

Update Number FIVE

Update number 5 – 2nd March 2014

Dean Clifford is still out at Brandon Correctional Centre for over 3 months now. It has been tough to get on the phone there, and he can only contact his brother, but no one else. There is a lot of chatter out there on internet at the moment with people saying this doesn’t work, shills posting negative videos, basically making fun of the whole law movement that is growing.

So Dean decided to address this. Basically he has made it pretty clear in the past, when they do try one of these hard take downs on the law movement, we can expect at least one of us to go to jail for a little while because they are going to try and make examples of people. They are going to try and do whatever they can and Dean was the big target to take down so he kind of expected this and to be going away for a little while anyway and wasn’t a big deal for him.

But the interesting thing is, the tactic that they have relied on to keep him in there to date has been to deny him all access to a notary or a commissioner of oath. He has had requests filed into the courts since the middle of December to have access to a commissioner of oath or a notary and those requests from many parties have been ignored. These violations by the judiciary have been put on the record via registered mail and certified affidavits.

This has been a good learning exercise to find out all the tricks, delay tactics and denials of service so that when the average Joe finds themselves in this situation, we know what to do about it in future without having a huge team to back one up.

The process Dean is executing is something the average every day person can do unassisted and without a whole group of people barraging the courts with filings or depending on many people to do all the leg work for them. Dean of course has had assistance with specific filings with the aid of a few people, which in turn has actually been simpler to manage and organize.

Because Dean has been unable to get much certified by a notary or commissioner of oath due to being completely denied access to one, he has had difficulty having his filings or motions, etc, heard in court. At the last hearing in Queens Bench, the judge didn’t dismiss anything, didn’t grant anything but basically just started berating Dean for not having a sworn affidavit knowing full well he has no access to a notary. In the end the judge just adjourned sin die with no future date set. But that is being taken care of now.

So their biggest tactic this whole time is to not afford Dean judicial fairness and try and implore the impossible from him. In terms of conducting a hearing Viva Voce they don’t care and just resort to ignoring, talking over and behaving like you’re not even there.

It is no wonder the transcripts have been highly manipulated, omitted and not a true account of what has gone on in the court room. Even in most of the hearings, they have made it look Dean was present in which they just brought him in towards the end.

They have done their best to literally ignore him, which isn’t really a tactic. Over 96 days as of tomorrow, there is one simple thing they have not been able to answer yet in which they have done everything they can to try and avoid answering this, and that is one simple question, 5 words long, “What’s the cause of action?”.

They will not answer that because there is no cause of action at all and they know this. The cause of action does not mean the statutory charges.
What a cause of action is, and a good analogy is, for example, every time

one makes a latte in your own home with your own machine in your kitchen and it is almost certain that it is violating Starbucks policy on how to make a latte in according to their own corporate policies, sort of like the CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA ACT etc., substitute in CANADA with other corporate nations.

So the Starbucks policy enforcers raid his home and charge him for violating codes in corporate policy on how to make a latte. The problem is, you’re an independent coffee shop. You’re making a coffee for yourself, at home, or if you did own a coffee shop, it’s not a Starbucks.

So if you own your own coffee shop, and the Starbucks police walk in and say, hey that isn’t in accordance with Starbucks policy and they charge you. Well that’s exactly what is going on.
In the law, a cause of action is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party. It’s all banking, slavery, theft and extortion that is going on here people.

If you look at the top of every one of these charges they have come after Dean for, it states the all Capital names CANADA. It’s that corporation in DC, is all routed through Washington and all that democracy bullshit which Dean has nothing to do with.




Only up until recently over the last few days Dean was successful been able to get his affidavits and filings certified by a notary.

There has indeed been some very strange things going on which we won’t disclose right this moment but will talk about soon. There was also a confirm court date on last Monday but this was pulled to have their one of the notarised filings heard but has now just gone. Dean has some suspicions on what has happened here also.

There are a lot of exciting things planned and in the works as well outside of this case in regards to the law movement.

There are also going to be a lot of changes as well to say the least. Everything is just going to get catapulted now in regards to everything to do with the process and how to attack this and what people can do to get out of the system and advance before people can start doing their own things so these pitfalls don’t happen is absolutely going to be perfected by the time Dean is out of this.

The last 3 months in Canada have been the coldest on record that Dean has been in jail eating jail food. So much for global warming and the 90 years of records aye. Beats working on construction job sites getting frostbite.

Out of this, processes will be perfected so people will be able to more efficiently avoid or defeat statutory charges from a foreign corporate democracy, statutory jurisdiction and all the corporate bullshit from now on. Therefore this is time well worth spent for him.

When he is out, he will be working on the law movement fulltime and more some. Even if he is in jail for another month, he doesn’t care and things are still getting done on the outside to be ready for launch.

It is interesting to see how pathetic how these attempts are to try and silence people, they really have nothing.

Like Dean said, their biggest tactic to date is to deny all access to a notary, which is an obstruction of justice he might add in which he has a complaint and may turn into a claim against the ombudsmen, which they aren’t doing anything about it either, they are obstructing Dean purposefully from getting access to a notary and therefore the judge can ignore everything his filing. So obscuration of justice is blatant and a direct violation and affront to his rights.

They have also been instructed to ignore everything you say in court and say “Oh, that’s nice, and continue on unabated”, of course things that were said are not recorded on the transcripts and even the audio records are denied and some BS legislation was passed years ago that deny the audio records of the hearings also.

All they want to do is convict you no matter what you say.

But despite this, they are still desperately trying to get joinder, they are having financing issues on all accounts as well which has been stated too which a side deal must have been made to cover court and jailing costs. Dean has still refused to accept application for bail as well.

It isn’t as if this stuff doesn’t work and things would be worse to accept their jurisdiction but they are doing their absolute utmost to violate every possible law they can without getting busted just so they can deprive people any possible remedy in the courts.

There has been all sorts of positive news as well which Dean didn’t have time to get into right now. The letters are still coming which are great and very much appreciated.
Counter to that, there has been all sorts of positive news as well which he will get into later, but many are getting their infringements and offenses dropped.

Mostly because they want to keep people believing in the system and maintain some sort of legitimacy but the reality of the situation is it is rotten through and through.
The letters are flooding in with has been amazing and the support and gratitude’s have been amazing.

So much support from many all around the world. Many new people whom he has never heard from before that have only known about this stuff for 2 weeks and watched the videos recently and sending him letters in Jail now. He has boxes full of mail he has received now that are in full support of this.

The response is overwhelming, people shouldn’t be scared right now in which it is in fact a big motivator right now to get on board.

There is no better time to push and assert our rights. They are absolutely losing control of this and are grasping at straws to maintain the status quo.
One letter Dean was sent, apparently there are a lot of successes with this stuff but they are just not sharing any of the information with everybody else because they have some sort of secret process.

People should not be afraid what so ever and it is time to learn and correct things that you have been deceived into. This time is such a big motivator.

If you want to write to Dean:
Brandon Correctional Centre
375 Veterans Way,
Canada R7C 0B1
Phone 204-725-3532
Fax: 204-727-3961

Next Hearing on March 7th

The post Update Number FIVE appeared first on Dean Clifford.

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