

In the Name of our Father-Religion and the War on Terror

Well after the terrorist attacks in Paris a little over a day ago and the many things i have read about it on social media, someone said they would like to hear my thoughts on it and as i haven’t written a blog post in a while, rather than just post something that gets lost in the depths of  Facebook decided now was as good a time as ever.

I have had all night to think about this and my thoughts are extended a lot further afield than just what happened in France.

Before i start i would also like to send out my condolences to all the INNOCENT people that were injured or killed and to their families too. What i have noticed is the amount of media attention it has received mainly from the likes of CNN and Fox News which also makes me want to question everything as we all know that the propaganda machine does exactly what they are told.

What do we know so far about the attacks? Well they were really well coordinated, professionally executed and the terrorists were from Egypt and Syria as MSM news sources reported they found a passport on one the suicide bombers remains. What i didn’t know is that government are now making bomb proof passports for this exact reason.

The next thing i looked at was who did it and why they did it. This has a lot of things to be answered for and we can all assume that this was an act of revenge for what has happened in the Middle East, or it could be extremist reasons, people with fanatical views. As i was sifting through all the comments made on Social Media there was a lot to be said.

Some people blaming Muslims and Islam, some blaming ISIS and others claiming it was another false flag attack similar to that in America with 9/11. There is just too much that doesn’t add up to make any real sense so everyone can have a view point, usually propelled by propaganda but still we can only assume.

isis terrorists

Now as i have not watched TV in around 12 years or read the newspapers apart from things of interest i try to keep myself away from the political bullshit that is used against us to control us. Having said that after the latest atrocity i have browsed as i have done some research but it all leads to the same point i will make.

If this terrorist has been found on him with a passport one can only assume he has come over a border somewhere to get into the country. If this is so how did he get the bombs through customs with all the xrays and scanners people have to pass through or was there already a sleeper unit in place to give them these suicide bomber belts when they arrived. If this was so then why did they have a passport on them, had they come straight over the border and strait to the place they had been given directions to without even staying in a hotel or at a friends place. How was it a bomb can make so much disruption, kill so many people but a passport was found untouched.

My next question was the ones with guns, now we are not talking your average sawn-off shotgun here. AK Fuckin 47’s. How did they get these into the country? If they actually bought them inside the country where the hell did they get them from? I guarantee it wasn’t the local Sunday market so someone somewhere has to know something. Whether it is a border official, a military official or someone with diplomatic immunity someone somewhere knows something.

As i was reading through social media i was reading a lot of comments, some of them from Muslims which stated do not class these people as Muslims. They are not peaceful people and please do not class everyone with the same name or title. As one user put it, if some people who read a book kill some people does that make everyone who reads the same book a killer!! Good point.

I know Muslims that fight against pedophilia, that enjoy living in a westernized society, that want peace just as much as the next person but why should they remain silent when everyone tars everyone with the same brush. Look at the pedophiles with in our own establishment, within our own government and within our own royal family. Who gave these people that are now dead, OBE’s etc, which hence is the reason its come to the media attention, after all everyone already knew about the likes of Jimmy Saville and the others but it was and still is remaining to be covered up from the top.

Look at the amount of priests who have been abusing boys and girls for as long as we know but the victims still remained silenced and yet it is still kept swept under the carpets. It is easier to blame a whole group of other people than accept we as a human race will never stand together to rid the world of this scum.

I do also believe if people want to live in a place with Sharia Law they should go live in a country that has these laws, why push them on to our society. If you don’t want to live under our laws and integrate into western society then why are you there?

Another user stated he is standing together with the people as one, in unity and has no regard for these extremists. Also another Muslim. I did read a lot of racist posts but the majority from from Christian and Muslim beliefs were focused on the right thing, again it is the plight of innocent people brought into something for nothing of their own doing and it is their families now that are suffering.

Another user posted …

Few are aware of the hidden history of state-sponsored terror in European countries by their own governments. In the 1980’s NATO forces went undercover to carry out bombings in Europe – which were blamed on communist ‘terror groups’ in an effort to prevent the rise of Communism in Europe.

This ‘strategy of tension’, which involved not only NATO but the U.S Central Intelligence Agency, was codenamed Operation Gladio. This is a little-known and rarely reported FACT.

Question: Who really created ‘ISIS’? And does NATO’s Operation Gladio still continue to this day?

My next question to myself is how do we stop all this, how do we get people to unite and drop the barriers pushed on to them through propaganda. I think most people will agree with me that it was the west that caused the majority of this with the bringing down of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein so for the majority of it the US and the Uk are to blame for this anyway. Not the people of these countries as the majority of them never wanted war either, but the people at the top controlling the people. Was Dr David Kelly murdered for his report into the Iraq war or was he murdered?

Blair and Bush War Criminals

To restore faith in the people, not the governments or radicals that terrorize innocent people, the people that cause these problems, they need to be tried and if found guilt of their war crimes, should be executed or imprisoned indefinitely according to the law of that country they are tried in and first of all i would start with Tony Blair and George Bush but we all know this is never going to happen. That’s would be the start and the rest would rollercoaster. Great job from Putin for ignoring the west and making a stand against ISIS or ISIL what ever they want to be called. Only once that has been  achieved will people start believing in humanity again.

Blair Bush War Criminals

False Flag Attacks, WWIII and Agenda 21

Another question i asked myself, why was this allowed to happen. Again this takes me back to 9/11, 7/11 etc etc. Most people still only think 2 towers fell that day at least the people outside America. There was an interview with William Rodriguez by Paradigmshift TV where he states he was the last man out of the building and heard bombs going off. If the intelligence services new it was going to happen and had time for a contingency plan to make as devastating as possible this is the proof they did it. If they had planted bombs inside for maximum impact for the war on terror they had succeeded except for 1 small error. No plane hit WTC7. It was also reported by the BBC 20 minutes beforehand that it had collapsed. How did the BBC know?

Treating the Side Affects Not the Root of the Cause.

So once again the circle comes round, why was this allowed to happen. Its really quite simple and everyone is being played right in to their hands, War is a major figure (money) making scam, similar to to pharmaceutical companies making money from sick people. It doesn’t pay to be healthy. Pharmaceutical companies make medicines to treat the side affects not treat the root of the problem and this is the same with this war. If we actually dealt with the root of the problem the world would be a better safer place for everyone to live in.

Again why is this left to happen and the solution not addressed. Here is why. Agenda 21!!! It is not just about oil and banking its about control. First they de-stable these Arab countries and destroy them for something they never had, Next we have more atrocities similar to the events in Paris but as these events are allowed to happen hidden behind the name of refugees it will soon be happening all over the west too. Systematically each civilization will be destroyed to the point of collapse, when people have no where to go, no one to look too, in steps the New World Order the likes of Blair and Brown have been talking about more than 10 years ago.

Meanwhile, everyone sits back and blames each other, divide and conquer. Its like watching a TV program unfold but you have already read the book(1984) so you know how its going to end. Until people unite things are only going to get worse.

FTS- Fuck the System




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