

"Proto-UFOs and Alien Manifestation" by Anthony Beckett

“One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are
interstellar spaceships.” – Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times book review, 27 July 1975

The only unexplained phenomena I have been witness to was a sighting of an orange ball of light seen one night for only a few seconds from my parent’s home in Steeton, West Yorkshire. The light, I can best describe as flickering like a bonfire-night sparkler, was high up at an azimuth of about 20 degrees in the sky in the direction towards Chelker Reservoir near Skipton.

It was a sighting of a single orb that was perhaps similar to these two orange balls of light photographed by Police Sergeant Tony Dodd only a few miles away and it could perhaps have been the same type of phenomenon. This image is shown in the UK Ministry of Defence report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), known as the Condign Report where it states that it is a photograph of Earthlights or possibly ball-lightning taken on Carlton Moor near Skipton.

Read the rest of this article for free in Exopolitics Magazine Autumn 2015 Edition.


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