

Remarkable Response to BLINDSPOT: A Serial Killer in Manchester?

I am getting more and more reports from people in the Greater Manchester Area in response to my ‘Blindspot’ investigative report. Seems that more people than I realised, in and around Manchester, have not only suspected a least one serial killer stalking the region’s canals for some time now, but also a general level of frustration at the inaction of local police services to take the issue seriously.

“I rent a room in a farm close to the canal in Sutton near Macclesfield, the stretch between Macclesfield and Congleton is really beautiful and I walk it regularly. Some of those mildew encrusted barges can give off a really bad vibe – I suppose it’s the ideal way to drop off the radar. I lived in Manchester for years and going back to the nineties there was an urban myth doing the rounds of a gay serial killer stalking Manchester. Maybe not such a myth?”
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