowing this is your destiny. Embrace the perfection in each divine moment, everything is meant to be exactly as it appears before you. Never embrace fear, always hold compassion near to your heart. Remember, all reality you see is a reflection of yourself, we are a singularity, nothing is divisible. Always, dear brother, be the best Raindrop you can. Choose to gift love, especially to those who have offended you. Live your life as an impeccable man. Finally, whenever you discover the desire to cast judgment upon another, remember this person is another you!”

“Thank you Mary. I know we will meet again. Until I next enjoy your loving presence, I will forever cherish your wisdom. Apart, yet ONE, accepting, loving, peaceful.”





Lucky remained in his new home a while longer. True to his commitment to Mary, he strove to become the best Raindrop he could manage. Lucky surrendered to his path, loved his fellow creatures, Raindrops or others in kind. Eagerly, Lucky attended the transformation, yet, as he had learned, he made the most of each passing moment. Winter changed to summer, until one fine, piping hot, summer evening, Lucky was tugged toward the shore by the ebbing tide. This night, as foretold by Mary, the sky alit with stars, the moon tugging upon the ocean sleeves, Lucky was left behind. Without fanfare, our dear Lucky, was quickly absorbed by the warm sandy beach. First sign of the moist sand holding firm to his arm, caused him concern.

Lucky, somewhat alarmed, as most Raindrops are when facing a new experience, felt like he was dying. Dispelling his fear, were the loving words of sweet Mary. Quickly, he regained his composure, relaxed, then. Like a leaf upon a mighty river, allowed the world to spin as it may. Remembering the many lessons Mary had taught him, Lucky embraced the change. Laying back, he awaited the next step in his life. Like the sweeping tide, Lucky exuded a sense of joy, love, peacefulness. Unsure of his future, yet convinced in his eternal nature, Lucky was far from sure what to expect from this experience. Without fear or pause Lucky knew this path to be perfect.


Akin to the leaf upon a river, Lucky would bend to the will of the river. Filled with a deep sense of acceptance, honour, respect, love, gratitude, our little hero touched the heart of the great I AM.


Uncertainty becoming reality was, as Mary described, this transition was the most exciting, new incarnation, he could ever have imagined. The warm embracing sand held him firm as the heat from the setting sun blazed across his back. Literally, dear Lucky, transformed his being from a drop of water into a whip of moisture laden air.

He no longer had a body. Lucky existed, yet at the same time, he did not, at least not as a physical being. Again, as when he dropped from his cloud, Lucky was airborne. However, not as a Raindrop, instead, he was a semblance of one, a fractal fragment of love. For lack of a better way to describe his, newfound presence, he was a ghost of his previous self, an incarnation of a deeply loving, ever so accepting, drop of Rain. Wondering, how it was possible for his body to disappear, whilst his spirit to lived on, dearest Lucky, realised he was God. Bliss, dear brethren, is the only word Lucky could use to describe the joyful experience he now savoured. No sooner had he transformed to a spirit without form, his body reinvented itself into an exact replica of his old self. Flickering in and out of physicality, dear Lucky, had again morphed into a raindrop. Looking about, Lucky realised, he was now living inside a big dark cloud which magically hung high in contrast to a stormy sky.

Lucky gasped as he looked around, there before his eyes was Mary Raindrop, Crystal, Tiny, Rocky, Misty, Izzie, Drippy, Droppy, Amber, Wally, even his darling Marie Raindrop. They all smiled at Lucky with a warmth he knew would forever change his sense of self.

Mary Raindrop ambled over, “Welcome back Lucky. You were asleep for quite a while. You have been out for the better part of two days. We have been attending your return. Marie, who stayed by your side the entire time, mentioned how much you tossed and turned in your bed. We were all rather concerned, toward the end you even ran a piping hot fever. We all found it amusing how much you were talking in your sleep. True to form, you were asking a great deal of questions. With the last quip, everyone laughed.

Marie chirped in, “Our dear Lucky, forever a question preying upon his, agile, mind.”

Do you remember what you dreamed?” Inquired Misty.

Lucky chuckled, “Aw, you know how crazy dreams can be. Maybe I’ll share them with all of you later!” With that, Lucky yawned, laid back down to revisit his dream, then quietly thought to himself.

“Wow, Isn’t life such a wondrous journey! I can’t imagine what my next dream will be about?” Lucky knew without a doubt, he was back home, at ONE with all of life.

Meet the master of ominous synth cinema bringing darkness to The Neon Demon

From Drive to The Knick, composer Cliff Martinez is now bringing his unique darkness to The Neon Demon

By: Olly Richards

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Omnec Onec, part 1, International UFO conference [VIDEO]

Published on Oct 28, 2014 • How and why I came to Earth • The ancestors of the human beings on Earth • Our concept and understanding of the creator • Your true heritage and your greatness • You are Soul • The universe is full of planets and beings • Reality is a matter […]

Super high demand for organic produce across USA means an agricultural goldmine for farmers willing to go organic

(NaturalNews) Consumer demand for organic foods has surged to such a degree that farmers can’t grow enough to keep up with it.”When you look at the percentage of the marketplace, what consumers are buying versus what farmers are producing, farmers aren’t producing as much organic…

Jury finds DuPont guilty of dumping cancer-causing Teflon chemicals into Ohio River that spread across the globe, causing widespread illness and death

(NaturalNews) One resident of the mid-Ohio Valley is finally seeing some glimpses of justice the way it was meant to be after chemical giant DuPont was ordered to pay $5.1 million in damages for polluting the Ohio River with C-8, a persistent chemical compound used in Teflon pans…

Mark Devlin interviews Carl James – Decoding Kubrick

I’ve recently had the priviledge of being interviewed by DJ, author and all-round alternative knowledge researcher Mark Devlin for his Good Vibrations podcast. In the interview, we discussed Stanley Kubrick and attempted to decode the man himself and the deeper truths hidden in his films. It was great to spend time discussing this fascinating subject with Mark and I truly appreciate him giving me the opportunity to talk about it on the Good Vibrations Podcast. Here is a brief synopsis of the interview:

Good Vibrations Podcast, Vol. 85: Carl James/ Decoding Kubrick.
“Surely the most fascinating and enigmatic of all film-makers comes under the spotlight, as British author, researcher and movie buff Carl James guests to discuss all things Stanley Kubrick. We consider the huge amount of symbolic clues cleverly encoded into Kubrick’s canon of work to ask what messages he was trying to convey to those who had the eyes to see beyond the surface narrative, and whether there might be more hidden messages yet to decipher. Carl goes into specific aspects of many of Kubrick’s key works – including ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, ‘The Shining’ and ‘Eyes Wide Shut’, examining how they seem to communicate different aspects of the ‘elite’ New World Order agenda. Kubrick himself certainly had affiliations with many key characters from this world, and may well have been privy to information reserved only for a select few. There’s also the matter of his untimely death by ‘heart attack’ directly before the cinematic release of his final film.”

The pocast is approx. 80 minutes long and can be found at the following link:

If you want to check out more of Mark Devlin’s interviews or browse his own articles and overall research, I recommend checking out his blog / website here:

Also, don’t forget to check out Mark’s excellent book “Musical Truth”:

Russia’s New Conservative Allies in the US: The ‘Alt-Right’ Phenomenon

Russia's New Conservative Allies in the US: The 'Alt-Right' Phenomenon For those that have been paying attention, the rise of the Alt-Right is as surprising, as it is entirely expected. What is the Alt-Right? If you listen to the mainstream media, the Alt-Right is the birth of an American far right Frankenstein that was mid-wifed by Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric in this election cycle. But what we are seeing now is bigger than even Donald Trump. It is part of a massive paradigm shift that has been underway for some time now. For those that have been paying attention, it is clear that nationalist, patriotic movements are everywhere ascendant in the West. The endless migration of millions of 3rd world men into Europe, the callousness of the Elite class to the concern its Natives, and the fever-pitched identity politics of the Regressive Left have brought…

‘Deliberate attack’: Blast injures 12, kills suspected bomber in Germany’s Ansbach

‘At least 12 people have been injured after an explosion struck a bar in the southern German city of Ansbach, Bavaria. Authorities believe the act was ‘deliberate’ and the perpetrator died in the blast after setting off an improvised device.
The incident took place in the central part of the city, close to an area in which a music festival took place at the weekend, Suddeutsche Zeitung reported. Police have cordoned off the area around the restaurant and are conducting a crime scene investigation.
“The explosion in downtown Ansbach was not a gas explosion, but was caused by an explosive device,” Ansbach Mayor Carda Seidel confirmed. Seidel also said that it should not be ruled out that there could have been several explosions.’

Read more: ‘Deliberate attack’: Blast injures 12, kills suspected bomber in Germany’s Ansbach

British Doctors Faced With 5,700 Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In One Year

British Doctors Faced With 5,700 Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In One Year Health authorities have recorded 5,702 new cases of female genital mutilation in just one year, official figures show, equivalent to more than 100 cases every week. Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been illegal in Britain since 1985, with the original law strengthened in 2003 to prevent girls being taken abroad for the practice, yet so far no convictions have been brought. Eighteen of the cases recorded over the year were known to have been undertaken in the UK. The figures, covering the period of April 2015 to March 2016, were collected by the Health and Social Care Information Centre and represent the first ever set of annual statistics on the practice. They show that 90 per cent (1,980) of the girls and women with a known country of birth were born in Africa, while more than one third…

Meaning, Globalism, And Death

Meaning, Globalism, And Death The fight between globalism and nationalism has escalated since last explored at Social Matter in 2015. The elites saw this fight coming as western liberal capitalist democracy was victorious over Soviet-sponsored communism. As Benjamin Barber wrote about McWorld (globalism), the boring seduction would calm the waters and fight off the last shout from the identity-based tribalist crowd (jihad). Third World importation does help the globalists, but unknowingly creates the situation to breed greater disturbances and greater incentives for tribalism. Tribalism need neither be violent nor suicidal. The great pitch of globalism is that it provides material comfort, hedonism, and fulfillment of the most basic of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the progressive “freedom of children,” where daddy big business…

SHOCK: Dumpster diving man spending just $3 on food each year is eating healthier than most Americans

(NaturalNews) Most of us would like to reduce our monthly grocery expenses, but few of us are willing to go to the lengths that William Reid does. The Washington, D.C., grad student has found a way to eat essentially for free, spending just $5.50 on food in the past two years. What’s…

REVEALED: Vaccine ingredients cause tumors to grow

(NaturalNews) As a parent, you only want what’s best for your child. However, on multiple different fronts, parents are bombarded with the idea that vaccines play a crucial role in raising a healthy child. From pushy public schools to trusted pediatricians, the message is always the…

Jewish nationalist James Kirchick suggests military coup against Trump

Jewish nationalist James Kirchick suggests military coup against Trump In a recent op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, James Kirchick expressed concern over what he imagines a Trump presidency would entail. Rather than offering a sober appraisal of Trump’s foreign policy, Mr. Kirchick, as is unfortunately common with almost any Jewish commentary on Donald Trump, quickly descended into infantile fearmongering. He writes: Throughout the campaign, Trump has repeatedly bragged about ordering soldiers to commit war crimes, and has dismissed the possibility that he would face any resistance. “They won’t refuse,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier earlier this year. “They’re not gonna refuse me. Believe me.” When Baier insisted that such orders are “illegal,” Trump replied, “I’m a leader. I’ve always been a leader. I’ve never had any problem leading people. If I say…

French government orders destruction of Nice attack CCTV footage to prevent leaks

French government orders destruction of Nice attack CCTV footage to prevent leaks An urgent legal requisition was sent to a urban supervision center in Nice on Wednesday, July 20. The Parquet stated a desire to “avoid the uncontrolled dissemination of these images.” On Wednesday at 11 am, the Anti-Terrorism Sub-Directorate (SDAT) was sent to agents who manage video surveillance of the city, citing Articles 53 and L706-24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article R642-1 of the Penal Code erasure asking them “complete” 24 hours of images from six cameras named, numbered, but also of all the scenes from the beginning of the attack that took place on the promenade des Anglais on the night of July 14. This stunned state agents of urban supervision in Nice. “This is the first time we have been asked to destroy evidence,” says a source close to the dossier. The CCTV center…

Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization

26th July 2016 By Zen Gardner Contributing writer for Wake Up World It’s been quite a concern for me for some time now, watching the growing information fascination phenomenon metastasize. It’s become contagious and extremely toxic for those who should have transcended this energetic level some time ago. If we are aware of the fact …Continue Reading – Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization

‘Toxic chemical’: Gladstone woman tells of ‘agony’ from fluoride

SITTING in a wheelchair outside the council chambers Dell Darrach had never been happier.

Dell campaigned since 2013 to remove fluoride from Gladstone’s water supply and today the battle ended as councillors voted to remove the “toxic chemical”.

“I’ve never been happier in all my life,” she said of the decision.

“Within a few months of having it in the water I developed constant diarrhoea. Every day I was doubled up in agony.

“If I hadn’t found out it was fluoride, I’d be dead because my bowels couldn’t handle any more punishment.”

A full gallery applauded the councillors’ decision, a “rowdy minority” according to the council’s No.1 ticket holder, Tex Newberry.

“The health benefits are obvious. They’re not for adults, but for the children,” he said.

“The evidence is clear that it’s good for children.”

Councillor Kahn Goodluck introduced his first motion since being voted in on March 19 by saying most people he had spoken to did not want fluoride in the water.

Councillors Chris Trevor, Cindi Bush and Rick Hansen voted to keep fluoride in the water and Cr PJ Sobhanian didn’t vote due to a conflict of interest as a committee member of Australian Dental Association.

Now the motion has been passed there will be 30 days of public notice and a further eight days for Gladstone Area Water Board to remove the fluoride.

But Gladstone Area Fluoride Free administrator Barbara Smith said it would take three months for the water to be safe to drink.

And her next challenge would be to campaign in other local government areas that still have fluoride in their water.

What Doctors Will NEVER Tell You: Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side Effects

Humans Are Free Apricots, peaches, and plums are not only heavenly delicious but they might contain a natural ingredient vital for the prevention of cancer. by Anya V Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin, is believed to both prevent and cure cancer. This remedy is concentrated in the very seed of a fruit […]

Ohio University Offers ‘Safe Space’ for Students Triggered by Republican National Convention

Ohio University Offers ‘Safe Space’ for Students Triggered by Republican National Convention Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio has offered students a safe space for those triggered by the Republican National Convention this week. “Last week’s tragedies have horrified us all and raised profound questions for our country. Amid our shock and grief, we also recognize that our city soon will host the Republican National Convention (RNC), an event that is expected to draw dozens of protests—and could see a significant degree of conflict” said the college in a newsletter. Working in collaboration with the university’s LGBT Center, the Social Justice Institute will host a “safe space” adjacent to its offices (A15C) in the basement of Crawford Hall during the week. The Interreligious Council also will house a safe space for those who want to talk or reflect about their concerns…

Hudson River flooded with micropollutants including insect repellant, pharmaceuticals harmful to aquatic life

(NaturalNews) When researchers out of Cornell University decided to partner with the water quality monitoring group Riverkeeper to test New York’s notorious Hudson River for common environmental contaminants, they probably didn’t anticipate detecting more than 70 percent of the “micropollutants…

The Path of The Spiritual Activist

Spiritual Activism is the coming together of spirituality, and activism. It is not about religion, it is not about any form of dogma, it is activism that comes from the heart, not just the head, activism that is compassionate, positive, kind, fierce and transformative. Being a spiritual activist means taking our part in creating change, with a spirit of positivity, compassion, love and a balance of interdependence and self determination. Nothing could be more inspiring and more rewarding than being the change we want to see in the world, within and without.

Hacking The Matrix With Love – Brendon Culliton on The justBernard Show

Consciousness Activist and Media Creator Brendon Culliton joins Bernard Alvarez for a discussion on all things consciousness and what we can do to "hack the matrix with love".
Learn about:- What is the Paradigm Shift Central project and the inspiration behind starting it?- What it means to be a "Shifter". Modern resurgence of Jedi, Light Guardians- Shiftivism, Free Hugs, Shift Button tactics. "Hacking the matrix with love."- The role of conscious media as medicine. Both healing and inspirational.- Story of my connection with the wolf energy. Being a leader within the shift.- The Journey to Lucidity saga movies. The heroes journey. Awakening within the dream. Importance of dream exploration.- Understanding more about our multi-dimensional reality- The power of story telling. Sacred journeys through the Global Journey Meditations.- Recent experience documenting and sharing working with 5g sacred mushroom- The future of the Paradigm Shift Central project, how people can continue to be involved.
Brendon Culliton, akaSkull Babylon– Neogonzo Journalist, is a dedicated conscious media creator from Canada and director– a real world interactive game to help shift consciousness and a portal for a global network of Shifters and Paradigm Shift communities. He is an award winning film maker and creator of the Journey to Lucidity conscious movie saga that is available free online. He is helping assist with the resurgence of the modern day Jedi / Light Guardian archetype. He believes in the power of story telling and hosts ongoing Full Moon Global Journey Meditations for the community to take part in shared vision quests. Brendon is an advocate of advanced Free Hugs tactics to help awaken people from within the matrix. As a carrier of the wolf energy he actively focuses on being a leader and story creator within the global community to help assist the tribe, inspire leadership within others, and help hack the matrix with love.

Your next personal shopper will be a couture-crazy chatbot

Robin Chan's Operator does your personal shopping on demand. Not surprising, considering its close Uber connections

By: Adam Born

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Christine Clemmer – Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

The Cosmic Path For the week of July 25 – 31, 2016 Get ready for another powerful week as Uranus stations to go retrograde and joins Eris, who went retrograde last week, increasing the instability of our global atmosphere.  Transformation is the name of the game, and as Light workers, we’re becoming master evolutionary agents.  […]

If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them Music

25th July 2016 By Joe Battaglia Guest writer for Wake Up World Music, the universal language of mood, emotion and desire, connects with us through a wide variety of neural systems. We now know from controlled treatment/outcome studies that listening to and playing music is a potent treatment for mental health issues. 400 published scientific papers …Continue Reading – If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them Music

Ancient Khemetic Beliefs – Stephen Mehler on The justBernard Show

Renowned Khemetologist and author Stephen Mehler and Bernard Alvarez discussing some of the ancient khemetic beliefs on death, life and enlightenment.
Because Egyptology doesn’t cover everything or offer valid explanations or all that we see and experience at the sites in Egypt. Abd’el Hakim Awyan, world renowned Indigenous Egyptian “Keeper of the Keys”, developed the discipline of Khemitology, which offers an alternative, higher dimensional perspective of Egypt’s heritage.
As such, he and his adopted son and longtime student, Stephen Mehler developed the field of Khemitology. For years, people from all walks of life and fields of expertise, came to Egypt to learn from, research and collaborate with Hakim, and he soon became renowned worldwide.Stephen and the team at the Khemet School of Ancient Mysticism have carried on this on this great work. Combining the wisdom of ancient Khemit and the powerful energies of this Sacred Land with their collective knowledge, abilities and talents, the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism (KSAM) offers a space to experience profound life altering shifts.
Stephen Mehler holds three degrees in the sciences and is a trained field archaeologist and prehistorian. Mehler also served as a staff research scientist for the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, in San Jose , California from 1978-1980. He has written two books on Egypt, The Land of Osiris and From Light Into Darkness: The Evolution Of Religion In Ancient Egypt, and co-authored The Crystal Skulls with David Hatcher Childress. He also leads tours to Egypt.

Fluoride to go from Gladstone Regional Council water supply

Fluoride has been added to some drinking water supplies to help prevent dental cavities for over 50 years, but it has become a contentious issue, with many arguing they hate the idea of what they consider is mass medication.

Back in 2008 the Queensland Labor Government introduced mandatory fluoridation of water supplies, but just four years later that was reversed by the LNP with local councils given the choice of whether they wanted to add fluoride or not.

One of the councils locally that decided to drop fluoride is the Rockhampton Regional council – and today the Gladstone Regional Council will also be looking at the pros and cons of the issue.

Gladstone Regional Councillor Kahn Goodluck has tabled a notice of motion calling for fluoride to be ceased to be added as soon as possible, former past President of the Australian Dental Association and Rockhampton Dentist Greg Moore has a very different view though.

They both spoke this morning on the issue.

and just to update this story – this morning the Gladstone Regional Council have passed the motion to take fluoride out of the region’s water supply.


“Bedlam” As Wasserman Schultz Boo’d, Heckled Off Stage By DNC Delegates

Zero Hedge Not the greatest start to Hillary’s homecoming week. Outgoing Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed and heckled at a Florida delegate breakfast, with attendees shouting “shame.”   Man this is brutal: DWS being booed this morning at the Florida Delegation Breakfast ahead of the DNC: — Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) […]

13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

Activist Post By Bernie Suarez People who don’t trust government, those who think on their own and tend to question what they hear, by now are all becoming experts at identifying false flag staged events. With so many recent staged psyop events in the news lately many of us are getting a lot of practice […]

Five ways delicious organic plums can benefit your health

(NaturalNews) Every year, millions more Americans learn about the benefits of eating organic foods. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our crops and foods are becoming less and less popular, as more research and information is conducted and published detailing how harmful they…

13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

‘People who don’t trust government, those who think on their own and tend to question what they hear, by now are all becoming experts at identifying false flag staged events. With so many recent staged psyop events in the news lately many of us are getting a lot of practice at this.
But have you considered that the script has become more complex than you think? Have you considered that you (we) are being fooled in some way as we speak? Have you taken into account that the events happening today are all happening in a post-Jade Helm revelation AI era? Today’s events are happening in a very sophisticated world of unimaginably deep levels of political corruption actively at work and deeply focused on removing all of our rights and freedoms and cementing their new global order.
This complex and deep reality alone is something many people refuse to face; and without facing this you’ll never be able to peel and dig deeper into the deep state’s structure, mind and mechanisms that are behind these chaotic staged psyop false flag events.’
Read more: 13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event
Simulated Reality: THIS is How They Fake Shootings & Terror Events Like Orlando

Are You In An Abusive Relationship With Yourself?

23rd July 2016 By Nanice Ellis Contributing writer for Wake Up World Did you know that more than 20% of the global population is in an abusive relationship with a partner or family member? This sounds like a big number, until you consider that somewhere around 80% of the world’s population is in an abusive …Continue Reading – Are You In An Abusive Relationship With Yourself?

17 Topics You’ll Find In New Earth Schools

Woo Woo Media by Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, WooWoo Media Have you ever had dreams of being in school? If so, perhaps you are already connecting with the higher levels of learning in other dimensional realities. Since we are creating the New Earth, it is a good idea to think about what we would change […]

Americans now spending BILLIONS on natural health remedies including superfoods and homeopathy, while denouncing Big Pharma’s failed medicine

(NaturalNews) As more and more Americans are starting to realize that conventional medicine does not hold the answers to their problems, their spending on natural health remedies is rising. In fact, a study that was recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS…

WIRED Awake: 10 must-read articles for July 25

Nintendo share price falls following statement that Pokémon Go won't affect profits, 7-Eleven is first to make a commercial drone delivery in the USA


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Ancient Megalith Mysteries – Hugh Newman on The justBernard Show

Questions constantly crop up concerning these giant stone formations around the world. From Stonehenge to the Pyramids of Egypt what mysteries are hidden deep within the stones?
Join Bernard and author and researcher Hugh Newman of Megalithomania, Ancient Aliens and Search For The Lost Giants as they reveal some of these mysteries and findings that have been discovered at these locations. Ancients Giants, Earth Grids, Lost Treasures and Ancient Origins of humanity leave much for us to discover once again.
Hugh Newman is a world explorer, megalithomaniac and author of Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites (2008); co-author of Giants On Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files with Jim Vieira (2015), and is published in three ‘Ancient Origins’ e-books. He has been a regular guest on History Channel’s Ancient Aliens and Search for the Lost Giants and has been on the BBC, Sky TV, Bosnian TV and is currently involved in Megalithic Odyssey (UK) and Road 2 Ruins (US) documentary projects. He is a video producer who publishes regular films of his worldwide explorations at has articles published in Atlantis Rising (US), New Dawn (Australia), Nexus (UK/AUS), Mindscape (UK), Heretic (UK), World Explorers Magazine (US), The Circular (UK), The Leyhunter (UK) and on websites such as and As well as organising the annual Megalithomania conferences and tours, he co-organises the Origins Conference in London with Andrew Collins and has spoken at events in the UK, Malta, France, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia, Cambodia, Java and North America. He currently lives in Glastonbury, England.
Learn more at

Tired of Our Bought-and-Paid-For Congress? This 18-Year-Old Created an App That Exposes Sellout Politicians

26th July 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World “In the last 5 years, the 200 most politically active companies in the U.S. spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions. Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support — earning a return of 750 times their investment.” ~Greenhouse  …Continue Reading – Tired of Our Bought-and-Paid-For Congress? This 18-Year-Old Created an App That Exposes Sellout Politicians

‘Drinking water must be tested’

TANZANIANS have been urged to build the culture of conducting frequent water tests to ensure it is safe from all types of contaminants.

A resident Technician at Ngurdoto Defluoridation Research Station, Mr Godfrey Mkongo, said yesterday that the system will help to reduce the possibilities of contracting waterborne diseases and other related health impacts.

“Many people conduct water tests when the source is new, without knowing that the water can be contaminated or its content can change with time due to various factors,” Mr Mkongo said. Mr Mkongo said that even individuals who receive water from public systems can take samples for testing because the water can pick up contaminants during distribution.

“We are enlightening the public on the importance of testing water to establish its status and advise on measures to avoid further impacts,” Mr Mkongo noted. According to Mr Mkongo, the cost of a water test depends on the parameters to be tested, adding that one parameter can be tested at costs ranging between 4,000/- and 8,000/- .

He noted that the frequency of testing water also depends on the number of people served from it. Mr Mkongo added that if the water source serves many people, this means there is a need to undergo more tests.

Explaining on the level of fluoride in water and its impact on human health, he said the chemical is essential for teeth and skeletal health when taken through drinking water at a concentration of about 1.0mg/l. “Fluoride is colorless, odorless and tasteless in food and water.

Concentrations of up to 1.0mg/l in drinking water are known to prevent dental caries but higher concentration are toxic and cause dental, skeletal and crippling fluorosis,” he said.

He mentioned the regions with high concentration of fluoride as Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Singida, Mwanza, Mara and Manyara. Mr Mkongo, however, noted that people in the areas can use modern technology to reduce the concentration of the chemical in water such as bone char.

Obama’s Half-Brother Says He’s Voting for Donald Trump

Obama's Half-Brother Says He’s Voting for Donald Trump President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik, also known as Abongo or Roy, is about three years older than his more famous half-sibling. (The two men had the same father but different mothers.) Barack and Malik did not grow up together, as Malik was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, while Barack was born in Hawaii and lived in the United States and Indonesia. They did not meet for the first time until 1985, when they were in their mid-20s; each served as best man at the other’s wedding, but they appear to have had little contact with each other in recent years. Malik Obama sought to capitalize on his now-famous surname by running for governor of the Kenyan county of Siaya in 2013, but he was defeated in that election by a wide margin. He made headlines in the U.S. in July 2016 when he announced…

South Bay lawmaker, activists claim AQMD study of toxic acid used at Torrance refinery is flawed

A leading South Bay lawmaker and critic of safety at the former ExxonMobil refinery in Torrance has renewed his criticism of a regulatory study aimed at discovering whether a commercially viable alternative to the use of highly toxic hydrofluoric acid exists.

In his second letter in the past three months to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, which is conducting the study, Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Manhattan Beach, accused the agency of failing to look at whether the use of the potentially deadly acid with a 10 percent additive is safe.

“The failure to do so along with an evaluation of on-site safety measures in place intended to minimize a major spill or release of the modified hydrofluoric acid undermines the intent of the entire study,” Lieu contended in a letter sent to the agency Wednesday and made available exclusively to the Daily Breeze.

“The entire way SCAQMD is going about this study is backwards,” Lieu wrote. “And one of my fears is that by intentionally failing to address the question of safety, SCAQMD is going to produce a study that is at best irrelevant and at worst used by some to maintain a status quo that could be extremely dangerous to the community.

“I am at a loss as to why SCAQMD is refusing to address the basic question of public health and safety of MHF with only 10 percent additive,” Lieu added. “I hope it is not because SCAQMD intentionally designed a study to arrive at a predetermined conclusion of preserving what could be a catastrophic status quo.”

The additive, called sulfolane, is intended to block the formation of a toxic ground-hugging cloud the acid forms at room temperatures by turning into a less dangerous liquid that falls to the ground via a process dubbed “rainout.”

The cloud has the potential to kill or injure tens of thousands in the densely populated neighborhoods surrounding the refinery.

But experts say that at the low level of 10 percent additive, there is little evidence that the supposedly modified HF is any safer than unmodified HF.

“If 10 percent or 20 percent sulfolane is being used, there is very little difference between HF and MHF in the hazard it presents in terms of concentration and travel distance downwind,” said Ron Koopman, a retired expert in the field who conducted ground-breaking experiments with HF on behalf of the oil industry in the 1980s.

“At 30 percent, there is approximately 80 percent rainout of MHF, (meaning) for example, only 20 percent travels downwind, while at 10 percent there is only 10 percent rainout, which means that 90 percent of the MHF travels downwind. This is a much bigger hazard.”

Lieu, along with Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, initially criticized the scope of the study in May in a letter to Wayne Nastri, acting executive officer with the AQMD.

In response, Nastri maintained the safety of MHF and the effectiveness of safety measures in place at the Torrance refinery now owned by PBF Energy was not within the scope of the study, which he maintained was much broader in nature.

“Once this study is completed and feasibility and commercial availability of various alternatives are provided, we can evaluate what are the appropriate next steps,” Nastri wrote.

The Torrance Refinery Action Alliance has similarly taken the AQMD to task over the study for many of the same reasons as Lieu, including its response to Lieu’s initial letter.

In a July 19 letter to Nastri, TRRA President Sally Hayati pointed out that the patent for modified HF specifically pointed out that “HF may be used in combination with up to about 50 percent of various additives which may be present either to reduce the aerosol-forming tendency of HF … or to modify the properties of the HF so that any accidental release may be more readily controlled.”

That’s far higher than the 10 percent additive being used in Torrance. At 50 percent or so, ExxonMobil found that MHF simply doesn’t work in the production process for refining crude oil, Hayati wrote.

“This explains why Mobil promised to use 50 percent additive in 1990 … but quietly slashed it to 10 percent in 1998,” Hayati wrote. “MHF is 90 percent HF and scarcely different from HF in airborne toxic cloud formation.

“MHF is not ‘safer’ than HF, only marginally less deadly.”

(This article was updated on June 22)

Syrian ‘Refugee’ Machetes Pregnant Woman To Death, Injures Two More In Germany

Syrian ‘Refugee’ Machetes Pregnant Woman To Death, Injures Two More In Germany A bystander ran over a machete-wielding refugee this afternoon, ending a rampage that saw a pregnant woman killed and two other injured in Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. While there are no exact details of motive to the attack yet, pictures uploaded to social media show a young bearded man in the process of being arrested and German police have told media that the perpetrator was a “Syrian refugee” who “acted alone”, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The attack is believed to have taken place before 1630 Central European Time. Local news sources are now suggesting the woman in question may have been married to the asylum seeker. The killing started this afternoon in a local “snack-bar” kebab shop according to reports in Sueddeutsche Zeitung after a “dispute” broke out between…

Man stabs mom & 3 daughters at French holiday center over shorts and T-shirts

Man stabs mom & 3 daughters at French holiday center over shorts and T-shirts A 37-year-old man identified as ‘Mohamed B’ has stabbed a mother and her three daughters at a vacation center in southeast France for being dressed too lightly, local authorities said. The man attacked the woman and her daughters – aged 8, 12 and 14 – in the resort town of Laragne-Monteglin in the Hautes-Alpes region, outraged at the fact that they were wearing shorts and T-shirts, local Deputy Mayor Jean-Marc Duprat said, according to AP. The life of one of the daughters, an eight-year-old girl, is reportedly in danger and she is receiving treatment at a hospital in the town of Gap. Her mother and sisters, 12 and 14 years old, have also been admitted to the same hospital. The incident happened at about 10am on Tuesday morning at the VVF vacation center located in the Garde-Colombe department…

‘Clinton Cash’ Global Premiere Scores 170,000 Views in 3 Hours – Bernie Sanders Supporters Promote

‘Clinton Cash’ Global Premiere Scores 170,000 Views in 3 Hours – Bernie Sanders Supporters Promote In just three hours, more than 170,000 viewers tuned in to watch the global premiere of Clinton Cash, the motion picture adaptation of the New York Times best-selling book Clinton Cash, authored by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer. The film, directed by M.A. Taylor and produced by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, was promoted — and praised — by both sides of the political stratum. Veterans for Bernie Sanders, a group with over 50,000 likes, took to its Facebook page to encouraged its followers to watch and share the film. Reaction to the Clinton Cash movie poured in swiftly. Viewers from multiple social media platforms praised the film and urged their followers to watch it. Many Facebook users expressed a…

Calgary woman questions if different prices for dolls with different skin colour is racist

Calgary woman questions if different prices for dolls with different skin colour is racist A Calgary woman says dolls she found at Toys “R” Us were identical except for skin colour and price, and wonders if it was a racist pricing choice. She asked why the so-labeled “ethnic” version of the “You & Me Kissing Doll” was $2 cheaper than the identical white doll. “The woman at the store said she was aware of the issue and that management had raised it with corporate but so far corporate had done nothing about it and she seemed embarrassed about it but it wasn’t in her control to change the price,” said Carolyn Wadsworth, prenatal educator. Wadsworth sometimes buys dolls to help teach prenatal education, but was disturbed by these ones. “The black baby is not as valuable as the white one,” she said. “I feel that’s the message it’s sending and it’s certainly one kids might receive.” CTV…

This Europe Isn’t MY Europe


Government, Society, Wake Up

26th July 2016 By Peter Van Els Guest writer for Wake Up World The EU is a precarious subject these days. Both backers and detractors are subject to harsh criticism, and those wanting to leave the EU are habitually labelled as populists or nationalists. However, this Europe, with its undeniable capitalist and neoliberal penchants, isn’t MY Europe, …Continue Reading – This Europe Isn’t MY Europe

At Least two Dead, 17 Injured in Shooting at Florida Night Club

‘At least two people have been killed and a total of 17 have been shot near Club Blu Bar & Grill in Fort Myers, Florida, the local police department said Monday.
The number of perpetrators is yet unknown. One person has been detained, according to authorities. The police is currently searching for other persons of interest.
According to the police, quoted by the WINK News broadcaster, the shooting took place early in the morning on Monday. The victims have not been identified as yet.’
Read more: At Least two Dead, 17 Injured in Shooting at Florida Night Club

The German Train Attack – Inevitable, yet Preventable

The German Train Attack – Inevitable, yet Preventable Yesterday, an unaccompanied 17-year-old refugee from Afghanistan savagely attacked a number of passengers on a train in Bavaria, three of which suffered life-threatening wounds. His motives hardly needed an explanation, as attacks like this – meaning attacks perpetrated by Muslims or nonwhites who despise Western Civilization – have become somewhat of a new normal. Nevertheless, there are still those who will attempt to interpret such acts of terrorism so that they do not conflict with the prevailing liberal narrative. They will tell us that Omar Mateen was motivated by repressed homosexuality; that the intentions of Micah Xavier Johnson, despite explicating his desire to indiscriminantly murder white people, are nebulous and ambiguous; and that Islam, despite Muhammad having been a conqueror,…

Fla. woman requesting further medical care for difficulty breathing dies following arrest for refusal to leave property; family sues hospital

(NaturalNews) Can you imagine going to the hospital for help with breathing problems and ending up in a police car? That is exactly what happened to Florida woman Barbara Dawson, in a shocking turn of events that ultimately resulted in her death shortly thereafter.On December…

How antidepressants affect the brain and make people more likely to kill

(NaturalNews) Thinking back to all the different mass shooting cases we’ve covered over the years, you may have noticed that there almost always seems to be one common denominator: the use of psychotropic medications by the perpetrators. Brain-altering antidepressant drugs are so…

How frightening levels of Roundup in food became ‘Normal’

(NaturalNews) The quality of our food and the feed that we give to livestock is, of course, vital to our health. While “quality” of foods can be described as containing appropriate nutrients and vitamins at levels sufficient to sustain good health, it also means that what we consume…

Infected with ransomware? These new tools could help

No More Ransom is a central repository for people looking for advice and tools to deal with ransomware demands

By: Ben Woods

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Nobel laureate GMO promoter presided over firm that lost billions

(NaturalNews) The risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb has condemned economics laureate Robert C. Merton as “blind” to risk. Report: Claire RobinsonThe letter from over 100 Nobel laureates attacking Greenpeace for opposing GMOs in general and GMO golden rice in particular has become…

Interview 1193 – Sibel Edmonds Dissects the Turkish Coup

As we predicted last year, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized last weekend…but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? Joining us today to dissect the mayhem is Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras of Newsbud.

Facebook drones, losing your life to VR: Podcast 277

Facebook tests its internet-spreading drone, the significance of ARM to UK tech and the future of VR storytelling


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Bernard Alvarez Tenth Anniversary Live Stream (The awakening)

Celebrating 10 years on You Tube! Here is a very intimate discussion about the awakening and what we can do to live happily and continue the work for the greater good!How do we deal with the corruption of the world, how can we be happy doing this work, what does this all mean to us and so much more is discussed here. I hope you it helps to give greater understanding on the big picture.

My broadband is down, can I get compensation?

Broadband down and wondering if you can get some money back? This guide explains what your rights are

By: James Temperton

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Clothes and Fashion Items Made from Human Skin?

Tina Gorjanc, a wildly ambitious student at Central Saint Martins in London, has proposed a rather odd fashion design idea: to use lab-grown human skin as fabric. Which is, admittedly, better than using synthetic human skin. And it’s not just any human skin either; using Alexander McQueen‘s DNA, Gorjanc is building a replica of the late iconic designer’s skin, which she will then use as the material for her collection, Pure Human. Apparently, with this collection—which is her final project with the two-year CSM master’s course MA Material Futures—the London design student is attempting to “address shortcomings concerning the protection of biological information.”

From Tina Gorjanc’s project ‘Body Spam.’

At this point, you’re probably wondering how Gorjanc plans to get her hands on McQueen’s DNA. But before you chalk it up to “grave digging,” remember that McQueen attached a lock of his hair to every piece of his first collection, “Jack the Ripper Stalks His Victims.” It was from a piece in this collection that Gorjanc was able to procure a lock of his hair. After extracting genetic material from said hair, she was able to harvest the cells into skin tissue, and then tan the material to produce “human leather.” If you’re not already covered in goosebumps, then you probably need to think about your life choices.

And if that weren’t enough, in May, Gorjanc filed a patent application to use McQueen’s genetic information with her technical processes, potentially making Alexander McQueen leather her own. “If a student like me was able to patent a material extracted from Alexander McQueen’s biological information as there was no legislation to stop me,” Gorjanc said, “we can only imagine what big corporations with bigger funding are going to be capable of doing in the future.”
For Pure Human, Gorjanc plans to make backpacks, bags, and jackets. She’s already made a few prototypes from pig skin, which she embellished with decorative freckle designs in order to give them a real flesh feeling.

While it certainly pushes the limits of fashion, this project isn’t the first time Gorjanc has played with human skin. In a previous project entitled Body Spam, the Londoner incorporated synthetic bacterial systems, the logos of popular brands, and a horror movie villain attitude into surreal works. The synthetic materials were created as an implant on one’s skin using plaster, silicone, and body paint to look like a Chanel logo was rising from under the skin. The final product doesn’t actually break the skin, but the result looks realistic enough to make you do a double take—and question humanity.


HIV-infected African man dubbed ‘The Hyena’ is paid £3 to spend three days taking virginity of girls as young as 12

HIV-infected African man dubbed 'The Hyena' is paid £3 to spend three days taking virginity of girls as young as 12 A HIV-infected man in his 40s has told how he makes a living by being paid to have sex with children. Eric Aniva, who would not reveal his exact age, lives in the Nsanje district of southern Malawi where he works a sex worker. His work – known as a “hyena” – is embedded into the sacred traditions of his village. There, young women are regularly “cleansed” by having sex with a hyena, sometimes as punishment for an offence such as having an abortion. But for locals a hyena’s main duty is overseeing a coming-of-age ritual, where girls take part in sex over a three-day period after their first menstruation. Mr Aniva, speaking to the BBC, said: “Most of those I have slept with are girls, school-going girls. “Some girls are just 12 or 13 years old, but I prefer them older. All these girls find pleasure…

WIRED Awake: 10 must-read articles for July 22

Chinese researchers to carry out the first human CRISPR gene editing trials, USA wants TTIP-style post-Brexit UK trade deal


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US Congressman "White People Have Contributed More to Civilization than Others," Guess the Reaction

US Congressman "White People Have Contributed More to Civilization than Others," Guess the Reaction Hey look, it’s a White supremacists: Here’s the story from During a panel discussion on MSNBC on Monday evening, Rep. Steve King of Iowa said that white people contributed more to civilization than any other categories or “sub-group of people,” causing a live segment to devolve into on-air chaos. As the show broadcast from Cleveland, where much of the conservative establishment has gathered for the Republican National Convention, King responded to comments made by Esquire writer Charles Pierce as the panel discussed Monday’s upheaval on the convention floor. “If you’re really optimistic, you can say that this is the last time that old white people will command the Republican Party’s attention, its platform, and its public face,” Pierce said. “Of course, I thought this was going…

Tasty Recipe: Grain Free, Nut Free, Gluten Free Seed Crackers

25th July 2016 By Elisha McFarland N.D. Guest writer for Wake Up World It may be hard to believe that foods so tiny can offer up a host of nutritional and healing benefits, but that’s just what these seeds do. Nutritionally they offer a health trifecta –healthy fats, protein and fiber. Made from chia, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and …Continue Reading – Tasty Recipe: Grain Free, Nut Free, Gluten Free Seed Crackers

Munich gunman commits suicide, identified as German-Iranian

Munich gunman commits suicide, identified as German-Iranian Munich police have announced a ‘cautious all-clear’ after an hours-long manhunt which culminated in the discovery of the body of a suspected gunman near the scene of the attack. Authorities suspect the shooter could have acted alone in a rampage that claimed at least nine lives. “We found a man, who killed him himself. We assume, that he was the only shooter,” Munich police department said. The perpetrator has been identified “within the framework of Interpol,” police said in a series of tweets in German. Law enforcement believes “with high” probability that the gunman acted alone. We found a man, who killed him himself.We assume, that he was the only shooter. #gunfire #munich — Polizei München (@PolizeiMuenchen) July 22, 2016 Police said the shooter was an 18-year-old German-Iranian who lived…

How to Meditate (Meditation, Intention and Transcending the 3D Matrix)

Ever want to know how to meditate, really meditate? In this video you learn the different types of meditation, the benefits of meditation and the formulative steps to take while going into a deep meditative state.

Interview 1195 – Michel Chossudovsky Explains Why Brexit Is A Blow to the Oligarchs

In order to understand Brexit in its full historical context, we must know about the origins and motivations for the formation of the European Union and the forces that have shaped the EU bureaucracy into an arm of the IMF/World Bank-led Wall Street hegemon. Today Professor Michel Chossudovsky joins us to expose the EU as the imperial project that it always was, and the growing movement against EU domination as an anti-imperial movement of world historical importance.

Baltimore police lieutenant acquitted in Freddie Gray case

Baltimore police lieutenant acquitted in Freddie Gray case Baltimore prosecutors on Monday failed for the fourth time to secure a conviction against a city police officer for the death of black detainee Freddie Gray, as a lieutenant was cleared of all charges. The acquittal of Lieutenant Brian Rice renews questions about the prospects for the remaining cases stemming from the death of Gray, who suffered a fatal neck injury in April 2015 after he was bundled into the back of a police transport van. Police union officials have called on prosecutors to drop the charges against three officers still awaiting trial in the case, which triggered protests and rioting in the mainly black city and stoked a national debate about how police treat minorities. Tensions flared anew this month with the deaths of African-American men at the hands of police in Minnesota…

OUTRAGE as pharma-corrupted Google censors Alzheimer’s prevention summit, claiming disease is not ‘preventable’

(NaturalNews) We are living in an age of massive censorship, collusion and criminality by the internet’s top gatekeepers. Google, Facebook and Twitter are all deeply corrupt, compromised organizations, and they systematically censor everything they don’t want you to see. For example…

Houston City Council to leave fluoride in water supply; discusses ordinances

Members of the Houston City Council studied two ordinances, approved not changing its fluoridation policy and heard an update on its push to clean up properties during a meeting Monday.

The council voted 4-2 to keep its long-standing policy of adding fluoridation to the city’s water supply. Council members David Arthur and Viki Narancich voted no.

In other matters…

IOC rules Russia will not be banned from Rio 2016 Olympics

‘The International Olympic Committee has rejected calls for a blanket ban on Russia at the Rio 2016 Games, ruling that individual sports federations should decide whether Russian athletes are eligible to compete.
Athletes will need to meet strict criteria laid out by the IOC, including proving to international federations that they have a clean doping record and have been tested by “reliable” international anti-doping bodies.’
Read more: IOC rules Russia will not be banned from Rio 2016 Olympics

Interview 1194 – Larry Rosen Gives Practical Advice on Controlling Your Smartphone

Do you use your smartphone and other tech devices intelligently, responsibly and sparingly? Then congratulations, this interview isn’t for you! But if you (or someone you know) find yourself distracted by your fondleslab and feel anxious when you’re not able to check your latest notifications, then it’s time to admit that the technology is starting to control you. Today we talk to research psychologist Dr. Larry Rosen about how our technology is turning us into Pavlov’s dog and how we can regain control over our devices and our lives.

New Suicide Squad trailers spotlight Joker, Harley Quinn, Deadshot and more

The fan favourite characters take center stage with dedicated trailers for Warner Bros upcoming supervillain team-up movie

By: Matt Kamen

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Cosmic Cycles of Time: Understanding the Great Year – Walter Cruttenden on The justBernard Show

Any serious student of consciousness, the esoteric, the magickal arts, lightworkers or curious science folks will want to listen to this clear lesson on understanding the Great Year and the precession of the equinoxes.
The precession of the equinoxes also called the Great Year, refers to the precession (slow western movement) of Earth’s axis of rotation with respect to inertial space. There are a couple varying schools of thought as to the cause of this precession. The mainstream theory held is that earth’s precession is caused because earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid. If the Earth was a perfect sphere we would have no precession. The primary cause of this effect is because Earth’s equatorial diameter is slightly larger (due to earth’s rotation) than the polar diameter. Another more visual example used to explain this rotation is the analogy of a spinning top. In the case of the spinning top, gravity effects how the top eventually tips over while it is spinning. Earth’s wobble however, is said to be caused by the forces of the sun and moon as gravity is nonexistent in space.
Walter Cruttenden joins us for a compelling discussion into his work researching the ancient mystery of the precession of the equinox. Explaining how cutting edge scientific evidence challenges the current theory of precession. Due to the work of Cruttenden and others, interest in ancient knowledge and solar system theory is on the rise as more people become aware of the importance of our present Age and the potential it holds for humankind.
WALTER CRUTTENDEN is an amateur theoretical archaeo-astronomer and author of the binary theory of precession. As Executive Director of the Binary Research Institute he researches the celestial mechanics of the precession of the equinox, as well as myth and folklore related to this phenomenon. He is the writer-producer of The Great Year, a PBS broadcast documentary film (narrated by James Earl Jones) that explores evidence of astronomical cycles of time known to cultures throughout the ancient world.
Most recently Cruttenden wrote Lost Star of Myth and Time, a book that provides an alternative view of history based on the solar system’s motion through space. It is his belief that the myth and folklore depicting a repeating cycle of Golden Ages and Dark Ages may have a basis in fact, due to the alternating stellar forces that affect Earth as our solar system moves in a 24,000-year binary (dual star) orbit.
Learn more here: HERE:

Prisma has launched on Android

The Android app was previously only available as a beta, despite launching on iOS nearly a month ago

By: Ben Woods

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Breakthrough battery tech could make electric cars more efficient

A new type of lithium-oxygen battery could make smartphones and even electric cars longer-lasting and more durable

By: Ben Woods

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Historical records missed one fifth of global warming

Nasa data has highlighted problems in historical climate records over the past 150 years


Lee Bell

and Victoria Woollaston

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Dr. David Duke to run for U.S. Senate

Dr. David Duke to run for U.S. Senate Dr. David Duke has announced his candidacy for the United States Senate. Dr. Duke, an outspoken critic of Zionism and longtime advocate for European-Americans, was a member of Louisiana’s House of Representatives from 1989-1994. In a video released Thursday morning, Dr. Duke outlined his positions on a number of salient issues. He began by asserting that he supports the rights of all Americans – including European-Americans. As such, he opposed Affirmative Action in the past and has vowed to put an end to unchecked immigration from the third world, stating that this process has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of European-Americans. Dr. Duke noted with satisfication that his tenacity in putting America first has been adopted by Donald Trump, and thus a significant number of Americans as well.…

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We use robots and physics to settle the debateJury finds DuPont guilty of dumping cancer-causing Teflon chemicals into Ohio River that spread across the globe, causing widespread illness and deathMark Devlin interviews Carl James – Decoding KubrickFacebook Messenger hits the 1 billion monthly users markRussia’s New Conservative Allies in the US: The ‘Alt-Right’ Phenomenon‘Deliberate attack’: Blast injures 12, kills suspected bomber in Germany’s AnsbachBritish Doctors Faced With 5,700 Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In One YearMeaning, Globalism, And DeathSHOCK: Dumpster diving man spending just $3 on food each year is eating healthier than most AmericansREVEALED: Vaccine ingredients cause tumors to growAbout those Turkish nukes…Jewish nationalist James Kirchick suggests military coup against TrumpFrench government orders destruction of Nice attack CCTV footage to prevent leaksInformation Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization‘Toxic chemical’: Gladstone woman tells of ‘agony’ from fluorideWhat Doctors Will NEVER Tell You: Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side EffectsStar Trek: Discovery will be the next Trek TV seriesOhio University Offers ‘Safe Space’ for Students Triggered by Republican National ConventionHudson River flooded with micropollutants including insect repellant, pharmaceuticals harmful to aquatic lifeThe Path of The Spiritual ActivistHacking The Matrix With Love – Brendon Culliton on The justBernard ShowLittle Bird sex toy means you’ll never look at your Kindle in the same way againYour next personal shopper will be a couture-crazy chatbotChristine Clemmer – Cosmic Consciousness WeeklyIf You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them MusicAncient Khemetic Beliefs – Stephen Mehler on The justBernard ShowUnlocking the secrets of how the Man on the Moon formedFluoride to go from Gladstone Regional Council water supply“Bedlam” As Wasserman Schultz Boo’d, Heckled Off Stage By DNC Delegates13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting EventFive ways delicious organic plums can benefit your healthYou Can’t Stump David Icke – Vol 1 – Mainstream Trolls in the Land of Oz13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting EventAre You In An Abusive Relationship With Yourself?17 Topics You’ll Find In New Earth SchoolsAmericans now spending BILLIONS on natural health remedies including superfoods and homeopathy, while denouncing Big Pharma’s failed medicineWIRED Awake: 10 must-read articles for July 25Ancient Megalith Mysteries – Hugh Newman on The justBernard ShowTired of Our Bought-and-Paid-For Congress? This 18-Year-Old Created an App That Exposes Sellout PoliticiansPokémon Go’s first sponsored location will be McDonald’s – in Japan‘Drinking water must be tested’Obama’s Half-Brother Says He’s Voting for Donald TrumpSouth Bay lawmaker, activists claim AQMD study of toxic acid used at Torrance refinery is flawedSyrian ‘Refugee’ Machetes Pregnant Woman To Death, Injures Two More In GermanyFacebook completes first test flight of its unmanned AquilaMan stabs mom & 3 daughters at French holiday center over shorts and T-shirts‘Clinton Cash’ Global Premiere Scores 170,000 Views in 3 Hours – Bernie Sanders Supporters PromoteCalgary woman questions if different prices for dolls with different skin colour is racistThe best trailers from San Diego Comic Con 2016This Europe Isn’t MY EuropeAt Least two Dead, 17 Injured in Shooting at Florida Night ClubThe German Train Attack – Inevitable, yet PreventableFla. woman requesting further medical care for difficulty breathing dies following arrest for refusal to leave property; family sues hospitalPikachu is getting his own movie thanks to Pokémon Go’s successHow antidepressants affect the brain and make people more likely to killHow frightening levels of Roundup in food became ‘Normal’How to Control Your Smartphone (So It Doesn’t Control You)Infected with ransomware? 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Omnec Onec, part 1, International UFO conference [VIDEO]

Published on Oct 28, 2014 • How and why I came to Earth • The ancestors of the human beings on Earth • Our concept and understanding of the creator • Your true heritage and your greatness • You are Soul • The universe is full of planets and beings • Reality is a matter …

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What Doctors Will NEVER Tell You: Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side Effects

Humans Are Free Apricots, peaches, and plums are not only heavenly delicious but they might contain a natural ingredient vital for the prevention of cancer. by Anya V Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin, is believed to both prevent and cure cancer. This remedy is concentrated in the very seed of a fruit …

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Crystals to Heal Plants [VIDEO]

Published on Jul 24, 2016 crystal points can be used to help heal plants that grow upwards. put the thought form into the crystal point and place it into the soil next to the plant so the tip moves upwards.

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13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

Activist Post By Bernie Suarez People who don’t trust government, those who think on their own and tend to question what they hear, by now are all becoming experts at identifying false flag staged events. With so many recent staged psyop events in the news lately many of us are getting a lot of practice …

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2 Killed, Up To 17 Injured In Fort Myers, Florida Nightclub Shooting

The Anti-Media (ZHE) One month after the tragic Orlando nightclub deaths, which have since been swept away by a series of increasingly more escalating, disturbing and deadly mass shooting assaults in Europe, moments ago newswires reported that at least two people were killed and “at least 14-16” wounded during in a shooting at a Florida nightclub, …

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17 Topics You’ll Find In New Earth Schools

Woo Woo Media by Michelle Walling, CHLC Editor, WooWoo Media Have you ever had dreams of being in school? If so, perhaps you are already connecting with the higher levels of learning in other dimensional realities. Since we are creating the New Earth, it is a good idea to think about what we would change …

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“Bedlam” As Wasserman Schultz Boo’d, Heckled Off Stage By DNC Delegates

Zero Hedge Not the greatest start to Hillary’s homecoming week. Outgoing Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed and heckled at a Florida delegate breakfast, with attendees shouting “shame.”   Man this is brutal: DWS being booed this morning at the Florida Delegation Breakfast ahead of the DNC: — Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) …

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Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal

Your News Wire The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary …

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Cosmic Cycles of Time: Understanding the Great Year – Walter Cruttenden on The justBernard Show

Any serious student of consciousness, the esoteric, the magickal arts, lightworkers or curious science folks will want to listen to this clear lesson on understanding the Great Year and the precession of the equinoxes. The precession of the equinoxes also called the Great Year, refers to the precession (slow western movement) of Earth’s axis of …

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Left-Wing Supporters Boo as Bernie Sanders Says ‘We Must Elect Hillary Clinton’

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders booed today as the former Democratic presidential contender told them, “We must elect Hillary Clinton.” He was appearing for the first time this week in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention is set to kick off later today. Addressing a group of his delegates at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Sanders …

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