

The End of the Saga of the Not Roswell Slides

Yes, I know I have beaten this dead horse repeatedly over the last few days, but I have learned from two separate and independent sources that the placard in the case of the alleged alien has been read. I do not know why it has only taken 48 hours to get this information when other have had the slides for years. The placard says that it is the mummy of a two year old. But I didn’t get this myself. Others did the work. Here is the web site for more information about this.
Unless Don and Tom can provide some compelling evidence proving this is wrong, this should end the controversy. I expect, in the next few days others will also provide information about the placard and maybe they will get a different reading. If they do, I’ll post it here and if any of the original participants in the Great Reveal have comments, they know where to find me. I feared this would turn out bad but I didn’t expect this.
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