Monthly Archive: November 2014

Peter Levenda – Alien Seance

dark lord levenda

This show is about the connections between UFOs, mind control and the occult. Was John F. Kennedy’s assassination a result of extraterrestrial communication? Peter Levenda will discuss the magical current that is known as the Typhonian Tradition. Strap on your Transplutonian helmets my friends, this one is going interstellar! As I dug into Levenda’s book, The Dark Lord, I knew we needed to talk. My life seems to be connected to this story in some strange way. As I read on, I knew Peter needed to see Aliens From Hell. The Trilogy of Typhon by Kenneth Grant explains the magical meaning of 9/11 and shows that OX is the Mark of the Beast. Not to mention a curious correlation between Aliester Crowley and Cthulhu Master H.P. Lovecraft which is the point of Peter’s book.

Peter’s books include:
Sinister Forces (volume 1-3) | The Angel and the Sorcerer | The Hitler Legacy

Alien SeanceWho is The Dark Lord and what is Satanic? Peter Levenda joins us for a discussion on the Typhonian Tradition that seeks communication with extraterrestrials. Do you need to battle the beasts of the abyss to find your higher self? How is mind control another version of occult practices? Listen to Hour 2

The Hitler Legacy
More than thirty years after his first investigation of the Nazi underground Peter Levenda has returned again and again to his quest for the truth about the true character of the Nazi cult and the people and political movements it has influenced in the decades since the end of World War II.

Levenda Alien Seance

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Report on SHT at Defense Energy Summit

Solar Hydrogen Trends CEO and Chief Scientist, Konstantin Balakiryan, answers a few questions about their exhibit last week, where they were recognized as the ”most interesting technology” of 2014. Not only does it produce over 1300 times more energy out than in, but it does so cheaply. (PESN; November 22, 2014)

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Exopolitics Magazine – Edition 2 – Autumn 2014 (collectors print edition)


Exopolitics Magazine Print EditionThe second edition of Exopolitics Magazine, a publication that complements the Annual British Exopolitics Expo series of conferences.

This collectable, high quality, print edition includes articles by many researchers in the fields of Exopolitics and Ufology including Carl James, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Gerard Aarsten, Michael Salla and Richard C Hoagland and many more!

  • With Whom Am I Speaking?! by Carl James
  • The Djinn And ET Abductions by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
  • The C.I.A. Channels An Alien by Grant Cameron
  • True Exopolitics by Gerard Aarsten
  • Track Two Galactic Diplomacy by Michael Salla
  • ‘Utsuro No Fune’ by Pierre Sabak
  • The Chinese Lunar Landing by Richard C Hoagland
SKU: EM-02-2014-P
Price: £14.99

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21/11/2014 – Evening Of Experiences

Much thanks to Ellis Taylor for travelling to Birmingham to give a superb double lecture last night at BUFOG, especially at such short notice. It was very interesting hearing about both his own contact experiences and his research into occult crime cases, and everyone present seemed to really enjoy the evening. Next month we are going to be closing off the year with a showing of the classic movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, including some Xmas munchies and a run down of the year by Chairman Dave. For full details see our Events & Lectures page.

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Syair’s Replication of No Back EMF Generator

”It’s the new generator of electricity, with no effect from counter EMF. It is very easy to rotate the rotor using just my hand. It produces more output power than input. I show you it can self-run. [There is] no Lenz law effect when [I] short the coil. [I show] how it works.” (PESN; November 20, 2014)

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Philippine Police Car Powered with HHO

A police force in the Philippines has started to use HHO on their vehicles, which saves them 30% on fuel and reduces emissions by 90%. (Free Energy Blog; November 18, 2014)

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Wilhelm Mohorn: Oostenrijkse Vereniging van Ruimte Energie


Ruimte energie of nulpuntenergie wat verstaan we daar onder?
Hierbij een videofilm van de Oostenrijker Wilhelm Mohorn die dit duidelijk maakt en ook met praktische voorbeelden komt.
Voorzitter van de Oostenrijkse Vereniging van Ruimte Energie

Nulpuntenergie of Ruimte energie is door de NASA in 2005 al bewezen.!!!
Nulpuntenergie of Raumenergie of ZPE of ….er zijn vele namen voor.

Nulpuntenergie is overal aanwezig, het heeft geen gewicht, het dringt overal doorheen, het komt uit alle richtingen, het is een zeer hoge natuurlijke trilling, het is sneller als licht

Na het zien van de film vraag je je af waarom wordt hier in Nederland, bij mijn weten, nauwelijks onderzoek naar gedaan.
Het is de weerstand van de oude wereld van geld en macht, die daar zijn invloeden laat gelden. Het is slechts een kleine groep.
Ik vraag iedereen die overtuigd is van de prachtige mogelijkheden van nulpuntenergie, zijn kennissen en hopelijk politici hier van op de hoogte te brengen en pleiten voor onderzoeks (gelden).
Wij kunnen daarin adviseren met ons huidige netwerk en kennis.
Wie heeft vertrouwen in ons? Wie wil de 0.groep helpen.

Nog steeds wordt er veel geld in atoomenergie, windmolens, olie, gas, fracking, zonnepanelen, ea gestopt, maar mij
is niet bekend of dit ook zo voor onderzoek naar nulpuntenergie al gebeurt.

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Nephilim – The Evidence | LA Marzulli

This is never before seen evidence of the Nephilim’s interaction with planet Earth in the ancient past and in the present with alien abductions. LA Marzulli presents his new book, On the Trail of the Nephilim II.

L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer and film maker. He has penned eight books including The Nephilim Trilogy. His new series On the Trail of the Nephilim is a full color, over-sized book which uncovers startling evidence that there has been a massive cover up of what he believes are the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible!


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Bill Gates Briefed on Cold Fusion at ENEA Research Labs in Italy

Microsoft Founder was given a briefing on LENR / Cold fusion on November 12 at the laboratories of ENEA, the Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development in Frascati, Italy. (Free Energy Blog; November 16, 2014)

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15/11/2014 – Otherworld Travels

Full details of Ellis Taylor’s lecture set to take place on the 20th November are now available on our Events & Lectures page here

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