

Letter from Hell on Earth

Hello shawn August 18, 2014

Nice to hear from you. Sorry it took a while to reply, things have been a little, well… difficult around here. Actually I have not replied to anyone who has sent me mail, but the envelope and stamp made it much easier. Do not worry about me losing my faith, in fact, I have more resolve than ever even though the whole system is against me at present. It was to be expected at some point. I have been discouraged a few times by the sheer level of fraud I have been faced with to date, but in the end, fraud vitiates all! I have recourse and will not be giving up. As for the ringing in my ears, that could be a really interesting conversation for another time, and no, I did not know that about Muhammad as I am not too familiar with his life or prophecies. Thank-you for the that piece of knowledge. Despite everything that is going on, I do take comfort in knowing that people are waking up and that the tide is turning on this mess of a civilization being foisted on us. I have a lengthy written update for the forum and should have the issues with the website fixed soon. It has been tough to manage as I spent 26 days in solitary confinement for no reason last month and I have not had any access to a phone for 60 days as of today. They are trying to shut me up and have made things as hard as possible on me to try and break me. It’s not working.

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Feel free to update anyone you can that I am okay and fighting hard than ever. I am more likely to respond if there is a stamp and envelope. As for anything you can do to help? You are doing it. Support letters are great and getting involved by waking up others is the key to freedom. We are only as free as our Brothers and Sisters. Letters and faxes to the courts and government actors letting them know we are on to their fraud and we are all watching. Being active is easy and only requires one to have no fear of these scumbags. The movement as a whole will only benefit from all this attention and their system will continue to fall apart at a faster pace due to the blatant fraud they are now engaging in to keep up ‘appearances’ (pun intended). As a result of this we will be working closely with many more previously unknown groups and movements, as please feel free to stay in contact with our group, my brother in Calgary, start a group, or just do your best to raise awareness and get the message out. Every bit of effort no matter how small will help turn the tide faster. Thank-you for your support! For some reason, few people understand that I have lost far more than I will ever get back in my battles, but I lost material shit that means nothing. At the very least I have tried to make things better in this world and can look at myself in the mirror… when I have one again! Keep up the good fight my friend and I will see everyone very soon!

Dean C. Clifford
(click below for the scanned letter )


Excerpt 1 Law Terrorises from Dean Clifford on Vimeo.


Thank you to the few who took the time to write a letter to Dean. We will be posting these on Friday this week. We have had 12 letters so far. If you haven’t sent one and would like to, you can still do so for this round of postings to: letters_to_dean@deanclifford.info


Dean C Clifford c/o
Brandon Correctional Centre
375 Veterans Way,
Brandon, Manitoba
Canada R7C 0B1

He would surely appreciate it.

The post Letter from Hell on Earth appeared first on Dean Clifford.

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