Monthly Archive: March 2012

BBC News – Top up on sunshine and vitamin D, says charity

Top up on sunshine and vitamin D, says charity.

People should go outside and soak up some sunshine to help increase their vitamin D levels, a charity is urging.

Arthritis Research UK says vitamin D deficiency can cause bone loss, muscle function problems and, in some cases, rickets in children.

The government recommends vitamin D supplements for pregnant women and children aged under five.

But, on sunny days, a few minutes outdoors should achieve the same results, the charity says.

In January the chief medical officer for England said she was concerned that young children and some adults were not getting enough vitamin D.

Figures show that up to a quarter of the population has low levels of vitamin D in their blood and the majority of pregnant women do not take vitamin D supplements.

People aged over 65, pregnant and breast-feeding women and children aged six months to five years old are thought to be most at risk.

Start Quote

From June to August just 15 minutes outside is generally enough time”

Arthritis Research UK

Vitamin D is essential to help the body absorb calcium from food.

Low levels can result in serious problems with the health of our bones.

Alan Silman, medical director of Arthritis Research UK, said the advice was simple: “When the days are sunny, go out for a few minutes and expose your face and arms to the sunshine.”

But he also had a warning on overexposure: “Don’t allow your skin to go red, and take care not to burn, particularly in strong sunshine and if you have fair or sensitive skin.

“From June to August just 15 minutes is generally enough time.”

The sun’s UV levels are not yet strong enough over the UK for our bodies alone to make enough vitamin D.

He said: “In less sunny months, we recommend that people top up the vitamin D in their diet by eating more oily fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, pilchards and sardines, and foods ‘fortified’ with vitamin D, such as breakfast cereals and some margarines.”

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Is the Occupy Movement an Inside Job? Evidence points towards that direction!

After being at St Pauls from day 1 of the Occupy LSX protest, you could tell something was’t right and something very fishy was being dealt with the chips and it wasn’t your usual Cod. First of all although i was right behind the people i didn’t like the word occupy, it seems to sound too much like I wanted to invade, to which means i am prepared to go to war and do battle against the corporation known as the United Kingdom. Put that aside and the first day went fairly well. The police were very much threatening without being threatening until the kettling started…..say that after a few glasses of wine.

Straight from the start you could tell who the leaders were going to be, i kept myself to myself and just wandered asking for interviews. For one i wanted them for my own little project, and for two i wanted them for TruthJuice and also one to go onto the suck-o network. Well like i said i was bemused at the way you could see the leadership forming but with people like Charlie Skelton who donated one of the marquees I was prepared to just sit back and wait to see what happens. Well duty called and i could only hang around for a few weeks when another character that i met a few months ago turned up. He asked if he could borrow my camcorder and stay and get some footage. We talked about the law and how we thought it was a good idea but the structure made it fail from the start. I must say it was very worth while leaving it with him.

Not so long ago we discovered that people like Saskia Kent were helping control the movement so we knew this went further than we realized.  There were other paid activists too which are involved who also had direct contact with the BBC but we will go there another time. Commonly Known as Dom, Mark Windows, Malcolm from Anonymous (with some backing from his friends who remain nameless) all helped to reveal the Common Purpose Shill, most of the attempts to ‘out’ her were reacted against by her aptly named ‘Dragons’ as you can see from this video, except this time they failed!


So lets cut to the chase, we know about Saskia Kent and we know she is common purpose trained but there has got to be more, we discovered that Tavistock Institute were also hiding under the covers of darkness  in disguise as another group in the name of Social Dreaming that just couldn’t wait to be able to come and use the penned in lab rats of the occupy movement.

None of the GA meetings or anything going on with the Bank of Ideas is going to help the people. These are controlled by facilitators who are trained in using the Delphi technique. This is very good for helping divert people from the real issues and helping focus on issues that are not really there……like the climate change scam. Really funny to understand why the money all got transferred to an account that has an agenda that is totally non conceivable. Still these questions haven’t been answered and still no-one is prepared to speak about the accounts. If you do ask questions they try to run you out of camp.

Recently I haven’t had much time to do any research but tonight i had a call from Dom, he basically said the same to me as he had posted on Facebook.



The occupy people at Finsbury sq, have had enough of being controlled by people who have self appointed them self’s in positions of control. Such as the finance, legal, and process team etc etc etc.

Now occupy has this smoke screen to cover up that CLIMATE CAMP have control of the money.

here is a link for the live stream at 7pm tonight

This is the occupy hidden hierarchy excuse for trying to shut down the movement NOW they have been exposed, for who they are.

ps i have all the unseen footage of what has been said at this weeks GA and finance meeting will upload asap….
watch this space.


After a while he called again and told me that the meeting had once again been diverted from the attention of what the people wanted and different agenda’s were followed which no-one wanted to discuss at that time. People wanted action and REAL action.

Dom sent me a link to to where the schedule was hosted and curiosity got the better of me and i did some simple but very legal searches on the domain name and here’s is what i come up with…

Interesting, i then decided to take a look at a few of these websites. Lets take a look at Occupy Factory.

Lets take a look at the next one. What? can you read that?, are my specs deceiving me?



To support the administration of a brain scanning research unit.


Is this for serious. Lets take a look at the others and are they linked to these websites, is there another connection?

OK lets take a look at the software DNS.

Ok so now this cant seriously get any worse for the people down at the occupy movent in London surely. Does that say what i think it does.

Lets take a look at Desire another section of their program


Desire serves two main purposes. Firstly, it provides an effective way of conducting, recording and presenting working processes, which are analysed in terms of events and the responses made to them. Based on such considerations, requirements for a software system can also be recorded and associated with the process responses which they support.

This analysis approach has been developed and practiced by the Appropriate Software Foundation, and has proven effective for numerous organisations.

The second purpose of the Desire service is to provide a shared space for circulating process analysis amongst civil society organisations. We offer Desire as a free service, and hope that it will be a valuable contribution to the development of communities of shared interest in civil society.


Holy shmoke, we new that covert operations had some clout but this takes the biscuit!!!

Lets take another look at Appropriate software…..

Yup definately a relationship there, what else is there i wonder…..keep looking,  there cant be nothing else can there, i mean, looks a bit like there could be a bit of an issue but not much, is there????

Take a look at the original print on the software being used …..

Ok not much to see here move on move on……..wait a minute, does that say?


ScanBooker is an open source radiology information system (RIS).

ScanBooker is a domainmodel application, designed to support medical imaging administration. ScanBooker was conceived in a partnership between the UK’s Medical Research Council and the Appropriate Software Foundation.


So I wonder why Occupy would want to use these?????

Has the Occupy movement in London been operated from the inside from day one? Well it certainly looks like it!!!

OK after having a little more time to dig round ‘google’ I did a little search on the owner of one of the domains that wasn’t hidden from prying eyes… mine. A simple search for the owner of the domain, a Mr John Bywater. Sometimes Google reveals a little more than people would like.



Anyone want to represent the team?


Begin forwarded message:

> From: OccupyLSX <occupylsx at> > Subject: Occupy London One Month Anniversary! > Date: 14 November 2011 00:54:40 GMT > To: Joshua Virasami <joshuav90 at>, jamie kelsey-fry <lsxcamp at>, charlie at, "john.bywater at" <john.bywater at>, Virginia Lopez Calvo <virginialopezcalvo at>, Shimri <shimriz at>, "artin.giles" <artin.giles at>, hannahborno at, hlmackie <hlmackie at>, Martin Dittus <martin at>, Martin Dittus <martind at>, peaceandloveforall at, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at>, Morellos <morellos at> > > Hi all, > > On Tuesday, Occupy London will be one month old and a number of things will be happening on the day and throughout the week to mark the anniversary, including Occupy London guest editing the Guardian's Comment is Free on Tuesday and a conference with reps from many of the UK occupations this weekend. > > On Tuesday, the press team intends to hold a press briefing so that the media can hear our view of what Occupy London has been up to in its first month and what we've got planned in the near future. Not holding an event like this will make us hostage to the dominant media narative ("but what are you lot asking for...?") and we feel it is important that Occupy writes its own history. > > All being well, we will be holding this briefing at 10am at the Tent City University at OLSX. > > As such: > > Press briefing - We'd very much like to invite a representative from each working group to give a short (1-2 minutes) update at this briefing. The overall format for this will be intro from press team, updates from working groups, Q&A from media followed by 121 interviews. > Press release - the press team is about to start working on a press release that will be provided to media at this event and then sent out to the wider media list afterwards. For this we would like to get a 50-100 word update from working groups about what they've been up to. > Video/pictures - If you have any pictures or video that can also be used to illustrate what you've been up to do send those through too. > > If you can send through your updates to press at that would be great. If a representative from a group cannot attend, we will get someone to read the written update you've provided. By the way, we apologise for the early start, but it will mean that we get maxumum press coverage for this event. > > Also, please do send this on to anyone that you think might not be on the list. > > Any queries, do call me on 07745 651634. > > Cheers, > Ro > 


Link can be found here

More to Follow…..



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