


Has Everyone started to participate in “Divestment 2013″ yet?

This is where we all divest and defund the system that we all seem to despise so much. This is the most simple movement, and low risk movement that ANYONE could possibly join. Here’s how easy it is:

1. Cancel your satellite or cable package. This will lead to an increase in brain function, and a decrease in funding for our enemies (enemies of freedom of thought and choice.)

2. Stop buying anything in a box from the grocery store. The box, and the alleged “food” inside are typically made from the same thing. GMO corn that is designed to produce BT toxin which kills rats (who are far harder to kill than people) as well as the fact that GMO products kill all beneficial bacteria in the intestines as well as multiple other proven health concerns which all lead to cancer and death. If you feed that shit to your kids, you are a bad parent. Yes, I just said that. Also, that nutrition-less garbage is taxed to hell and back, a trip you will only take one way if you keep funding the enemies of freedom. Fresh veggies and fruit and better, even if petro-farmed, and are TAX FREE! Shop wisely, vote with your dollar.

3. Necessity shopping. This entire system is dependent on you luxury shopping. That means all the shit that you don’t really need, you just simply want it. When you “desires” fund the people trying to kill us, then you are part of the problem. Remember, these products cost you more than just money, they cost you your future, health, and freedom. Factor that into the price of your next purchase.

4. Zero Quality items. Anything from China is packaged for direct deposit into the landfill, and you are funding the worlds largest prison. Congratulations on polluting and supporting slavery. Quit buying junk, quit shopping from Walmart, and quit buying items that have 10x in packaging than the item you are buying. I can assure you that a clutter free home is a truly wonderful experience.
This is just the start, but remember, even foreign corporate democracies that are trying to kill us…..what you commonly believe to be your government, require funding at some level. The more we yank out, the more they have to downsize and lay off collection agents, like Police, the IRS, and CRA.

“But Dean, they have millions of dollars! How can we fight that?” Simple, there are millions of us, and they need someone to work. They must eat also, and require our labour for everything that they do.

Again, what is 10 people with a Million Dollars each compared to a Million People with 10 dollars each? Same amount of money, but 999,990 more people. In a firefight, I like our odds better. So, now that we have determined that money is not the insurmountable issue that most people seem to believe, when are you going to get off your procrastinating ass and start doing something? If you can afford a coffee every day, then you can afford $30 a month to support freedom movements. A million people taking $30 each out of the system every month and supporting a competing system is a pretty big start, and one that even homeless people can afford. Are you so useless that you cannot sacrifice to find $30 a month to fight for your freedom? People around the world, and throughout history have sacrificed their lives, hundreds of millions of lives, but you cannot be bothered to sacrifice 2 packs of smokes to fight for freedom?

The time to stop whining, bitching, and making excuses ended approximately a decade ago. The problem has been identified, and the solution has been tendered. So, now what is your excuse? For those that still want to bury their heads up their asses and deny the obvious so that their self inflicted delusions can continue to bring meaning to their life, go find a quiet corner and just stay out of the fucking way, because you are part of the problem.

Dean C. Clifford

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