A Calgary woman says dolls she found at Toys “R” Us were identical except for skin colour and price, and wonders if it was a racist pricing choice. She asked why the so-labeled “ethnic” version of the “You & Me Kissing Doll” was $2 cheaper than the identical white doll. “The woman at the store said she was aware of the issue and that management had raised it with corporate but so far corporate had done nothing about it and she seemed embarrassed about it but it wasn’t in her control to change the price,” said Carolyn Wadsworth, prenatal educator. Wadsworth sometimes buys dolls to help teach prenatal education, but was disturbed by these ones. “The black baby is not as valuable as the white one,” she said. “I feel that’s the message it’s sending and it’s certainly one kids might receive.” CTV…
Calgary woman questions if different prices for dolls with different skin colour is racist
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