

An Idiot’s Guide to Revolution

Devious and clever bastards the Psychopaths in Charge are. They really understand how deep rooted archetypes affect educated people. The Our Russ Christ Archetype being a classic.

How his staged ‘moment of doubt’ like Jesus has in the Old Testament with his perfectly orchestrated meeting with Judas Milibrand causing shock for the followers and releasing all the stress hormones in their brains. 

His supporters being confused – his NO VOTING death – and then 2 days later, on Walpurgis, his Resurrection as the Green Christ to absolve all your Carbon Sins. But their torment was far from over.

By Beltane, the rational Socialists and Atheists are basking in the Sun of their risen Watermelon Christ. They have all went though their own collective Stations of the Cross in the last few days and the Roman Emperor Fabian (this time) washing his hands of it, but not taking the blame.

Watch now, as Our Russ will have one major meeting – in his resurrected form – with his followers to announce that his work is done and that he will return to them one day. He then gave them their Book of Revelations on May 4th – on the same date that Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1979.

and the beat goes on.

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