

Tianjin and the End of Evil Shits and their Channelling Cults

I do not want to talk too much about the tragic events in China just yet out of respect for the dead and the current rescue operation, still on-going.  I will talk about it on next Wednesday’s show.

But I do want to state, that it was you guys who were picking up this information from the collective unconscious in your own dreams. It was not me. I personally did not dream about a major traumatic event in China, but many of YOU did.  Just think about this.

It was not some “channeller”, “mystic”, “guru”, “seer” or “earth mother goddess” with a donate button also prone to explosive rages. IT WAS YOU.

You alone and no one else. .

This Sleep Experiment is about empowering you and you alone for the overall benefit of humamity. I am just the data base builder.

Our work continues…TOGETHER
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