

Alien Autopsies

The following was posted in the YouTube description box of a video uploaded on the 14th of January 2014 by “JennyArea51Insider”:
My name? My name is… it doesn’t matter; just call me “Jenny”. I was a scientist working for… actually I’m not a hundred percent sure WHO I was working for. The truth is, I was originally a scientist at an average pharmaceutical company laboratory. One day somebody in a dark suit who didn’t introduce himself came to see me and said I’d been “selected”. He offered me a job with five times my current salary, no questions asked; well, I jumped at it on the spot. I had to sign any number of secrecy papers, but I didn’t stop to read the small print. My mortgage was a year in arrears, I was about to lose my house, my husband was threatening to run off with the kids; what would YOU have done!? I travelled to work every day from Las Vegas McCarren International Airport on a Janet plane to the airbase you know as “Area 51”; I won’t tell you its real name. From there I got on a bus without windows and a dark curtain over the driver’s cab and we drove a few miles to… somewhere nearby, don’t know in which direction exactly. It was underground, don’t know how deep; it took three minutes down in a lift, that’s all I can tell you. No stairs, no fire escape. Armed security guards in masks everywhere! Guns pointing at you every second! I can’t give you too many details about my job; it might reveal my identity and that of others. But basically I had to do tests on these… things… creatures; I don’t know what they were or where they came from, but the word is our employers have their spacecraft in hangers at ground level. The creatures were kept on the deepest level of the basement. Little short, spindly humanoids. They were grey-coloured and had wrinkly skin, almost reptilian. Their eyes!… Oh my God! They were like huge black holes! And if you looked at them it gave you the strangest feeling, like they were reading your thoughts. I had to analyze what they called “blood” and “skin”, but it was nothing like that from any animal I was familiar with. I don’t know if they were there of their own free will or they were prisoners. Some of them died and once or twice we did an autopsy. I had to film them with a camera. At the end of the examination we always stored any film, photographs and documents in a special vault with an electronic registry system for checking items in and out. One day after one of these autopsies I had to stow the film and the registry computer crashed just after I’d scanned the film in. It failed just in time before the door on the vault shut, so it was left hanging open. I suddenly realized that as far as the records were concerned the film was filed correctly, but in fact it was still in my hand… if I didn’t actually file it, nobody would know. I never planned this, honestly! The thought never even crossed my mind before! The idea just popped into my head and I acted instinctively. I knew I had to hide it because our pockets and bags are searched and scanned. The film was on a very small mini-disk so I ripped a hole in my stocking and shoved it into my shoe. I pushed it down so it was under the arch of my foot and walked off. I could feel it there, digging into the sole of my foot. I hoped that the leather of my shoe would shield it from the body scanner we have to go through when entering or leaving the complex. God, I was scared, because if it didn’t I’d be caught red-handed! People on the staff just “disappear” every so often and rumour has it they’re not just sacked. But it was too late to turn back! Whew! The scanner didn’t buzz. I tried hard to look and act normal as we went up in the lift to the big enclosed car park where the bus picks us up. When I got off the Janet at McCarren I almost fainted with relief. Anyway I didn’t go straight home but used a library many miles away in another town; don’t want my home computer to be traced. I’ve never had a YouTube account before but it was easy to set one up anonymously. I had to convert the files because they’re in some very weird format, but I managed to do it and so what you’re seeing here is what I filmed. I think the world has a right to know what’s going on in secret deep below Area 51!… See here for the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kO73W6Gr_Q.
The above makes disturbing reading. It’s similar to what has been posted many times all over the Internet almost since the World Wide Web began. You may be wondering who “Jenny” or “JennyArea51Insider” is and whether her story is real or not; let me tell you right now that is it not real. “Jenny” doesn’t exist; I invented her myself and completely made up the story you’ve just read. The video link is one I corrupted which is why it’s blank; don’t worry it wasn’t taken down by the CIA before you got the chance to watch it! But if I can do that so can many other people, and indeed they have. Normally accompanying these angst-ridden blurbs are the videos themselves; I’ve found several hundred on YouTube of varying degrees of quality and persuasiveness. However the “alien autopsy”, today a generic name for them all, are mostly inspired by one single pioneer which hit the world in 1995, the “Alien Autopsy Film” is generally agreed to be one of the greatest hoaxes since Piltdown Man. 
The film is currently owned by a London businessman called Ray Santilli and, together with his assistant Gary Shoefield, he premiered it at a private showing at the Museum of London. A few selected individuals were invited, including UFOlogists like Nick Pope and Philip Mantle; here’s the film that was shown in its entirety: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVcaT2QnoDs. This silent twenty-minute film shows the medical post-mortem of a non-human creature and a display of strange mechanical fragments. It was supposedly filmed by the US military in 1947 by an anonymous cameraman who had approached Santilli when he was on a trip to purchase antique film in the United States. It caused a sensation and Santilli and Shoefield quickly became household names across the world. This was one of many documentaries made about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyh36fQf7p8. Nine years later Santilli confessed, although never a man to miss a trick, he did so in spectacular style. He signed a movie deal with Warner Bros. to produce a comedy fictionalization of the story behind the film and two days before the movie’s release, Sky TV broadcast a documentary in which Santilli himself confesses, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-LgUFx8xv8. The fictional movie was called Alien Autopsy and starred none other than the British comedy duo “Ant and Dec” as Santilli and Shoefield, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbUL50v6xpU. I know Philip Mantle disagrees with me on this, but I think the Alien Autopsy Hoax dealt a massive blow to the credibility of UFO research. Contrary to what many Skeptics claim, few people with an understanding of the UFO subject were duped; the general public however was significantly split over its veracity and sadly this reflects on their perception of UFOlogy since the scam was rumbled. Unbelievably, Santilli still maintains a ludicrous pretence that all he did was “remake” a facsimile of a realfilm which he’d seen himself but had since been damaged by age and exposure, although he called it a “restoration” and compares his work to the restoration of Leonardo’s The Last Suppermural! He claims that his published film has a few frames of the original spliced in, although he can’t remember which frames and no analysis of the footage has revealed any such editing. Santilli refuses to release this original film for analysis saying that it’s at a secret location in Germany and all he has given anybody to study are a few inches off the reel encased in perspex. It’s surely obvious that there never was an original film at all and that Santilli made up the entire story. He even once did an interview with the mythical cameraman and later it was revealed that his subject was an elderly Hollywood bygone actor who had fallen into poverty. I think I’d respect Santilli more if he’d make his confession thus complete. For further information I thoroughly recommend Philip Mantle’s book on this subject: http://www.healingsofatlantis.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2074&zenid=492e1739c629ee1e35013fd86cd101cb
Santilli’s hoax was badly timed too, the World Wide Web had just been launched and these included photo and video sharing sites. At the same time special effects technology that had only previously been available to major film production companies was suddenly for sale in any computer shop for a very reasonable price. It meant that anybody who wanted to could fake an alien post-mortem of their own, and since then an absolute myriad have emerged. Some are just openly fake artistic works, like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdxi1bLwFac. Others are made with a deliberate attempt to deceive, like “Skinny Bob”, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVXzNKfPO5A. This was exposed by a friend of mine, Mike Hallowell of UFO Matrix magazine, see: http://www.mikehallowell.com/. I’m also pretty sceptical about Stan Romanek’s famous scoop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Snck4fMP_A. Here’s another that I can’t take seriously: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9-BsAUps5E. This inundation of ludicrous data has caused major problems for serious research; there is now a catastrophic signal-to-noise ratio problem in UFOlogy. It’s sad because some of these videos could be real, but how can we possibly sort the wheat from the chaff? I can walk down a high street in Nairobi and purchase a software suite, for an affordable price, that will give me the ability to create realistic imagery that it is virtually impossible to prove as fake. Photographic evidence simply does not carry the same weight that it used to. It’s a shame because if my fictional character “Jenny” has counterparts in real life then what would they do? Send their film to the press? No; she’d suspect the package would be intercepted; she would want to be able to publish the evidence herself, instantly, to the maximum possible audience. The chances are that a real person in that situation would indeed upload the material to YouTube and other similar sites. The comments?: “Another fake”, “Fake as Jordan’s tits!”, “Total BS”, “Pwned!” “Get a life, m8”, “not another one!”. Therefore the people who make these fake videos are doing genuine investigation a great disservice; Poor “Jenny” would become the ultimate little boy who cried wolf, through no fault of her own. I have a little rant at the impostors here: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/fake-alien-videos.html. Actually if I were walking down a country lane and an alien jumped out of a hedge in front of me, I wouldn’t even bother trying to film it at all. Why waste time I could spend looking at the creature and trying to communicate with it by fumbling my mobile phone camera with shaking hands to take a shot nobody will believe? What counts for aliens counts equally for ghosts, Bigfoot and other unknown phenomena.

So what can we do? Well, from what I’ve seen so far I’m almost ready to take the drastic step of suggesting we ignore everything that came out before the year 2000, because, as I’ve explained, it’s like a needle in a haystack. I’d make a few exceptions for the reasons I will go into, but we should generally concentrate on images that were made before it was so easy to produce good fakes. In saying this I apologize profusely to any uploaders of genuine material within this morass of hogwash, but please try to understand that researchers have limited time and resources, and the problems I’ve explained mean they have to deploy those resources effectively in the real world. There are plenty of images and videos that did come out in the last years of the 20th Century that deserve our attention. This is one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SEv78UOZc8. Obviously this is far from conclusive; if it is a hoax then the perpetrators have learnt the lessons of Santilli because they shoot the puppet in the dark, so hiding most of its details. There are lots of rumours going round about who “Victor” is, even that he might be the Disclosure Project witness Bob Dean! However the alien in the video looks far more realistic than the Santilli one; the creature can open and close its mouth. Also it closely resembles the report of a creature found at a UFO crash-retrieval incident in southern Africain 1997, the same time the video was released, see: http://www.anomalies.net/archive/cni-news/CNI.0740.html. Another more convincing incident, despite many calls to the contrary, is the experience of Dr Jonathan Reed. In November of 1998 Art Bell’s famous show on Coast to Coast AM had a guest on who told an amazing story; here’s the original recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lOAFSzkJ3Y. On October the 15th 1996 a child psychologist Dr Jonathan Reed went for a ramble in the countryside. He was walking along a path through the woods of the Cascade Mountainsin Washington State, USA; he had with him his dog, Suzie, and a rucksack with a video camcorder in the hope of filming some of the fine scenery and wildlife. Suddenly Suzie bolted off down the path barking like crazy, as dogs do sometimes. Dr Reed followed her off the path into the forest. He heard her growling and barking fiercely out of sight. He grabbed a fallen tree branch to use as a weapon in case she’d encountered a bear or cougar or something; but when he caught up with her he saw her wrestling with a small black humanoid creature. The creature killed the dog with some kind of weapon. Dr Reed struck the creature over the head with the branch and it fell to the ground dead. Reed then collapsed himself; he vomited and voided his bowels violently. He believes the creature used some kind of weapon on him too, but this is just as likely to be normal shock. It took him several hours to recover, but when he did he found it in him to take out his camcorder and film the scene: Warning- disturbing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE8i7VjNyio. He then wrapped the alien in his jacket and took it home with him. When he’d recovered fully he made another video where he examined the creature on the floor of his garage, another alien autopsy, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-M2h4QkGnw. The rest of the story can be found at the various transient pages detailing the case. There was a very complex and determined riposte launched soon after that which I myself believed for several years, it included websites like this one: http://www.ufowatchdog.com/jonathan_reed.htm; however Dr Reed has struck back with a very comprehensive counterpunch addressing the claims of the debunkers, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezsxm7SzZYk. Today Dr Jonathan Reed is a personal Facebook contact of mine and having examined his story carefully I think he’s telling the truth. Leaving aside the actual evidence in his favour I’d ask those who doubt him a very pertinent question: The “I fooled the world!” meme is a clear and guaranteed path to fame and fortune; it is so as much today as it was when Ray Santilli milked it dry. Why, oh, why has Dr Jonathan Reed not confessed? Don’t you think it’s strange that he’s sitting on this goldmine and declines to exploit it?
The reports that come in with the various questionable film footage clips could also be a way of taking seriously cases we should otherwise dismiss. If there is additional evidence that supports the reality of the video then it’s fair enough to give them a second opinion; this is a good example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AFqfOhOrm8. This was filmed in Mexicoin 2005 on a mobile phone. The famous Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan has done a follow-up study and he believes additional eyewitness and radiological evidence indicates that the case is probably genuine, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN0FrabzVks. In my own view, the most productive strategy is to look to the east. Russia! That’s the most promising country for gathering UFO evidence at the moment. Russiais a huge nation geographically, the biggest in the world by far, even if you don’t include the areas made independent in recent decades. Its huge area has been the setting of many very interesting UFO encounters. Not only that but the political upheavals of the late 1980’s and early 90’s have led to a veritable haemorrhage of highly classified information. After the appointment of President Gorbachev in 1985, the communist regime that had controlled the country since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was slowly dismantled and the Soviet Union officially disestablished in 1991. During that period Russiaunderwent a transition into what it is today, which was sometimes very disruptive and anarchic. This led to a lot of very secret old Soviet documents and other material falling into the wrong hands. This article covers the subject: http://hpanwo.blogspot.co.uk/2007/12/russian-roswell.html; in the linked video at the top of the article we see what looks like the crash retrieval of a saucer-shaped object by the Soviet military and nothing less than another alien post-mortem! However in this case all the confirmations that the Santilli film lacked are now present: the film itself is available for examination and has been declared genuine by experts; the clothing, uniforms, behaviour, procedure and hardware are also what we’d expect in a real film; even the location of the alleged autopsy has been identified to a certain degree of accuracy. The little snippets, like the flash frames, put the cherry on the cake of what is more likely to be a real alien autopsy than any other yet released. Philip Mantle has once again written a book, co-authored by Paul Stonehill, all about this UFOlogically vital region of the world, see: http://www.healingsofatlantis.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1920. Of course the way forward does lie outside Russia too, in fact the whole planet Earth can take part in this great quest, to reveal the true nature of our place in the universe and our relationship with other intelligent life forms both within it, and maybe beyond it. But in order to get to the bottom of this great true nature we need to be sensible; we need to spread the truth, not bury it under more deceit and frivolity. What I mean is, we need to publish only information we know to be true. This might mean we won’t ever get rich; we won’t ever become media stars. Well tough! If you value the Disclosure of UFO’s less than lining your own pockets and having your ego glorified then you don’t deserve it anyway. So I’m making a direct appeal to everybody who has the ability to make fake alien videos: could you please stop!
(This article is a reposting of a past one that I accidentally deleted. Apologies)

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