

The Flat Earth Experiment – Don’t Become a Lab Rat

Leader of the Flat Earth Revivalists Eric Dubay, proves himself to be a vicious Jew hater and Hitler fan . He didn’t even bother with the usual ‘Zionists’ mantra and went straight for the Juden.
I guess it was only a matter of time…

And this Flat Earth psychotic Dave Johnson sent me an email calling me a ‘Murderer’ for not believing the earth is flat. He also claims Earthquakes are not real, and like all the Flat Earthers uses the Bible as their main research material.

The primary reason why the Flat Earth psychosis took off so easily and quickly could be due to a whole X-Box, Play Station generation who never went outdoors and explored nature. Who never observed the skies, hiked and got to know the lay of the land. Discovered natural cycles and the motions of the stars and planets with their own eyes.

They are a generation who were locked indoors playing video games, watching You Tube videos and had no first-hand contact with the natural environment. Coupled with this, a lack of critical thinking which is based entirely upon:




Anyone who watched my presentation at AV6 will instantly see the ‘digital’ 0 and 1 aspect of their dogmatic thinking. Us = GOOD and Them = BAD. Such a mindset – without cult or religious fanaticism as a guidance – can’t develop in a mind that is connected to nature, and even from a cursory glance at their ‘Flat Earth Proof’ videos, we can tell how these people are so painfully ignorant of almost everything in nature and the cycles of the natural world. Things have become so bad that nearly all the videos and examples they offer to ‘prove’ the world is flat, are actually proving the earth is clearly a sphere.

In many ways, the Flat Earthers may ironically be Transhumanism’s first major control subject to absorb people completely into the matrix, detaching them from natural reality/environmental experiences, and feeding them new knowledge. In many ways, it is not a million miles away from the Common Core being brought into USA schools to completely change how people think by rewiring and reframing human perception and cognition. The Flat Earth farce, if it not a CIA ps-op to make all alternative thinkers look crazy, may also be a University research project to determined just how foolish people can be made when they are removed from the real world and merged with the machine.

The Suspicious Silence of the Pseudo-Sceptics

Another thing I find very interesting is how ‘timid’ and ‘standoffish’ the professional mainstream pseudo-sceptics have been with the Flat Earth bunch. They are very suspiciously silent in fact. Considering this should be sending them all into non stop debunking mode and they are apparently just not interested…  

The main figures who push the Flat Earth nonsense have been left alone by the usually rampant pseudo-sceptics. Odd don’t you think? If someone else makes a well-thought out case against water fluoridation or GMOs, rightly or wrongly, the pseudo-sceptics will be on them in no time tearing apart anyone who brings their own plausible concerns up.  Yet, the main high profile figures who bring up something as “out there” as the earth being a flat disk, and not a sphere, are being given a free ride by the same mainstream pseudo-sceptics who jump on others for far, far less.


It is people within the Alternative Scene themselves who have assumed this role of taking on the Flat Eathers. Again, this suggests the entire Flat Earth psychosis is an experiment being purposely allowed to ferment and fed into alternative circles in order to see just how gullible the control group can be made. Then in time, using the Flat Earthers as a case example in extreme stupidity/gullibility, to then attack, ridicule and silence ALL alternative thinkers who make rational observations and intelligent arguments. Do not become a Flat Earth Lab Rat, or you will sink the entire ship of critical alternative thinking when the time comes for the CIA, or whoever else, to pull the plug.

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