

Satanic Pedophile Rings

It seems an outlandish notion that Satanic Pedophile Rings are at the height of our civilization. The evidence is clear yet, the cover up continues. A call for an International Tribunal has gone out throughout the world with hacktivists Anonymous now rallying the cry called Operation: Death Eaters for a mandate to bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children.

The abuse, trafficking, torture and murder of children continues to be actively practiced, and condoned and protected, by church, state, judicial and police forces around the globe.
— Jay hosts SRA Today on the Type 1 Radio Ashram

VIP paedophile ring ‘abused teenage boy INSIDE Buckingham Palace.
Papa Kills Babies – Satanic CHILD ABUSE IN LONDON

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Holographic Consciousness.jpgJay Parker is a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor who has gained an understanding of the holographic nature of our world and how the Illuminati families use sexual abuse and trauma-based mind control on the populace to program our reality. Jay will share new neurological and biological discoveries for healing. Watch Hour 2

The effects of Orgonite are not entirely known. Want to escape Trauma-Based Mind Control? Jay Parker survived Satanic Ritual Abuse to come forward and start the healing.

satanic pedophile rings

The post Satanic Pedophile Rings appeared first on FreemanTV.com.

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