MUFON Executive Director Jan Harzan will speak in Portland on August 25, 2015, at the Mission Theater as part of McMenamins new Paranormal Pub series. MUFON is the Mutual UFO Network and we investigate and research UFOs “for the benefit of humanity” as our mission statement says.
Jan will talk about the importance of UFO study for our society. The talk is free as are all of the talks in the Paranormal Pub series. If you like what you hear, consider joining MUFON to support our activities. Drop by the Oregon MUFON table before and after Jan’s talk. We’d love to hear about your opinions on UFOs and about any UFO sightings you may have had in your lifetime. That’s what we do.
You can also attend one of our local meetings sometime. We’d like to see you. Non-MUFON members are welcome. See our Meetings page.
In addition to conducting UFO investigation and research, MUFON presents a yearly symposium with speakers on UFO topics which we vary from year to year. The upcoming MUFON Symposium will be held in Irvine, CA, on September 24 through 27, 2015. The theme of this year’s presentations is “Opening New Doors in Academia, Industry, and Media.” Oregon MUFON will be at this year’s symposium.