

UFOs Enter the 2016 Election Campaign

Hillary Clinton Talks

Hillary Clinton has now been asked a number of questions about UFOs by a newspaper in Conway New Hampshire. Apparently they talked to her in 2007 about the subject but it never became public.

Hillary seemed aware of the fact that the most most requested FOIA request into the Clinton Library was UFOs. Those were the ones I filed in 2006. She is therefore aware of what is going on. What has yet to be revealed is that 1,000 pages of key UFO documents are missing from the Clinton library which will be discussed in a future article.

Hillary stated that she and John Podesta, a key advisor to her campaign, and former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, would investigate UFOs and the goings on at Area 51. Podesta is the former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton and a big supporter of UFO disclosure.

There are a couple of Hillary Clinton articles in my latest book “Alien Bedtime Stories.”


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