Monthly Archive: April 2014

Update number 6 with Darren Clifford and co

2014-04-28 Dean Clifford – update number 6

Discussion involves: Darren Clifford (Dean’s brother), Chris Sosnowski and Paul Stein (We Are Change Victoria and Dean’s friend also)
Intro Song: Gordon Lightfoot – Gotta get away

Please visit We Are Change – Victoria at: to check out what they have been up to.

Apologies for a lack of an update for a while, much has been going on and up in the air at the same time.

Dean Clifford is still currently being held in Brandon Correctional Centre and has been since late November. His crimes? Choosing to live his life according to higher law and holding government accountable for their unlawful actions.

Why hasn’t the mainstream media mentioned anything about Dean’s capture for months on end? If this was a legitimate “freeman” threat that has been quashed, wouldn’t they be advertising this as a deterrent for those who subscribe to the “freeman” philosophies? Those philosophies aren’t of those which the mainstream media have the public to believe but for those who take the time to research, anyone who understands them, such as “do no harm”, you’d have to be nuts or completely indoctrinated by the appalling education system and banker controlled press to not want to support such ideals.

According to court transcripts, Dean is continuing to be held against his will without the Crown presenting a cause of action. Dean was never presented with a warrant at the time of his “arrest” nor was a proper warrant presented during a raid on his home prior to his November Hamilton seminar where he was abducted.

Also according to transcripts, the courts have repeatedly rejected Dean’s court filings, in one case because he didn’t use the proper form (and was told he could obtain the proper form on the Internet – to which he has no access to)
A source close to Dean has reported that there has been instances where people that work for either the RCMP or the Military who have called up and enquired about Dean’s situation have been told “they have been flagged” and then hung up on.

This source also reports of being followed while checking on Dean’s home and what appeared to be a RCMP chopper hovered over him while driving and once arrived stayed there for some time in an apparent attempt to harass and intimidate him.

Dean Clifford has been in jail at Brandon Correction Centre for over 157 days, (over 5 months and some change) and counting, and with the continuing delay tactics of the crown (as evidenced by the court transcripts) there is no certainty as to if or when he will be released.

The charges of firearm possession and the growing of cannabis is yet to be brought to trial with mainly preliminary case management hearings and bail hearings in statutory provincial magistrates court in conjunction with his own claims against the Crown in Queens Bench.

He has refused on every occasion to act as surety of the legal fiction or being an in which the judiciary still carries on the presumption that he is, despite asserting he is not.

It has been mentioned on many occasions that the courts and the provincial crown has started they have trust issues that need to be discussed to cover the proceedings and costs.

It could be because Dean refuses to sign off on any of their bullshit or consent to be an agent/officer working for them, so they are having difficulty getting paid out of his trust. This is supported in the court transcripts as well where such matters are discussed in a matter of words. It is quite possible all this is being hypothecated into large sums and therefore eating away at budgets.

Despite not respecting the UN or their authority or lack thereof, Dean has appealed to the UN for action on the human rights violations inflicted upon him by the Canadian and Provincial governments considering CANADA is a signatory to their Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Officers at the jail blocked this letter. See attached letter below:



In addition to the tyrannical nature of these governments the state has also moved to freeze or close Dean’s bank account(s) as well. The true damage will not be known until he is released of course and only then he can ascertain as to what is going on, but it is clear they are trying to cut off his finances from that angle as well because family members and power of attorneys have been unable to clarify exactly what is going on but it is clear they are trying inconvenience him from paying his bills.

Another thing also to point out is that it has been admitted by Dean’s roommate/border that the RCMP used intimidation tactics to coerce him to allow entry into Dean’s home and produced a warrant that appeared to be a fabrication, with no wet-ink signature or endorsement from the proper jurisdiction. Dean has commented that when he was given the opportunity to view the warrant, it did not grant permission to access the home on that stance also.

Dean’s roommate/border was also facing various charges, but decided to obtain a legal aid government issued lawyer, in which he was told not to attend these hearings at all, now all charges against him had been dropped and now he has moved out of Dean’s home.

Recently on 25th March, Dean agreed to a bail hearing in which there he shut down many presumptions from the provincial crown in which during he discussed the terms and conditions for Bail. In the end bail was denied. There are other reasons as to why Dean agreed to a bail hearing but for now we can’t disclose that.

This hearing, which was one of the few open to the public, went on for over an hour. The Crown prosecutor spoke, then Dean corrected the record, then the Judge denied bail on primary and secondary grounds that he felt Dean doesn’t respect their authority of a statutory court and will most likely not honour his recognisance again.

Dean is still having difficulties either getting things filed properly or documents certified by a Notary. On the 16th of April, Dean was allowed to leave the jail with sheriffs to drive him to a notary. Half way there they got a call and were ordered to turn around and take him back. On his return, his ability to call his one outside line of communication, his brother, was severed and revoked.

It appears he is being denied access to the tools he needs in order to obtain remedy. Even at the hearings he is denied access to a commissioner of oaths.
On April 17th, 10am, he was taken to the Manitoba Law courts for Queens Bench hearing for his demand to show cause. This hearing was adjourned sine die in which they are still going off presumptions. He was being seen as the legal fiction and referred to as a “self-re-presenting freeman”. There Dean held his ground and stood up to them as he does.

It was clear that the judiciary were nervous and wanted the hearing to be over as quickly as possible and were very careful on what they had to say. He is still being seen as the trustee.

The docket reflected that with his name still spelled in all caps and when it started, the crown went first. It was said by some who attended and witnessed the hearing that he did fantastic considering otherwise.

During the time Dean got to speak, he had much to say and only spoke of self-evident truths and quoted aspects of the true rule of law and historical references and maximums of law. Something of note, whilst there he quoted were: Genesis chapter 1 vs 6.
Deuteronomy chapter 19 vs 1.
Magna Carta 1215AD section 39.

In the end, the judge who still referred to him as MR CLIFFORD stated that Dean’s claim had no basis in law. She refused to explain why and appeared to hurry things along as quickly as possible. The judge contradicted herself saying she heard him but ignored everything in the same breath.

After that, Dean said “Well you just harmed me and I need your name.” in which she refused. Regardless, the judge’s name was Karen I. Simonsen.

Following the hearing other information’s were faxed to him by his brother at 11:45pm at Brandon Correctional Centre that evening, however although it is a document only 8 lines long, they may not forward him the fax considering he is not allowed to contact anyone now. The contents of that letter has not been provided to anyone else with exception to those who intercept the fax.

It is interesting to note that when you go to search on the court registry system: between 2013 and 2014 with the surname CLIFFORD, there is only one case.

This current case Dean is being held for has all its entries under the same case back in Feb 2013 despite the case back then had to do with assaulting a police officer / policy enforcer which involved a bit of a wrestle in a supermarket parking lot in which Dean claimed he had to do so to prevent harm being done to him as the officer was deranged. It is a shame we couldn’t get a hold of the dash cam footage as that would have been quite a show.

The current charges Dean is being held for are unrelated and consist of the possession of unregistered firearms and growing of a banned substance (cannabis) which was used to help a friend for medical reasons. On the registry system, it used to show as a separate case / entry but now it is all filed under the same case, which seems is odd. Perhaps there is something to look into there as it looks as if when you search now, there is no cases from late November 2013 onwards but is all under from the Feb 2013 stint.

Here are the current hearings from this year:

Court Hearings (CR13-01-32571)

Court Date Court Time Status Hearing Type Notes
24-Apr-2014 10:00 ADJOURNED CRIMINAL UNCONTESTED MOTIONS(THURS-10:00) Adj from 24-Apr-2014 to 01-May-2014

There provincial magistrate’s courts are not courts, the people they call judges in provincial magistrates court are not judges, and they are owed absolutely no respect. They are not peace officers.

All people that enter them are either tricked to enter them or they are forced into them by nothing more than mall cop goons with no authority. Those who are against the will of the people are not owed any ounce of respect. They are private courts in which they do not see or acknowledge ones rights.

This may seem inflammatory, but the actions of the employees and agents that work within them speak for itself and it is conducted behind closed doors without witnesses when there are conducting themselves in a dishonorable fashion.

Dean’s last hearing was on Thursday 24th April in provincial magistrate’s kangaroo non-court at 10PM.
May 2nd there was talk about the trial starting but nothing is concrete as of yet.
It appears that their newest tactic is that they scheduled provincial along with case conference side by side as a reason to keep people out of both. It has been pointed out that usually case conference hearings people cannot attend them in which usually people are allowed in provincial.

For those that are in the area on either Monday 28th April or Friday 2nd May, the address is:

Provincial Court
Law Courts Building
Main Floor, 408 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0P9

It was confirmed prior to his phone privileges being revoked, he was still getting mail but he can’t reply. Perhaps only authorised persons can receive mail from him, such as his brother. He has stated on prior occasions he has really appreciated the kind letters he has received in the mail.
Those who’s like to send their regards, they can do so at:

Brandon Correctional Centre
375 Veterans Way,
Canada R7C 0B1
Phone 204-725-3532
Fax: 204-727-3961

If you want to voice your concerns, you can write to:

The Honorable Peter Gordon MacKay
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8

Also another to contact is:

William F.Pentney
Deputy Minister of Justice
Room 4121
East Memorial Building
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa,Ontario K1 A 0H8

Please also forward any copies of affidavit’s to:

To support Dean and the cause please either or,


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Nieuwsoverzicht Nulpunt Energie Groep Nederland

Foto: Frank Bonte van

Hierbij een kort overzicht van de nulpunt-energie groep.

Blijf je verbazen en geniet van elke dag.

Door angst blijf je steeds manipuleerbaar

Toen er nog geen geld was, was er vrije energie

Wees kritisch en blijf bij je gevoel.

Genoeg is genoeg.

Ja, toch

En wie gelooft onze media nog?

Lees de alternatieve media, er komen er steeds meer die wakker worden.

Kanker – en nog steeds heeft men geen vertrouwen in MMS en kiest men voor chemo.


Lees verder: Wat is er van belang?

Jula Concept

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, res. prof. geeft vrijdagavond 25 april 2014 het vervolg

van zijn lezing eerder op 14 maart 2014 gegeven.


Aanmelden verplicht: frankbonte @ (laat de spaties weg)

18.30 zaal open, 19.30 aanvang lezing – bijdrage kosten org. kosten € 10,00

Lees verder: Jula concept (2) op vrijdagavond 25 april in Zaandam.


Jullie weten al, van mijn presentaties en andere berichten, dat ik jullie aandacht vraag voor Tetryonics.
HTTP:// is inmiddels een jaar oud.
Het werk op is inmiddels 5 jaar oud.

Sinds een maand heb ik bijna dagelijks interviews met Kelvin Abraham, de ontwikkelaar van Tetryonics. Het is fascinerend wat hij me voorlegt en uitlegt. En (gelukkig) een totale revisie van de hele natuurkunde zoals ik die leerde. In zijn aanpak is ALLES gebaseerd op elektromagnetische krachten. En komt de HELE natuurkunde samen in één eenvoudige geometrie.

Tetryonics is eenvoudig te leren: knip de sjablonen uit die je in de website kan vinden.

Leg ze op tafel en zie welke patronen je daarmee kan maken. De dag erop kan je dan met plakband tetraëders maken. Kelvin Abraham ontdekte hoe hij daarmee alle atomen kon maken.

Lees verder: Tetryonics – bijdrage Otto van Nieuwenhuijze

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic

Nieuwe energie die de huidige oude wereld visie zal vervangen

Het is het begin van betere technieken voor de gezondheid en energie voorziening.

Diegene die ons willen helpen kunnen dat laten weten.

Holland, Zaandam Friday evening 14th Marz 2014, presentation Ilija about his JULA concept.

Eerdere pogingen zijn concept in wetenschappelijke kringen te introduceren zijn nog mislukt.

Deze “nieuwe” energie visie, komt op youtube zodat daar iedereen er kennis van kan nemen.

Wetenschappers zullen zich moeten gaan afvragen of ze wel op het juiste spoor zitten.

Ook kan Ilija met zijn JULA visie het nucleaire (afval) probleem nu al oplossen.!!

Het lukt hem (nog) niet zijn aanpak op de nuclaire top te mogen toelichten.

Echter willen de Powers That Were dat ook wel gezien hun machtsspel.?

Bron: Nieuwe energy – alles over Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, res. prof.

Quantum Energy Generator

Een gemiddeld huishouden gebruikt tussen de 1-10 KW stroom uit het elektrisch net.

Een conventionele generator heeft in de elektriciteitscentrale zo’n 15KW input nodig om 10KW te produceren. Daarbij komen ook nog eens transportverliezen waar we niets aan hebben.

Om deze 15KW te produceren gebruiken we gas, diesel, propaan, kolen of andere producten waar de olie industrie van profiteert.

130 jaar geleden heeft Nikola Tesla een energie generator uitgevonden en er patent op aangevraagd. Dit is een resonantie machine die maar 1KW nodig heeft om 10KW te produceren. Zijn patenten zijn nu geheel vrij van auteursrechten.

The Fix the World Organization heeft Teslas ontwerp gereproduceerd met een paar moderne veranderingen om hetzelfde resultaat te krijgen. Onze Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) levert 10KW stroom met een verbruik van minder dan 1KW die de generator zelf produceert.

Lees verder: Quantum Energy Generator – info vrij gegeven

Interview Mehran Keshe

Bron: Keshe – patenten vrij gegeven

Frontier Gezondheidsdag

Op paasmaandag 21 april 2014 organiseert Frontier World in het Rhone Congres & Party Centrum Amsterdam de 4e Frontier Gezondheidsdag. Het wordt wederom een bijzondere mengeling van lezingen, informatie uitwisseling en vele stands op 1 plaats en op 1 dag. Alles over gezondheid, voeding en natuurlijk leven. In twee zalen worden gedurende de hele dag lezingen en workshops gegeven. Voor de kinderen worden allerlei spannende en leerzame kinderactiviteiten georganiseerd.

Lees verder: Fontier gezondheidsdag 21/04 (Ilija en Frank zijn er ook)

Geplaatst namens Frank Bonte.

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Florida bans biometrics in schools, and the industry’s "emerging fight" against it

It has been interesting to follow the progress of the Florida legislature to ban schools from taking and processing children’s biometrics, the process of which started late last year.  It will be the first time in the USA or worldwide that biometrics have been banned in schools, when Gov Rick Scott signs the bill.  Some have argued that the UK Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 should have gone this far but instead we have that schools can only process a child’s biometric data with written parental consent.  However, how parents are fully informed to make that consent still leaves the process open to spin and ambiguity surrounding the technology and its capabilities.

In Florida three bills were filed dealing with Florida schools using biometrics, during September and October 2013. With one, SB188 relating to education data privacy, being passed on April 11 2014. It reads (see lines 49-66):

(1) An agency or institution as defined in s.1002.22(1) may not:
(a) Collect, obtain, or retain information on the political affiliation, voting history, religious affiliation, or biometric information of a student or a parent or sibling of the student 
The bill passed by 113 Yeas to 1 Nay
This news has been met by the biometric industry in the United States with fears it may lead to other states approving similar bills.  There are already laws in other states concerning parental consent for schools to use biometric technology but SB188 goes one step further, by banning it.
Many experts, privacy organisations and others have aired concerns over children using their biometrics in school for a variety of reasons:
     – Security of data – What does a child do if their biometric data is compromised?  How and when would that become apparent?  Leaps and bounds in technology cannot possibly foresee how this could play out in the decades to come.
     – The personal information that is held against the biometric – Reading or eating habits, who views that?
     – The sharing of biometric data and personal data stored against it – Government agencies now routinely take biometric data and upload it to other databases.
     – The subtle psychological message using this technology gives to children, that to gain access to books/knowledge, food/money, normalises the use of biometrics for mundane yet essential activities.   
Janet Kephart of the Secure Identity and Biometrics Association (SIBA), set up in February 2014, states that one of four biggest challenges of 2014 is to help clear the air in “a newly emerging fight in state legislatures whereby there is a push to ban biometrics in public schools“.  
Kephart claims that, “Biometric technologies do not store identities; they store templates“.  Surely template/s based on a particular person are designed to identify said person, otherwise how would the system work?  Then the next statement contradicts her earlier statement by saying, “To further assure privacy, names are kept separate from the biometric templates, encrypted, and not directly linked with the biometric data“.  Yes, so they are linked then but encrypted.  Indeed, one might liken this to doublespeak?

She then, unsurprisingly, states the usual line to be seen and heard in the spiel dished out to schools in the USA and UK by biometric vendors, “…the outline of fingerprints aren’t stored like an image – they’re turned into a set of series of numbers that can’t be reverse engineered.”  Yes, a set of numbers that is digitally transferable between databases.

With regards to Florida banning biometrics in schools (with SIBA only being set up two months earlier with a view to, “educate folks about the reality of biometrics, bridging the gap between Washington and the industry” , maybe SIBA was set up because of SB188?) Janet Kephart states:

Nobody in Florida decided to do due diligence on this… [presumably she has proof of this allegation]  No one clearly went out and asked how biometric technology actually works … nobody asked the question. It was just basic public servant due diligence that they didn’t do and there’s really no excuse for that.”

Just a minute… where was the “due diligence” of the biometric industry from 2001 onwards effectively testing biometric technology on children by fingerprinting 4 year olds to get a library book out, using infrared palm scanners trialled on primary school children in 2006 so they could eat, iris scanning children for lunch lines in 2007, facial scanning kids in 2010 to stop them from turning up to school late, voice biometric planned in 2007 for students, and (partly what prompted SB188) a Florida school district iris scanning 700+ children to travel on a bus?  All without parental consent or appropiate discussion, hence the legislation in the US States and the UK.

And SIBA want to talk about due diligence?   An apology would be more fitting.

Let’s tell it how it really is.  In this article is an astonishing, yet bluntly open, account of why Saudi Arabia are introducing biometrics in schools, explaining below the exact reasons for biometrics and CCTV.  Surveillance.  It is a “form of supervision“, to” install a sense of discipline“, to “track children“, to make them “respect regulations” and gain “better productivity“.  At least there is some honesty here, more than we have had from the biometric industry and government on this issue in the US and UK for the past decade.

Kevin Townsend, original founder of, puts it most succinctly in his March 2014 article – Why we must keep biometrics out of schools – definitely worth a read.

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Free Energy Newsletter Peter Lindemann

English: plasma lamp Français : Lampe plasma. ...
English: plasma lamp Français : Lampe plasma. Română: Lampă cu plasmă. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There have been a number of Big Announcements in the field of Free Energy in
the last month, and it’s time to put some of this into perspective.


On April 3rd of this year, Blacklight Power, Inc. announced it had produced a
sustained reaction based on an extremely bright light source produced by a
plasma reaction and used to power photovoltaic cells to produce electricity. The
amount of electricity needed to sustain the plasma reaction is quite small when
compared to the total electrical output from the photovoltaic panels. I have
looked at this technology and consider it a legitimate and important development.
A copy of their original Press Release can be seen at the following link:

The ability to produce an energy gain by producing a plasma reaction and
harvesting excess heat was first disclosed to me by a private research group a
number of years ago. Their system has been under development for years, and
is quietly moving toward implementation. So, Blacklight Power’s claims are
completely believable and should be taken seriously. This is extremely good
news, and demonstrates a genuine method for the production of unlimited
amounts of electricity, at industrial levels, without the need to burn any fuel. This
is a story to watch, with interest.


In contrast to Blacklight Power’s announcement, there has been another story
creating BUZZ in the discussion forums. This is the announcement, by an
anonymous poster going by the name of “hopegirl”, that a new stand-alone
energy generator based on a design by the controversial group called WITTS,
has been replicated and the plans distributed on the internet. This
announcement should be viewed with extreme caution and skepticism, primarily
because the exact plans for the WITTS generator have never been released to
the public. I would have trouble believing this story even if they put a “working
model” on my kitchen table….LOL!


There have been a number of computer security issues in the news in the last
few weeks, including the “Heartbleed” problem at many of the internet servers, to
the smaller issue of Windows XP moving into an unsupported realm with regard
to new security breaches. This has caused both Jackie and I to move to a
Windows 7 platform recently.

The more important issue I believe, that has gotten much less notice, is the
security problem caused by the new “smart chips” in Credit Cards. We have
been told that these are safe and secure, but you won’t believe that after you
watch this short film where a researcher “steals” the information off these cards in
a public mall.

If you have any Credit Cards with the new RFID chips in them, you may wish to
rethink how you protect them.


In response to public demand, John Bedini has developed a new, smaller version,
of the popular Solar Tracker 5 charge controllers. This unit is rated for 3 amps at
12 volts, and works perfectly with the 45 watt solar panel from Harbor Freight.
After the first announcement, they sold 25 units in 24 hours, and units will start
shipping next week. It’s so new, they don’t even have a complete write-up on the
website yet, but you can take a look here:


Registration is open for the 2014 Science and Technology Conference. If you
want to attend, register early, so you don’t get left out. The speaker list and
presentation summaries are listed at the new website address:


Well, Aaron and I are just about done with the up-grade of our amazing manual
that shows you how to lower your utility bills by 50%. In the last 5 years, a
number of big shifts have happened in the availability of technologies that make
this process easier than ever before. This book is a “must have” if you are
wanting to save money, become more energy independent, or move completely
off the grid. We’ll be releasing it in a few short weeks. If you purchase the
current version now, you’ll get the up-grade for free when it becomes available:

Save On Home Energy

There is actually a lot more news I have to share, so I’ll be sending another
Newsletter out to you in a few weeks.

But, that’s the news for now. Thanks again for helping build a better world!

Warm regards,

Peter Lindemann, DSc

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Supporters message

In this world there are many folks who sit idly by, and then there are those who will not, and cannot, sit idly by, while they see the planet and people they love being crushed and destroyed, on a daily basis, by unbridled filth and corruption at a staggering level.

Dean Clifford is a man who cannot and will not sit idly by while the world around him is being systematically decimated by filth and corruption – filth and corruption that appears to be embedded in all levels of society.

Clifford cannot idly sit by while mankind and nature are being methodically attacked by: geo-engineering, toxins, chemtrails, false medicines, poisoned drinking water, false wars, altered produce, harmful police officers, raping clergy, false-flag operations, and corrupt judicial systems and statutes (to name a few things).

Upon noticing the filth and corruption, Clifford set forth to investigate the nature of the filth and corruption and he sought to find some possible remedies to this distressing aspect of life on Earth, and what he discovered through his journey was profound.

Dean Clifford, a working man, a contractor from Manitoba, Canada, discovered a vitally important truth and that truth is: all men are equal before the law.

Men and women are all equal before the law because they have rights, rights that no one can bestow upon them or take away from them. These rights are not given to people by various pieces of legislation (statutes), but these rights are acknowledged by statutes.

Mankind has natural rights and has had them long before the term civil rights was ever conjured up.

Clifford felt the need to tell others in his social network about these rights, and about some possible ways to assert these rights when the rights of man are being trampled and trespassed upon by others (trespassers).

It so happened, a few years back, that someone in the audience recorded some of Clifford’s talks about rights, courts, and trust law, and then uploaded the talks on Youtube, and since that time many requests for talks and seminars have been made of Clifford and so he had accepted to do some seminars in the past few years, as an attempt to meet the requests coming in.

Clifford does not relish being in the spot-light, nor does he like to be called a guru, and he would much rather live a simple life where he could sit beside a river, fish, and help others in a discrete fashion.

However, Clifford realized the severe lack of knowledge in people about natural rights, law, assertion of rights and remedy, and so that is why he agreed to step into the spot-light, for the time being, in an effort to teach others about their natural rights and how to assert them.

There has been much speculation, gossip, lies, and slander spread by some folks on the internet about what Dean Clifford is and is not, but these untruths can only be spread so far – weak minds will be infected almost immediately by the deception and lies, however, the reasonable and logical minds, which are tuned into the frequency of truth and honor, will escape the mind-infection of the outright lies and propaganda, for they are immune to it.

Dean Clifford is not a rich man and he is not a perfect man, but Dean Clifford is a man of courage and he fights for the rights of all men and he is teaching his fellow man to assert their rights and to live in honor and to take responsibility for all their words and deeds – to become fully liable for all they do.

Currently, Clifford is behind bars, and he is fighting the good fight and accepting full responsibility and liability for all he does – all the while the aggressors and slanderers take advantage of the situation to try to create a force of disinformation so large against Clifford in an effort to isolate him from the people who could learn a great deal from what he has to say.

But, this effort is an effort in vain, for those ready to hear the truth will instantly know it when they hear it from Dean – for there is a power in truth, raw, immutable, and unstoppable and it comes from an unseen force of unthinkable magnitude and it will serve to light the fire within in all the truth-seekers and will ultimately shed incredible light on all the filthy, corrupt, entities on this once beautiful planet and will bring to light all the atrocities they have done.

The truth will set mankind free – it is born of a force unmatched in power and it cannot and will not be stopped!

by: Suzanne from Toronto


Update: Not much to update other than there was a bail hearing on the 25th March which was uneventful and was denied. The crown and the judiciary are playing a lot of games, filings are disappearing and not being heard. Their corruption is so blatant and doing everything they can to prevent a show cause hearing. Dean is good mentally and physically, he feels that they should not be able to play their bullshit games for much longer, as the application to show cause is being filed in Queens bench either today or tomorrow. Upon his release, which will hopefully be in the next few weeks, there are plans in place that will bring this movement forward even further than before.


Here is an article that Marc Sylvain Boisvert wrote at:
canadanewslibre.comDe Facto Political Prisoner in CANADA : Dean Clifford

The post Supporters message appeared first on Dean Clifford.

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