

End of Year Fundraiser for Humanity+ Global Web Presence

web fundraiser
Help us to expand funding for the Humanity+ Web presence. Together we can build a smart, reliable and effective global knowledge-center for transhumanist thinking.

kiko suarezWe would like to thank Humanity+ member Kiko Suarez who has launched the donation process with a $1,000.00 donation in support of advancing Humanity+’s Global Web presence.

From 1990 through today, worldwide communications on transhumanism through writings, videos, films, and events, continue to gain new and exciting momentum. Humanity+ has access to a wealth of archive materials that we want to bring to the forefront.

What will you achieve by your donation?

  • Sustain and enhance the value of Transhumanist Thinking.
  • Provide free access to our extensive archive.
  • Correct misinformation about Transhumanism.
  • Support emerging technologies and science for our future.

Now is the time for us to reinvent our web presence and significantly enhance the tools and resources we provide to transhumanists worldwide.

Why? The knowledge, seminal works, and critical understanding of the pros and cons of emerging technology is heavily located within the transhumanist worldview. Transhumanism has been building this knowledge source since the early 1990s. We want to make the many articles, books, seminars, conferences and educational writings available for people to learn from and to enable informed decision-making.

Why?  Life extension technologies are becoming available. The world is waking up to the possibilities afforded by longevity. The research and breakthrough innovations that are fueling global companies need a highly trustworthy information clearing house for people to find out what this means to them. Transhumanism often is a first line information source in this realm and we want to ensure we are a valuable and trusted educational resource for everyone.

Why?  Misleading, sensationalist misinformation about the human future is proliferating. Let’s set the facts straight and lead the way for others to learn and be prepared for their future.

Why?  Mainstream politics is dismissive about the importance of transhumanist thinking. Humanity+ needs to set the standard. Our new website will help the the public and policy makers know the facts.

Here’s How

Click below to matching a donation of $1,000, $500, $250, or your choice of matching amount. Any donation you can make is truly appreciated!

Donate to Humanity+ Today!

Thank you from the Humanity+ Board & Advisors!

Natasha Vita-More, Chair of Humanity+ 

Luke Robert Mason, Executive Director of Humanity+

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