

The UFO Control Group MJ-12 AGAIN !!

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” John Adams

In the past few months two new articles have been written about the elusive rumored UFO control group called Majectic 12 or MJ-12. The one article was written by Alejandro Rojas titled “MJ-12: Is this Legendary UFO Conspiracy U.S. Air Force Disinformation?


The other article was written by researcher Kevin Randle “MJ-12 The Beginning.”


In his article Randle concluded,

“I have said for years that MJ-12 should be relegated to a footnote in the history of UFO studies, but it keeps appearing. I know that Alejandro’s piece will not end the debate, but, at least, it comes from a different perspective.”

I would reply that the reason the MJ-12 story will not die is that there is a lot of evidence to support it. It is however important to make a distinction between the MJ-12 group which is real, and the MJ-12 document which is almost certainly not a legitimate document. Because the document is probably a hoax has very little to do with a UFO control group set up to handle the extraterrestrials, technology, policies, security, and national security implications.

The main reason that the concept that MJ-12 is a hoax is an almost religious belief that Bill Moore was a bad guy and is therefore responsible many of the ills in ufology like the MJ-12 concept. The evidence used to support the evil Moore theory usually circle around a scientist outside Kirkland AFB who was reporting UFOs over the nuclear weapons being stored at Kirkland and the role of a low level agent in the USAF disinformation operation was was involved for only a couple years of a decade long story known as Richard Doty.

What was missing from the articles is any discussion of the evidence for MJ-12 that I have presented in two books and in a recent article which is below. It appears that it is time to publish it again. What is even stranger is that although everyone claims they are reviewing all the evidence in search of a accurate estimation of the situation, it appears that pre-existing beliefs dominate, as I have never been asked for the name of the declassification officer who told us she had seen an MJ-12 type document prior to Moore ever talking about it, or the name of the archivist inside the vault at the National Archives who reported to me that he believed MJ-12 documents had been seen.

What is starnger yet is that almost every piece of evidence I posted in Is There a UFO Control Group- New Information was totally ignored.

In my book “UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants” I spent a lot of time looking at the evidence that backed the idea of an inside control group known as MJ-12. The idea of this MJ-12 group started to appear in the early 1980s, through a researcher known as Bill Moore. Moore had written a book known as the Roswell Incident which sold many copies and was the forerunner of the modern obsession with the Roswell crash.

The story of a control group goes back to the Canadian Top Secret document on flying saucers where the Canadians were questioning American officials through the Canadian military liaison attached to the Canadian Embassy in Washington. The report that was filed on what was told to them through classified channels indicated that there was a control group. The document stated that American officials had stated that flying saucer existed, it was the most highly classified subject in the United States and that a small group headed up by President Roosevelts’s science advisor, Vannevar Bush, was heading up a “small group” looking at the modus operandi of the flying saucers.

Days after Moore released the book he was contacted by US intelligence which started to feed him information by both USAF master sergeant Richard Doty and a second person attached to the CIA that Bill Moore gave the code name Falcon. Later 10 more intelligence sources would come forward to provide information to Moore. It is believed that some of these may actually have been ex-CIA directors. (Gates and Helms)

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