

Katie Gallanti – Atlantis Warrior

Katie Gallanti

Katie Gallanti – Metaphysician, Healer, Transformation Agent – Do you have past lives bringing trauma to your future? Searching past lives from Atlantis. – Reclaiming the Light

Listen to Hour 2Marriage of the Isis Beast – The Ice Bucket Challenge comes about as Isis threatens chaos. What feats of magic are being displayed and how can we combat the Dark Side?

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Music Industry Exposed

Katie specializes in in-depth Soul work, chakra clearing and repair, clearing of the records, past life work, aimed at ultimately reconnecting people to their higher multidimensional expression, so that they can bring that light into their physical being, so that their Soul light begins to truly inform their incarnation. To do this Katie also helps people to clear trauma, both energetically and at the conscious level, from present, childhood to ancient past lives. Katie is also a modern day exorcist, helping people remove dark entity infestation of all kinds, especially the ones that have complex roots that require in depth work to remove. She also works with people who have experienced various kind of complex fragmentation due to exposure to trauma caused by the dark forces. Currently, however, due to an increasingly busy shedule, focused more on teaching and speaking, she is winding down the dark energy part of her one to one work, and focuses her one to one work more on activating and mentoring others and less on dark energy and blockage work.

Music by Kevin James

Isis ritual

The post Katie Gallanti – Atlantis Warrior appeared first on FreemanTV.com.

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